Marian Peacock

Research Fellow (Qualitative)


Marian Peacock is a Research Fellow at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh and is a team-member in the Edinburgh Qualitative Health Research Group (EQual). Her background is in the sociology of public health with a particular interest in how inequalities get inside the body. As a qualitative researcher, her main area of expertise is in narrative approaches and what these can bring to subject areas that may be troubling, contested or shaming. Her previous research has been in end of life care with marginalised populations such as prisoners and substance users, food practices and, most recently, functional seizures ans the place of trauma and life events.


  • PhD, Public Health, University of Sheffield.
  • MA by Research, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Peacock, M., Bissell P., Ellis. J., Reuber M., Wardrope, A., Grünewald, R., Dickson J. 2023. “‘I just need to know what they are and if you can help me’: medicalisation and the search for legitimacy in people diagnosed with Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder (NEAD).” Epilepsy and Behavior,

Vicario, S., Buykx, P., Peacock, M., Hardie, I., De Freitas, L., Bissell, P., & Meier, P.S. “Women’s alcohol consumption in the early parenting period and influences of socio-demographic and domestic circumstances: a scoping review and narrative synthesis.” Drug and Alcohol Review, E-pub ahead of print, March 2023.

Peacock, M., Dickson, J., Bissell, P., Grunewald, R. and Reuber, M. (2022) Beyond the medical encounter: can the free association narrative interview method extend psychosocial understandings of non-epileptic attack disorder? Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 15(1): 36–51,

Templeton, L., Galvani, S., Peacock, M, 2022. “When “good enough” isn’t good enough: Interdisciplinary perspectives on caring for adults using substances at the end of life”. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Volume 20, pp 1311- 1324.

Vicario, S., Peacock, M., Buykx, P., Meier, P., Bissell, 2021. “Women’s informal surveillance of alcohol consumption in intimate heterosexual relationships during the early parenting period”, Social Science and Medicine, 291, 114499. (doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114499).

Book Chapters

Peacock, M., Turner, M.  2023, “Unequal in life and death: Substance use, disadvantage and end-of-life care in prison”.  In Witham, G, Galvani, S., Wright, S and Yarwood, G (eds) “Substance use, end of life care and multiple deprivation: practice and research”. Routledge, Oxon.

Turner, M., & Peacock, M.  2016, Palliative care for Prisoners. In Ingleton C & Larkin P. (eds) Palliative Care Nursing at a Glance; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester


Peacock, M., Bissell, P. 2011. NIHR-CLAHRC for South Yorkshire, Reducing Health Inequalities Implementation Theme.  Briefing Paper 3: The social determinants of health inequalities: implications for research and practice