Kathryn Comper
Thesis title: Church Discipline and the Godly Community in Scotland, 1660-1712
Year of study: 4
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Contact details
- Email: k.comper@ed.ac.uk
MA, History - University of Guelph (2018-2020)
BA (hons), History - Dalhousie University (2013-2017)
Undergraduate teaching
Tutor at University of Edinburgh, Fall 2022-present:
- Themes in Scottish History since 1560 (Fall 2022-present)
- Early Modern History: A Connected World (Winter 2024)
- Making and Breaking Medieval Britain: England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales c.1100-c.1500 (Winter 2023)
Teaching Assistant at University of Guelph:
- Film as History (Winter 2020)
- The Medieval World (Fall 2019)
- Animals and Society (Winter 2019, Distance Education)
- The Early Modern World (Fall 2018)
Invited speaker
“'This Troublesome Reeling Time': Kirk Sessions, Discipline, and the 'Godly Community' in Scotland, 1660–1712", Scottish History Seminar, University of Edinburgh (2024)
Co-Curator, “Illuminating Life: Manuscript Pages of the Middle Ages,” Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph (2020)
Papers delivered
"Abounding Evil?: Ecclesiastical discipline and the 'Godly Community' in the synod of Aberdeen, 1660-1712", Scottish Church History Society Autumn Conference (2023)
“Exploring the Uses, Production, and Significance of Thirteenth-Century Portable Bibles” University of Guelph Library Colloquium, From Parchment to Pixels (2020)
“Creating a Hero of Haggis: Food, Literature, and National Identity in Eighteenth-Century Scotland” Centre for Scottish Studies 2019 Fall Colloquium (2019)
Comper, Kathryn. "I do whats in my pouer for them all": Noblewomen, Kinship Networks, and Power in Seventeenth-Century Scotland." In Networks and Networking in Scottish Studies: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Ewan. Edited by Lisa Baer-Tsarfati, Sierra Dye, and Mariah Hudec. Guelph Centre for Scottish Studies, 2024. https://books.lib.uoguelph.ca/networksandnetworking/chapter/i-do-whats-in-my-pouer-for-them-all-noblewomen-kinship-networks-and-power-in-seventeenth-century-scotland/.