Professor Manuel Fernández-Götz (PhD, MPhil, MA, MAE, FSA, FSA Scot, FYAE, FHEA, MGYA, MYAS, MCIfA)
Abercromby Professor of Archaeology
Contact details
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Room 1M.21, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place
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I studied at the universities of Seville, Madrid, and Kiel, completing a binational PhD on the transformation of Iron Age societies in northeast Gaul. After finishing my doctorate, I coordinated the Heuneburg project at the State Office for Cultural Heritage Baden-Württemberg (2011-13).
I have worked at the University of Edinburgh since 2013, first as Chancellor's Fellow/Lecturer and then as Reader in European Archaeology. Between 2019 and 2022 I was Head of the Archaeology Department. In 2022 I was promoted to a Personal Chair and shortly afterwards appointed Abercromby Professor of Archaeology, an established chair first held by V. Gordon Childe.
My main areas of interest are Iron Age and Roman societies in Europe, the archaeology of identities, early urbanism, and conflict archaeology. I have authored over 230 publications, and directed fieldwork projects in Germany, Spain, the UK, and Croatia. In recognition of this research, I was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize (2016) and the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Thomas Reid Medal (2021). I have also held visiting scholar positions at Cambridge, Oxford, London, Brown, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Berlin, and taught as visiting staff at Beijing and Munich. I am currently PI of the Leverhulme Trust-funded project “Beyond Walls: Reassessing Iron Age and Roman Encounters in Northern Britain”.
I am happy to supervise new PhD and Master students in any areas broadly related to my specialties.
External appointments
Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE).
- Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute.
- Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (FYAE).
- Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (FSA).
- Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (FSA Scot).
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
- Member of the Young Academy of Scotland (MYAS).
- Member of the Global Young Academy (MGYA)
- Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA).
- External Examiner (PG), University of York.
- Co-editor of the CUP monograph series "Elements: The Archaeology of Europe".
Undergraduate teaching
Theoretical Archaeology (Course Organiser)
On the Move: Human Migrations from the Beginnings to the 21st Century (Course Organiser)
Here Comes the War: Conflict Archaeology and the Human Past (Course Organiser)
The Archaeology of Iron Age Europe: Hillforts, Burials and Landscapes (Course Organiser)
The Iron Age of Western Temperate Europe (Course Organiser)
Gallia from the Third Century BC to the Reign of Augustus (Course Organiser)
Archaeological Fieldwork: The Practice of Archaeology (Course Organiser),
Archaeology Dissertation (Course Organiser)
- Archaeology 1A (Contributor)
- Archaeology 1B (Contributor)
- Scottish Studies 1B: Creating Scotland (Contributor)
- Archaeology 2A: Scotland before History (Contributor)
- Archaeology 2B: Archaeology in Action (Contributor)
- The Human Skeleton in Archaeology and Forensic Science (Contributor)
- Mediterranean Archaeology in the Field (Contributor)
- Etruscan Italy, 1000-300 BC (Contributor)
Postgraduate teaching
- Theoretical Archaeology (Course Organiser)
- The Archaeology of Migrations: Revisiting Human Mobility (Course Organiser)
- Archaeology of 'Celtic' Europe: Communities and Interactions (Course Organiser)
- The Iron Age of Western Temperate Europe (Course Organiser)
- Gallia from the third century BC to the reign of Augustus (Course Organiser)
- Frontiers in Archaeology (Contributor)
- Space, Place and Time: The archaeology of built environments (Contributor)
- Conflict archaeology: Materialities of violence (Contributor)
- Research Skills for Archaeology and Classics (Contributor)
- Research Sources and Strategies in Archaeology (Contributor)
- The Origins of Agriculture: Reconsidering the Neolithic (Contributor)
Current PhD students supervised
Name - Degree - Thesis topic - Supervision type
McIntyre, Jill - PhD - Iron Age Woollen Textile Production in Northern Britain: Identifying Socio-Economic Responses to Contact with the Roman State - Primary
