Luca Mazzocchi

MHRA Research Associate & Tutor in Italian

  • Italian
  • Department of European Languages and Cultures
  • School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

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Luca holds a PhD in Italian from the University of Oxford. His thesis -- titled '"Un abisso di bellezza e di scandolo": A study of Carlo Emilio Gadda's "L'Adalgisa"' -- provides the first monographic study of Gadda's collection of short stories on Milan titled 'L'Adalgisa. Disegni milanesi', published by Le Monnier in Florence in 1944.

Luca's specialty lies in twentieth-century Italian literature, with a close focus on the work of Gadda and on his production of the 1930s-1940s. On Gadda and on 'L'Adalgisa', Luca has published several articles, and is now editing a journal special issue for 'Strumenti critici' and an edited volume for the publisher Legenda. He currently is in Edinburgh as MHRA Research Associate working on Gadda within the framework of the Edinburgh Gadda Projects. He also teaches Italian as Tutor in Italian. 


PhD in Italian, University of Oxford -- 2023

Master of Studies in Italian, University of Oxford -- 2018

Diploma di licenza biennale, IUSS Scuola Universitaria Superiore di Pavia -- 2018

Laurea magistrale in Filologia moderna (LM-14), Universita' di Pavia -- 2017

Diploma di licenza triennale, IUSS Scuola Universitaria Superiore di Pavia -- 2016

Laurea in Lettere (L-10), curriculum Lettere classiche, Universita' di Pavia -- 2015

Responsibilities & affiliations

MHRA Research Associate & Tutor in Italian

Research summary

  • The work of Carlo Emilio Gadda (1993-1973), with special attention to the 'Milanese' side of his production: short stories, novels, unpublished materials from the 1930s; 'Un fulmine sul 220'; and 'L'Adalgisa'.
  • Authorial philology, genetic criticism and criticism of the variants, especially in the field of twentieth-century Italian literature.
  • Narrating in the Italian twentieth century: Italo Calvino, Natalia Ginzburg, Elsa Morante, and Primo Levi.

Edited volumes/Journal special issues

Gadda Transmissions: Carlo Emilio Gadda across Boundaries, Languages, and Systems, ed. by Luca Mazzocchi and Serena Vandi (Oxford: Legenda). Forthcoming in 2024.

Cinquant'anni dalla morte: Carlo Emilio Gadda (1973-2023). Gadda Transmissions, ed. by Luca Mazzocchi and Serena Vandi, special issue of 'Strumenti critici', XXXVIII, 163, 3, September-December 2023. Currently being printed.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals (Fascia A)

Sulle note dell''Adalgisa'. Tra autocommento, memoria e realta' extratestuale, in Cinquant'anni dalla morte: Carlo Emilio Gadda (1973-2023), ed. by Luca Mazzocchi and Serena Vandi, 'Strumenti critici', XXXVIII, 163, 3, September-December 2023, pp. 571-592. Currently being printed.

Per 'Quattro figlie ebbe e ciascuna regina' dell''Adalgisa'. Genesi e primo abbozzo inedito, 'Strumenti critici', XXXIV, 149, 1, January-April 2019, pp. 107-126.


Book chapters

'Quasicche' a propria volta l'autore si tuffi'. Voce narrante e satira nell''Adalgisa', in Carlo Emilio Gadda. Un seminario, ed. by Valentino Baldi and Cristina Savettieri (Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2022), pp. 135-158.


Conference papers (printed in conference proceedings)

'Occhi al cielo'. Note sulla luna nel secondo Calvino, in Letteratura e scienze, Atti delle sessioni parallele del XXIII Congresso dell'Associazione degli Italianisti, Pisa, 12-14 Settembre 2019, ed. by Alberto Casadei, Francesca Fedi, Annalisa Nacinovich and Andrea Torre (Rome, Adi editore: 2021). 



Methods, in Paola Italia, Giulia Raboni et al., What Is Authorial Philology?, English translation by Francesco Feriozzi, Katherine Kirby, Luca Mazzocchi and Carolina Rossi (Cambridge, OPB, 2021), pp. 29-69.


Glossary entries

Azimutale, Celeuma, Centauro-Saetta, Mauriziato and Scarligare, in Gaddabolario, ed. by Paola Italia (Rome, Carocci: 2022), pp. 26-27, 44-45, 45-46, 100-101 and 133.



Bibliografia gaddiana 2014-2022, ed. by Milena Giuffrida, Luca Mazzocchi, Edoardo Panei and Carolina Rossi, in 'Il Gaddus', 1, 2023, pp. 215-250. Currently being printed.



Review of Gadda: interpreti a confronto, ed. by Federica G. Pedriali (2020), in 'Modern Language Review', 118, 1, January 2023, pp. 145-146.


Publications in cultural magazines 

Carlo Emilio Gadda, Fifty Years After His Death, in 'Electra', 21, Summer 2023, pp. 156-165. Also available in Portuguese as Carlo Emilio Gadda: no cinquantenario da sua morte, in the Portuguese edition of Electra 21, pp. 156-165.