Dr Kuang-Hsu Chiang
Lecturer in Higher Education

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, IECS
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: 0131 6516383
- Email: kuang-hsu.chiang@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, SLH 1.04
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
Dr Kuang-Hsu Chiang is a lecturer in Higher Education at Moray House School of Education & Sport. She is currently developing the idea of Fluid Education through the concepts of fluidity and interculturality by taking a Hegelian dialectical approach to education and understanding. She is at present fascinated by discovering unconventional dimensions of educational reality such as its non-linearity, messiness and serendipity, and how they can be implied in pedagogy. Her previous works contributed to the areas of research training, disciplinary differences, knowledge production, University-Industry partnership, trust in Higher Education, Higher Education policies, and HE technocracy and administration. She is keen to engage with anyone who shares similar interests and welcomes in particular cross-disciplinary or cross-sectorial dialogues.
- PhD, Institute of Education, University of London
Office Hours Monday 1pm-3pm
Research Interests:
Fluidity and Understanding - Dialectical Approach to Education and Society
- Higher Education policies / Knowledge production / University-industry partnership
- Doctoral education / Research training
- Disciplinary differences
- European and international higher education systems
- Interculturality and knowledge
- Research on research / Meta-analysis of research / Nature of enquiry / Research in different fields
- Trust and Higher Education
- University and industry
- Research and Higher Education policies
- Technocracy and administration
- Research and teaching relationships
- Comparative education studies
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
Happy to supervise PhD students and work with Post-doc & visiting scholars nationally or internationally across a wide range of topics along the theme of, but not limited to, "Fluidity and Understanding - a Dialectical Approach to Education and Society". Interested in research with qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Some examples of relevant areas are listed below. Happy to have a chat with anyone who would like to conduct a piece of research or work with me.
Fluidity and Understanding - Dialectical Appraoch to Education and Society
- Higher Education policies / Knowledge production / University-industry partnership
- Doctoral education / Research training
- Disciplinary differences
- European and international higher education systems
- Interculturality and knowledge
- Research on research / Meta-analysis of research / Nature of enquiry / Research in different fields
- Trust and Higher Education
- University and industry
- Research and Higher Education policies
- Technocracy and administration
- Research and teaching relationships
- Comparative education studies
Research summary
List of Publications
- Articles Published as Sole Author
Main Author Publications in Leading Peer-reviewed International Journals -
Chiang, K-H., 2012a, “Research and Teaching Revisited: A Pre-Humboldtian or Post-Humboldtian Phenomenon? Cases of France and the UK”, European Journal of Education, 47 (1):139-152.
Chiang, K-H., 2011b, “A Typology of Research Training in University–Industry Collaboration”, Industry and Higher Education, 25 (2): 93-107.
Chiang, K-H., 2011a, “The Experience of Doctoral Studies in the UK and France: Differences in Epistemology, Research objects and Training”, European Journal of Education, 46 (2): 244-256.
Chiang, K-H., 2009a, “Deux cents ans après la réforme d’Humboldt : Bologne Où va l’enseignement supérieur européen?”, Education et Société, 24: 63-77.
Chiang, K-H., 2005a, “La réforme de l’entrée à l’université à Taïwan”, Revue Internationale D’Education, 38: 53-66.
Chiang, K-H., 2004a, “Relationship between Research and Teaching in Doctoral Education in UK Universities”, Higher Education Policy, 17: 71-88.
Chiang, K-H., 2003a, “Learning Experiences of Doctoral Students in UK Universities”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23 (1/2): 4-32.
- Joint Articles:
Holigan, C. and Chiang, K-H., 2011c, "Browne’s Capgas Delusion: The Destruction of the Public University", Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 9 (2): http://www.jceps.com/PDFs/09-2-14.pdf
- Important Notes, Reviews and Review Articles
Main Author Publications in Peer-reviewed International Conferences:
Chiang, K-H, 2012d, “Is higher education not to be trusted or is the government unable to trust? Analysis from a Simmelian perspective”, SRHE Annual conference 2012, Newport, UK, 12-14 December.
Chiang, K-H., 2012c, “Challenges to Knowledge Complexity: Intercultural Approach and Fluid Knowing”, 12th SIETAR-USA Conference (The Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research in the United States of America), Minneapolis, Minnesota, 17-20 October.
Chiang, K-H., 2011d, “Wisdom and Passion for Knowledge in Current Transformation of Higher Education” SRHE Annual Conference 2011, Newport, December 14-16.
Chiang, K-H, 2010b, “From RAE to REF – What does UK Higher Education Lose in this Research Evaluation Reform?”, CHER Annual Conference 2010, Oslo, June 10-12.
Chiang, K-H. 2010a, “Trust and Atmosphere in the Research Environment of UK Higher Education”, DPR Annual conference 2010, Greenwich, UK, 30th March-1st April.
Chiang, K-H. 2009d, “Research Training in University-Industry Collaboration: In the Case of Life Sciences”, SRHE Annual conference 2009, Newport, UK, December 8th -10th.
Chiang, K.-H. 2009c, “Perfect Public and Private Combination? University and Industry Partnership in Research Education”, CHER Annual Conference 2009, Porto, September 10-12.
Chiang, K-H. 2008c, "The Experience of Doctoral Studies in the UK and France", ISL Annual Conference 2008, Durham, September 1-3.http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsld/isl/isl2008/papers/session1/chiang.html
Chiang, K-H. 2008b, "Excellence in Research Equals Excellence in Teaching? In the Cases of France and UK", CHER Annual Conference 2008, Pavia, September 11-13.
