Lucia Dahlby

Research Fellow


I am a Research Fellow on the ADVANCE-D trial at the University of Edinburgh in the School of Health in Social Sciences. 

I completed my Bachelor of Arts from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and my Masters of Science by Research at the University of Edinburgh in Clinical Psychology. I have worked in the field of substance use research for several years, both in Canada and the UK on various funded projects. I am currently a research fellow on an NIHR-funded multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of the ADVANCE-D perpetrator intervention for men on probation convicted of IPV who misuse substances [NIHR154546]. 


MScR Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh 

BA Psychology, University of British Columbia



Research summary

I am interested in substance use, intimate partner abuse (perpetration and victimisation), intervention development, and social network analysis. 

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

I am currently a research fellow on ADVANCE-D, an NIHR-funded cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT), of a perpetrator intervention programme to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) among men convicted of IPV who misuse substances [NIHR154546].