Zhang, Wenqing - PhD - Metal Depositions in Iron Age Settlements - Primary
Hirn, Chelsea - PhD - Early Royal Sites of Scotland and Ireland as Ideational Landscapes in the Longue Durée - Primary
Dunwell, Andrew - PhD - The Souterrains of Scotland - Joint
Nutt, Jessica - PhD - An Interdisciplinary Investigation into the Viking’s Presence in Early Medieval Wales using Evidence of Conflict - Joint
Lilley, Kirsty - PhD - Carving out Communities: Funerary Architecture as Expressions of Identity in pre-Nuragic Sardinia - Secondary
Ferjan, Ines - PhD - The Roman Stone Trade in the Inland Balkans: Quarrying, Carving and Transport - Secondary
Bachmann, Dominic - PhD - Die Oberburg der Heuneburg im Lichte neuer und alter Befunde und Interpretationskonzepte (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) - Secondary
Golec-Mírová, Zuzana - PhD - Centralization and Decentralization Processes of the 14th‒4th Centuries BC in Moravia (Charles University Prague) - Secondary
Past PhD students supervised
Name - Degree - Thesis topic - Supervision type - Completion year
Cáceres Puerto, Carlos - PhD - A Provincial Capital in its Territorial Context: Reassessing the Environs and Funerary Evidence of Augusta Emerita (1st Century BC - 3rd Century AD) - Primary - 2023
Núñez-García, Alicia - PhD - Connecting Worlds: Early Phoenician Presence Across Atlantic Iberia (8th-6th centuries BC) - Primary - 2022
Díaz De Liaño, Guillermo - PhD - Inferring Personhood through Funerary Evidence in Late Prehistoric Southeastern Iberia (3200-1500 BC) - Primary - 2022
Faulkner-Jones, Rachel - PhD - Hate or Glory: A Categorical and Experimental Consideration of Bronze Age Halberds in Scotland in Relation to Middle Bronze Age Weaponry - Joint - 2021
Martínez-Velasco, Antxoka - PhD - El final de la Protohistoria en el Cantábrico oriental. Etnicidad, territorio y conquista militar romana: estudio arqueológico (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) - Joint - 2018
Mamwell, Caroline - PhD - Settlement and Society in Bronze Age Orkney - Secondary - 2017
Research summary
- Europe
- Mediterranean
- Ancient Civilisations
- Imperialism
- Landscapes & Monuments
- Material Culture
- Politics
- Religion
- Prehistory
- Early Historic
- Antiquity
Research interests
My main areas of interest are Iron Age societies in Europe, the archaeology of identities, and conflict archaeology. I am also interested in the history of archaeology, colonial encounters in the ancient Mediterranean, and the different pathways for integration into the Roman world.
Current research interests
• The archaeology of identities. • Early urbanism in Europe and beyond. • Colonial encounters in the ancient world. • Sanctuaries and assemblies in Iron Age Europe. • Ancient imperialism and the archaeology of mass violence. • Settlement and society in the Roman provinces.Project activity
• Beyond Walls: Reassessing Iron Age and Roman Encounters in Northern Britain (PI, in collaboration with D. Hamilton and D. Cowley). Funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
• Sustainable Cities? Assessing Risk and Resilience of Low-Density Urbanism in the Face of Climate Change (PI, with R. Fletcher). University of Sydney – University of Edinburgh Partnership Collaboration Awards.
• The Heuneburg Site and its Archaeological Environment (research collaborator; PI D. Krausse). Funded by the German Research Foundation.
• Book project "A Tale of Tribes: Archaeology and the Search for Ethnicity".
• Book project "The Archaeology of Iberia: From the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire" (Cambridge University Press, World Series).
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Nimura, C.; Stockhammer, P. and Cartwright, R. (eds.) (2023): Rethinking Migrations in Late Prehistoric Eurasia. Proceedings of the British Academy 254. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Thurston, T.L. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (eds.) (2021): Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York.
Zamboni, L.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Metzner-Nebelsick, C. (eds.) (2020): Crossing the Alps: Early Urbanism between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900-400 BC). Sidestone Press, Leiden.
Cowley, D.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Romankiewicz, T. and Wendling H. (eds.) (2019): Rural Settlement: Relating Buildings, Landscape, and People in the European Iron Age. Sidestone Press, Leiden.
