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Name Role Business unit(s)
Ms Kirsty Poll Hospital Technical Assistant
Hannah Pollak Laboratory Facilitator
Martha Pollard
Steven Pollard
Dr Kristina Pollock ECC Clinical Teacher
Roz Pollock Clinical Trial Statistician
Sofia Polychronidou
Karen Ponder Assistant Trial Manager
Dr Ricardo Pong-Wong Quantitative Genetic Tools Specialist
Sophie Ponter General Practice Veterinary Surgeon
Professor Chris Ponting Group Leader
Abby Pooley PhD Psychology
Dr Christopher Pooley Quantitative Geneticist
Mihoko Pooley Japanese Tutor
Dr Caroline Pope Doctoral Training and Industry Engagement Manager for the East of Scotland Doctoral Training Partnership
Lauren Pope
Ekaterina Popova Teaching Fellow
Carol Porteous PhD Student
Professor David Porteous
Jennifer Porteous Data Analyst