Liz Bondi

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2529
- Email:
- Street
1M5, Doorway 6, Medical Quad, Teviot Place
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
Liz Bondi began her academic career in human geography and in 2001 was awarded a Personal Chair in Social Geography. She trained as a counsellor in the mid/late 1990s and then began to conduct research about counselling collaboratively with colleagues in the then Centre for Counselling Studies at Moray House School of Education.
In 2004 Counselling Studies (now Counselling and Psychotherapy) moved to the School of Health in Social Science with Liz as Co-Director. She stood down from the Co-Directorship when she became Head of School in January 2008. She completed her term of office as Head of School in July 2011.
Liz is a psychodynamic counsellor and supervisor who trained within the dialogue between the person-centred approach and psychodynamic perspectives, and who is accredited by COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland).
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Research summary
Liz’s research interests include emotional geographies; psychoanalytic geographies; socio-spatial perspectives on counselling and psychotherapy; voluntary sector activism; gendered identities and subjectivities and qualitative methodologies.
Research activity
Founding Editor of Gender, Place and Culture
Founding Editor of Emotion, Space and Society
Current research interests
Recent and current completed research projects, which Liz has led or contributed to include:
- Talking Therapy: Using Readers' Theatre to Dialogue about Counselling, Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care in Scotland's Changing Landscape of Faith (AHRC Follow-on grant)
- Therapy and Theology (AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society programme grant)
- Activism, Volunteering and Citizenship (ESRC Seminar Series)
- Learning to listen
- Placing Voluntary Activism
- Airdrie Youth Counselling Service Evaluation
- Crew Drug Counselling Service Evaluation
- Counselling and Society: A Case Study of Voluntary Sector Counselling in Scotland.