María Jesús Ithurria
Thesis title: The seller's liability for defective goods

Contact details
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PhD supervisors:
María joined the Edinburgh Law School as a PhD student in September 2018. Her dissertation focuses on a comparative assessment of the seller's liability for defective goods, including a historical approach. Her studies are supported by Becas Chile Scholarships.
María obtained her Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (summa cum laude) and is admitted to legal practice in Chile since 2019.
Responsibilities & affiliations
María is the student representative onto the Board for the Centre for Legal History at the University of Edinburgh.
María is the Convenor of the Henry Goudy Seminar.
María is the founder and president of the 'Red Chilena de Derecho Comparado' (Chilean Network of Comparative Law).
Undergraduate teaching
María was active in undergraduate teaching at the School of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She served as a tutor for Roman Law (for seven years, 2011 - 2018) and for Consumer Law (for four years, 2014 - 2018).
Research summary
María's research interests are:
Contract law, Comparative law, Legal History, Arbitration and ADR.
Affiliated research centres
Conference details
María presented part of her research at the Ius Commune Conference (26 and 27 November 2020). This conference was held online due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Invited speaker
María has been invited speaker in the following activities:
- Primer Seminario Austral de Derecho Comparado (October 2021).
- Seminario de Derecho Comparado UC (August 2021).