John Luke King-Salter

Thesis title: Dostoevsky's Storm and Stress: Notes from Underground and the Psychological Foundations of Utopia


2012 - BA Philosophy and Anthropology, Australian National University

2014 - MA Philosophy, University of Reading

2020 - PhD Comparative Literature, University of Edinburgh


  • 04/12/2015 - "The Return to Nature in Anna Karenina" at Tolstoy in Different Contexts, University of Edinburgh.
  • 07/06/2016 - "Raskolnikov and Rousseau: Social-philosophical Implications of Crime and Punishment" at XVI Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society, University of Granada.
  • 30/03/2017 - "Caprice in Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground" at Nineteenth Century Research Seminar, University of Edinburgh.
  • 20/10/2017 - "Was Dostoevsky Opposed to Revolution?" at Revolutionary Dostoevsky: Rethinking Radicalism, University College London.
  • 26/01/2018 - "Solitude or Socialism: Rousseau and Dostoevsky on the Problem of Political Atomization" at Political Solitude, University of Florence.
  • 08/08/2018 - "Coleridge on Goethe's Faust" at Biennial Coleridge Conference, University of Cambridge.
  • 17/07/2019 - "Idyllic Dissociation in The Idiot and Anna Karenina" at XVII Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society, Boston University.