Marianne MacRae

Thesis title: A Rat- Shaped Tear and Beyond the Other: Animals in the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence, Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore


Marianne began her PhD in 2014 and is funded by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities. She is supervised by Dr Alan Gillis.


2012 - MSc Creative Writing (Distinction)

2008 BA (Hons) English Language with Creative Writing

Undergraduate teaching

English Literature 2

Research summary

  • Contemporary Poetry
  • American Poetry
  • Marianne Moore
  • Elizabeth Bishop
  • Animal Respresentation in Poetry
  • Animal Voice in Poetry
  • Sympathetic Imagination


Knowledge exchange

From 2016-2017, Marianne worked as the SGSAH blogger-in-residence, sharing research interests and PhD stories across social media.

In May 2017 Marianne will take up the role of artist-in-residence with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. This project will involve an artistic response to the life and work of Joseph Lister as well as public engagement and communication.

Current project grants

2014-present: SGSAH AHRC Studentship Award

Past project grants

2011-2012: William Hunter Sharpe Memorial Scholarship (University of Edinburgh)