Ray, C. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (eds.) (2019): Historical Ecologies, Heterarchies and Transtemporal Landscapes. Routledge, New York & Abingdon.
Romankiewicz, T.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Lock, G. and Buchsenschutz, O. (eds.) (2019): Enclosing Space, Opening New Ground: Iron Age Studies from Scotland to Mainland Europe. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Roymans, N. (eds.) (2018): Conflict Archaeology: Materialities of Collective Violence from Prehistory to Late Antiquity. EAA Monograph Series "Themes in Contemporary Archaeology" Volume 5. Routledge, New York.
Ballmer, A.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Mielke, D. (eds.) (2018): Understanding Ancient Fortifications: Between Regionality and Connectivity. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Krausse, D (eds.) (2016): Eurasia at the Dawn of History: Urbanization and Social Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Krausse, D.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Hansen, L. and Kretschmer, I. (2016): The Heuneburg and the Early Iron Age Princely Seats: First Towns North of the Alps. Archaeolingua, Budapest.
Krausse, D.; Hansen, L.; Kretschmer, I. and M. FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ (2015): Die Heuneburg. Keltischer Fürstensitz an der oberen Donau. Führer zu archäologischen Denkmälern in Baden-Württemberg 28. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Darmstadt.
Danielisova, B. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (eds.) (2015): Persistent Economic Ways of Living. Production, Distribution, and Consumption in Late Prehistory and Early History. Archaeolingua, Budapest.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Wendling, H. and Winger, K. (eds.) (2014): Paths to Complexity: Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): Identity and Power: The transformation of Iron Age societies in northeast Gaul. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 21. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): De la familia a la etnia: Protohistoria de la Galia Bélgica. Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana 41. Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid.
Ade, D.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Rademacher, L.; Stegmaier, G. and Willmy, A. (2012): Der Heidengraben – Ein keltisches Oppidum auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Führer zu archäologischen Denkmälern in Baden-Württemberg 27. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2009): A construcción arqueolóxica da etnicidade. Serie Keltia 42. Editorial Toxosoutos, Noia (A Coruña).
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2008): La construcción arqueológica de la etnicidad. Serie Keltia 42. Editorial Toxosoutos, Noia (A Coruña).
Almansa, J; Alonso, F.; Charro, C.; Colino, F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Gallego, N.; González, D.; Gutiérrez , F.; Javaloyas, D.; Lozano, S.; Martínez, J.M.; Moragón, L.; Pajares, G.; de la Peña Alonso, P.; Rodríguez, J. and Señorán, J.Mª (eds.) (2008): Actas de las I Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica: dialogando con la cultura material (JIA 2008). Ediciones CERSA, Madrid.
Articles and book chapters (selection)
De Groot, B.; Badreshany, K.; Torres-Martínez, J.F. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2023): Capturing Technological Crossovers Between Clay Crafts: An Archaeometric Perspective on the Emergence of Workshop Production in Late Iron Age Northern Spain. PLOS ONE 18(5): e0283343.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Cowley, D.; Hamilton, D.; Hardwick, I. and McDonald, S. (2022): Beyond Walls: Reassessing Iron Age and Roman Encounters in Northern Britain. Antiquity 96(388): 1021-1029.
Moore, T. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2022): Bringing the Country to Town: ‘Rurban’ Landscapes in Iron Age Europe. Journal of Urban Archaeology 5: 101-125.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2022): From Sanctuaries to Towns: The Role of Religion in Early Urbanization. In A. Gyucha and R. Salisbury (ed.), The Archaeology of Nucleation in the Old World: Spatiality, Community, and Identity. Archaeopress, Oxford: 32-42.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and García Quintela, M.V. (2022): Oppida and Public Spaces: Constructing Identities in Late Iron Age and Early Roman North-west Iberia. In T.D. Stek and A. Carneiro (eds.), The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia: 297-313.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Gardner, A.; Díaz de Liaño, G. and Harris, O.J.T. (2021): Posthumanism in Archaeology: An Introduction. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31(3): 455-459.
Díaz de Liaño, G. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2021): Posthumanism, New Humanism and Beyond. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31(3): 543-549.