Chiang, K-H., 2007a, “Research Training Experiences of Doctoral Students: Do we find similar disciplinary patterns in contrasting higher education systems?” in SRHE Annual conference 2007, Brighton, UK, December 11th -13th. http://www.srhe.ac.uk/conference2007/abstracts/SRHE2007_0053.doc
Chiang, K-H., 2006b, “Do the Disciplinary Variations Reflect in the Academic Experiences of Doctoral Students across Different Countries?” in the 2006 International Conference of RESUP (Réseau d’Etude sur l’Enseignement Supérieur / Higher Education Study Network), Bordeaux, France, June 8th-9th, p13-14.
Chiang, K-H., 2002b, “Relationship between Research and Teaching in Doctoral Education in UK Universities” in the Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, University of Glasgow, UK, December.
- Report for external bodies
Chiang, K-H., 2006a, “Relationship between Research and Teaching in Doctoral Education in French Universities: The cases of Economics & Management and Chemistry.” Report for the research project sponsored by Ministry of Research and the CNRS, Feb.
- Scientific Communications - Conferences and Seminars
Chiang, K-H., 2012e, “London Met – Revealing the Government’s Medea Complex?”, University World News, Issue 240, 26 Sep: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20120918171942270
Chiang, K-H., 2011e, “Decline of Trust – Reflective Analysis of Government’s Attitude towards Higher Education”, Nordic Summer University winter session, Oslo, March 17-18.
Chiang, K-H., 2011f, “From RAE to REF: Trust and Atmosphere in UK Higher Education”, KPAX seminar, University of Edinburgh, Jan 25.
Chiang, K-H., 2009e, “Blue-Skies Research Goes Underground? Time to Ask Some Serious Questions”, submitted to Royal Society (London) “Fruits of Curiosity”, October
Chiang, K-H., 2005c, “Quelle relation entre la formation doctorale et le travail de recherché des enseignants?” (What is the relationship between doctoral training and the research performance of their supervisors?), IREDU seminar, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, May.
Chiang, K-H., 2004e, “Industry and Research Training of Future Scientists” in the ESRM2004 Conference by Marie Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA) – Early Stage Researcher Mobility in Europe: Meeting the Challenges and Promoting Best Practices, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 25th-27th.
Chiang, K-H., 2003d, “Research Training Experiences of Students in Education and Chemistry and the Effects of Departmental Research Performance” in the Higher Education Discussion Group, Institute of Education, University of London, UK, January.
Chiang, K-H., 2001a, “Does Staff Research Get in the Way of Research Students’ Learning?” in the Postgraduate Conference: Theorising Research, University of North London, UK, November.
Chiang, K-H., 2000a, “Learning Experiences of PhD Students and Research Performance of the Departments” in a seminar of Lifelong Learning Group, Institute of Education, University of London, UK, October.
- Invited Presentations in Prestigious Universities or Symposia
Chiang, K-H., 2013, “Difficulties Facing European Higher Education”, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 10th.
Chiang, K-H., 2012b, Keynote: “Towards an Era of Liquid Knowledge? Intercultural Approach to Knowing”, Taiwan Science and Technology Symposium, Edinburgh, March 17th.
Chiang, K-H., 2011g, “Embarking on a Journey of Self-Awakening. Experiential Learning in Human Relations”, representing the School of Education in the EUSA Inspiring Teaching Conference, Jan 19th
Chiang, K-H., 2010c, “Liquid Knowledge - Intercultural Dimension of Knowing”, Nordic Summer University, Majvik, Finland, July 24th-31st.
Chiang, K-H., 2009b, invited speaker, “Research and teaching revisited: a Pre-Humboldtian or Post-Humboldtian phenomenon? Cases of France and the UK”, Oxford Learning Institute seminar, University of Oxford, April 30th.
Chiang, K-H., 2008a, invited speaker, “One Doctorate, Many Faces: How do doctoral experiences vary in the UK and France?” Moray House seminar, University of Edinburgh, March.
Chiang, K-H., 2005b, invited speaker, “Quelle relation entre la formation doctorale et le travail de recherche des enseignants?” (What is the relationship between doctoral training and the research performance of their supervisors?) in the IREDU seminar, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, May.
Chiang, K-H., 2004b, invited speaker, “Industry and Research Training of Future Scientists” in the ESRM2004 Conference by Marie Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA) – Early Stage Researcher Mobility in Europe: Meeting the Challenges and Promoting Best Practices, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 25th-27th.
Chiang, K-H., 2004c, invited speaker, “Educational Implications of University-Industry Collaboration on the Research Training of Future Scientists” “Tomorrow’s Knowledge Organisations” Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 26th-27th.
Chiang, K-H., 2004d, invited speaker, “A Typology of Research Training in Sciences and Social Sciences” in the 5th EDAMBA Workshop on PhD Supervision – Improving the Quality of Supervision by Training of Supervisors, Naples, Italy, April 16th-17th.
Chiang, K-H., 2003b, invited speaker, “Research and Teaching at Doctoral Level: Friends or Foes?” at Human Capital Workshop organised by Research Centre for Education and Labour Market, Maastricht, Netherlands, Dec. 15th-16th.
Chiang, K-H., 2003c, invited speaker, “Research Training and its Links to Industry: the Case of Life Sciences in BioCity, Finland” in RUSE seminar, University of Turku, Finland, October.
Chiang, K-H., 2002a, invited speaker: “A Typology of Research Training in Sciences and Social Sciences” in the European Symposium: Postdoc: Statue and Labour Market, at The Academic Palace, Brussels, Belgium, December.