Torres-Martínez, J.F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Domínguez-Solera, S.; Martínez-Velasco, A.; Vacas, D.; Serna-Gancedo, M.; Cabanillas de la Torre, G.; Galeano, M. and Fernandes, R. (2021): ‘Invisible Burials’ and Fragmentation Practices in Iron Age Europe: Excavations at the Monte Bernorio Necropolis (Northern Spain). Journal of Field Archaeology 46(6): 399-413.
Torres-Martínez, J.F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Hernández-Tórtoles, A. and Martínez-Velasco, A. (2021): Conflict on the Northern Front: Archaeological Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War at Monte Bernorio, Palencia, Spain. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 25: 192-206.
Krausse, D.; Ebinger, N.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Hansen, L.; Sueur, Q. and Tarpini, R. (2021): La Heuneburg Réévaluée: Nouvelles Fouilles et Découvertes (2000-2020). In P. Brun, B. Chaume and F. Sacchetti (eds.), Vix et le phénomène princier. Colloque de Châtillon sur Seine, 2016. Ausonius Éditions, Pessac: 133-149.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Maschek, D. and Roymans, N. (2020): The Dark Side of the Empire: Roman Expansionism between Object Agency and Predatory Regime. Antiquity 94(378): 1630-1639.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2020): The Fortifications of the Heuneburg Lower Town: A Summary and Evaluation of the 2000-2008 Excavations. In D. Delfino, F. Coimbra, G. Cruz and D. Cardoso (eds.), Late Prehistoric Fortifications in Europe: Defensive, Symbolic and Territorial Aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age. Archaeopress, Oxford: 123-134.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Arnold, B. (2019): Internal Conflict in Iron Age Europe: Methodological Challenges and Possible Scenarios. World Archaeology 51(5): 654-672.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): Coming Together in the Iron Age: Population Aggregation and Urban Dynamics in Temperate Europe. In A. Gyucha (ed.), Coming Together: Comparative Approaches to Population Aggregation and Early Urbanization. State University of New York Press, Albany: 81-104.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): A World of 200 Oppida: Pre-Roman Urbanism in Temperate Europe. In L. de Ligt and J. Bintliff (eds.), Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE – 250 CE. Brill, Leiden: 35-66.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): Migrations in Iron Age Europe: A Comparative View. In P. Halkon (ed.), The Arras Culture of Eastern Yorkshire – Celebrating the Iron Age. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia: 179-199.
Krausse, D.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Gutekunst, A. and Hansen, L. (2019): Size Matters – A Re-evaluation of the Heuneburg Demography. Germania 97: 179-189.
Roymans, N. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): Reconsidering the Roman Conquest: New Archaeological Perspectives. Journal of Roman Archaeology 32: 415-420.
Pujol, A.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Sala, R.; Padrós, C.; Ble, E.; Tamba, R. and Rubio-Campillo, X. (2019): Archaeology of the Roman Civil Wars: The Destruction of Puig Ciutat (Catalonia, Spain) and Caesar’s Campaign in Ilerda (49 BC). In A. P. Fitzpatrick and C. Haselgrove (eds.), Julius Caesar’s Battle for Gaul: New Archaeological Perspectives. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia: 227-240.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): Héros fondateurs et identités collectives à l’âge du Fer. In R. Golosetti (ed.), Mémoires de l'âge Fer. Effacer ou réécrire le passé. Hermann Editeurs, Paris: 87-100.
Halkon, P.; Lyall, J.; Deverell, J.; Hunt, T. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2019): Arras 200: Revisiting Britain’s most Famous Iron Age Cemetery. Antiquity 93(368),e11: 1-7.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2018): Urbanization in Iron Age Europe: Trajectories, Patterns and Social Dynamics. Journal of Archaeological Research 26: 117-162.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2018): From Iron Age Oppida to Roman Cities: The Transformation of Cultural Landscapes in Europe (2nd century BC-1st century AD). In L. Fontes, G. Cruz and M. Alves (eds.), Cultural Interactions and Changing Landscapes in Europe (2nd century BC / 2nd century AD). Universidade do Minho, Braga: 21-38.
Roymans, N. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2018): Konfliktarchäologie: Eine theoretisch-methodische Einführung. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien (MAGW) 148: 11-28.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Ralston, I. (2017): The Complexity and Fragility of Early Iron Age Urbanism in West-Central Temperate Europe. Journal of World Prehistory 30(3): 259-279.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2017): Discussing Iron Age Urbanism in Central Europe: Some Thoughts. In S. Stoddart (ed.), Delicate Urbanism in Context: Settlement Nucleation in pre-Roman Germany. McDonald Institute Monographs, Cambridge: 105-110.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2017): Contested Power: Iron Age Societies against the State? In S. Hansen and J. Müller (eds.), Rebellion and Inequality in Archaeology. Habelt, Bonn: 271-287.
Arnold, B. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2017): The grave’s a not-so-private place: Elite multiple burials in Early Iron Age West-Central Europe. Germania 95: 181-198.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2017): Late Iron Age Burials in the Middle Rhine-Moselle Region: Aristocratic Graves and Local Communities. Istros XXIII: 89-145.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Arnold, B. (2017): Elites before the Fürstensitze: Hallstatt C Sumptuous Graves between Main and Danube. In R. Schumann and S. van der Vaart-Verschoof (eds.), Connecting Elites and Regions. Perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe. Sidestone Press, Leiden: 183-199.
Prieto Martínez, M. P.; Alvarez González, Y.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; García Quintela, M. V.; González García, C. and López González, L. (2017): The contribution of Bayesian analysis to the chronology of Iron Age north-western Iberia: New data from San Cibrán de Las (Galicia, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 16: 397-408.
Brown, C. J., Torres-Martínez, J. F., FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Martínez-Velasco, A (2017): Fought under the walls of Bergida: KOCOA analysis of the Roman attack on the Cantabrian oppidum of Monte Bernorio (Spain). Journal of Conflict Archaeology 12(2): 115-138.
Torres-Martínez, J. F. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2017): Rome’s Forgotten Battle. How Emperor Augustus Destroyed the Oppidum of the Cantabri at Monte Bernorio. Current World Archaeology 85: 24-28.
Torres-Martínez, J. F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Martínez-Velasco, A.; Vacas, D. and Rodríguez-Millán, E. (2016): From the Bronze Age to the Roman conquest: The oppidum of Monte Bernorio (Northern Spain). Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 82: 363-382.
Torres-Martínez, J. F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Teichner, F.; Martínez-Velasco, A.; Luis Mariño, S. and Vacas, D. (2016): El oppidum de Monte Bernorio (Palencia). Resultados de las campañas arqueológicas de 2004-2014. Madrider Mitteilungen 57: 245-271.
Torres-Martínez, J. F.; Teichner, F.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Vallés Iriso, J. (2016): Resultados de las prospecciones geomagnéticas desarrolladas en el oppidum de Monte Bernorio (Pomar de Valdivia, Palen-cia). Trabajos de Prehistoria 76(2): 365-376.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Krausse, D. (2016): Early Centralisation Processes North of the Alps: Fortifications as Symbols of Power and Community Identity. In P. Fontaine and S. Helas (eds.), Le fortificazioni arcaiche del Latium vetus e dell' Etruria meridionale (IX-VI sec. a.C.) Stratigrafia, cronologia e urbanizzazione. Institut Historique Belge de Rome, Brussels/Rome: 267-286.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2016): Questions d’identité à l’âge du Fer: réflexions historiques et regards anthropologiques. In D. Vitali and C. Goudineau (eds.), Il mondo celtico prima e dopo la conquista romana / Le monde celtique avant et après la conquête romaine. Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Paul Guillaumet. Museo Archeologico Luigi Fantini, Bologna/Dijon: 19-30.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2016): The power of the past: Ancestral cult and collective memory in the Central European Iron Age. In V. Sîrbu, M. Jevtić, K. Dmitrović and M. Ljuština (eds.), Funerary Practices during the Bronze and the Iron Ages in Central and Southeast Europe. University of Belgrade/National Museum Čačak, Belgrade/Čačak: 165-178.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2016): ‘Celts: art and identity’ exhibition: ‘New Celticism’ at the British Museum. Antiquity 90(349): 237-244.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2016): Revisiting migrations in Archaeology: The Aisne-Marne and the Hunsrück-Eifel Cultures. In G. Erskine, P. Jacobsson, P. Miller and S. Stetkiewicz (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Iron Age Research Student Symposium, Edinburgh 2014. Archaeopress, Oxford: 1-11.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Roymans, N. (2015): The Politics of Identity: Late Iron Age Sanctuaries in the Rhineland. Journal of the North Atlantic 8: 18-32.
Roymans, N. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2015): Caesar in Gaul: New Perspectives on the Archaeology of Mass Violence. In T. Brindle, M. Allen, E. Durham and A. Smith (eds.), TRAC 2014: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 70-80.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2015): Urban experiences in Early Iron Age Europe: Central Places and Social Complexity. Contributions in New World Archaeology 9: 11-32.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2015): Le Danube et la Heuneburg: histoire d’une rivière. In F. Olmer and R. Réjane (eds.), Les Gaulois au fil de l’eau. Actes du 37e colloque international de l’AFEAF (Montpellier, 8-11 mai 2013). Vol. 1, Communications. Ausonius Mémoires 39, Bordeaux: 259-271.
Reher, G.-S. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2015): Archaeological Narratives in Ethnicity Studies. Archeologické Rozhledy LXVII: 400-416.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): Reassessing the Oppida: The Role of Power and Religion. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33(4): 379-394.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): Sanctuaries and ancestor worship at the origin of the oppida. In V. Sirbu and S. Matei (eds.), Residential Centres (dava, emporium, oppidum, hilfort, polis) and Cult Places in the Second Iron Age of Europe. Mousaios 19, Muzeul Judetean Buzău, Buzău: 111-132.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): Villages and Cities in Early Europe. Antiquity 88(339): 304-307.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2014): Central places and the construction of collective identities in the Middle Rhine-Moselle region. In C. Popa and S. Stoddart (eds.), Fingerprinting the Iron Age. Approaches to Identity in the European Iron Age. Oxbow Books, Oxford: 175-186.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Krausse, D. (2013): Rethinking Early Iron Age Urbanisation in Central Europe: The Heuneburg Site and its Archaeological Environment. Antiquity 87(336): 473-487.
Krausse, D.; FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M.; Steffen, C., Wahl, J. and Otte-Scheschkewitz, P. (2013): Vom Burgberg zur Donau: Neue Untersuchungen zur Heuneburg (2008-2012). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 43(2): 195-213.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2013): Politik, Religion und Jahrmärkte: Zur Rolle der Volksversammlungen im eisenzeitlichen und frühmittelalterlichen Europa. In R. Karl and J. Leskovar (eds.), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten 5. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich 37. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz: 71-82.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2013): Ethnicité, politique et échelles d’intégration: réflexions sur les « pagi » gaulois avant la Conquête. Études Celtiques 39: 7-29.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2013): Una nueva mirada sobre los oppida de la Europa Templada. Complutum 24(1): 131-150.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2013): Revisiting Iron Age Ethnicity. European Journal of Archaeology 16(1): 116-136.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2012): Die Rolle der Heiligtümer bei der Konstruktion kollektiver Identitäten: das Beispiel der treverischen Oppida. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 42(4): 509-524.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2012): Identität und Macht: das Mittlerhein- und Moselgebiet von der frühen Eisenzeit bis zur Romanisierung (600 v. Chr. – 70 n. Chr.). Archäologische Informationen 35: 343-350.
FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. and Krausse, D. (2012): Heuneburg. First city north of the Alps. Current World Archaeology 55: 28-34.
Krausse, D. and FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2012): Die Heuneburg. Neue Forschungen zur Entwicklung einer späthallstattzeitlichen Stadt. In: Die Welt der Kelten. Zentren der Macht – Kostbarkeiten der Kunst. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern: 116-123.
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FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, M. (2007): ¿«Celtas» en Andalucía? Mirada historiográfica sobre una problemática (casi) olvidada. Spal. Revista de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla 16: 173-185.