Kathrin Cresswell

Professor of Digital Innovations in Health and Care


Kathrin Cresswell is a social scientist with extensive experience in conducting formative evaluations of digitally enabled change and improvement programmes in health and care. She has consulted for the World Health Organization, Harvard Medical School, NHS England and Improvement. She is a member of the International Academy of Quality and Safety in Health Care, the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland, has received the Yvonne Carter Award for Outstanding New Researcher, and has been an invited speaker at the European Parliament and Harvard Medical School. She is also a Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics, and co-chair of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and European Federation of Medical Informatics Evaluation Working Groups on evaluation. She has over 140 peer-reviewed publications in international academic journals and £56 million in research grant funding. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Usher Institute at The University of Edinburgh, and Course Lead on a Scottish national digital health leadership programme. She was previously Module Lead on an English national digital health leadership programme and has taught over 450 national and international health information technology leaders about Technology Strategy and Health Information Systems Implementation.  

She has researched the use of a variety of health information technologies in context over almost years. These have included both patient- and professional-facing technologies comprising electronic health records, robotics, health and fitness apps, artificial intelligence and decision support systems. She is an expert in conducting evaluations of digital applications, having applied formative methods in a variety of health and care settings (hospitals, primary care, and home). Bringing together stakeholders with varying perspectives is key to her ongoing work, where she examines how political, commercial, organisational, patient and health and care workers’ interests need to be aligned to transform health and care through safe and scalable technologies. 


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BSc Psychology

MSc Health Psychology

PhD Medical Informatics

Research summary

Kathrin's core research interests are: health and care information technology, evaluation, implementation science sociotechnical, qualitative methods, health and care innovation and information systems.

Knowledge exchange

Kathrin's research findings have been shared with policy makers to assist in policy decision making. Examples include:

  • Impact case study “Creation and implementation of the world’s first medical informatics leadership programme: the NHS Digital Academy” to be submitted under UoA20 for REF2021
  • Her work has also been instrumental to the development of an ePrescribing Toolkit that is now used widely by the NHS
  • Cresswell K, Williams R. Written evidence submitted to the Parliamentary Evidence Review Committee on digitalisation of the NHS. Available from: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/109110/pdf/
  • Cresswell K, Williams R. Written evidence submitted to the Parliamentary Evidence Review Committee on digitalisation of the NHS. Available from: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/112978/pdf/

Invited speaker

Invited International Presentations

  • Cresswell K. How to address inequalities in Health technology assessment. EBHC Symposium, October 2022, Poland.
  • Cresswell K. Keynote: Driving digital transformation in hospitals: Lessons learned and ways forward. E-health Observatory conference, October 2022, Denmark.
  • Cresswell K. The role of Implementation science in the digital transformation of health and care. European Palliative Care Research Center, November 2022, Oslo.
  • Cresswell K. Formative evaluation of health technology innovations - Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) Programme. ROSE Graduate Program, May 2021, Osnabruck, Germany.
  • Cresswell K. Reconceptualising the digital maturity of health systems. Invited presentation at 4Words 2020 - Le parole dell'innovazione in sanità, 29th January 2020, Rome.
  • Cresswell K. Healthcare robotics – a qualitative exploration of key challenges and future directions. Invited presentation at the European Parliament, 19th February 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Cresswell K. Technology Strategy and Health Information Systems Implementation. Invited presentation at Harvard Medical School, 5th February 2019, Boston Massachusetts, USA.
  • Barber N, Cresswell K, Robertson A, Sheikh A, Takian A. Insights and lessons from an independent, longitudinal, and socio-technical evaluation of the implementation and adoption of a national electronic health records system (NHS CRS) in hospitals in England. Panel Discussion in Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, 12th-14th June 2011, Seattle, USA.
  • Cresswell K, Roberston A, Sheikh A. Lessons learned from England’s national electronic health record implementation: implications for the international community. Oral presentation at ACM Special Interest Group on Health Informatics, 28th-30th January 2012, Miami, USA.



Kathrin has been involved in the organisation of a number of international conferences, among them:

  • ePrescribing: Looking to the future - From implementation and adoption to organisational transformation and patient benefit.
    • 24th February 2016, Royal College of General Practitioners, London
  • ePrescribing for NHS hospitals: Maximising the opportunities now and in the future.
    • 27th October 2014. One Great George Street, London
  • Deriving value from hospital electronic prescribing and medicines administration systems to improve safe, effective & person centred care: A Symposium for the health service.
    • 17th June 2013, The Royal Society, London
  • ePrescribing: Everything you want to know but were afraid to ask! A symposium for the health service.
    • 27th March 2012, Birmingham International Conference Centre

Papers delivered

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals

Original Research

  • Avery T, Rodgers S, Cantrill J, Armstrong S, Elliott R, Howard R, Kendrick D, Morris C, Murray S, Prescott R, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Protocol for the PINCER trial: a cluster randomised trial comparing the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led IT-based intervention with simple feedback in reducing rates of clinically important errors in medicines management in general practices. Trials 2009; 10: 28.
  • Robertson A, Cresswell K, Takian A, Petrakaki D et al. Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: qualitative analysis of interim results from a prospective national evaluation. British Medical Journal 2010; 341: c4564.
  • Crowe S, Cresswell K, Avery A, Slee A, Coleman J, Sheikh A. Planned implementations of ePrescribing systems in NHS hospitals in England: a questionnaire study. JRSM Short Reports 2010, 1: 33.
  • Cresswell K, Worth A, Sheikh A. Actor-Network Theory and its role in understanding the implementation of information technology developments in healthcare. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2010, 10: 67.
  • Black AD, Car J, Pagliari C, Anandan C, Cresswell K, et al. The impact of eHealth on the quality and safety of healthcare: a systematic overview. PLoS Medicine 2011; 8: e1000387.
  • Sheikh A, Cornford T, Barber N, Avery A, Takian A, Lichtner V, Petrakaki D, Crowe S, Marsden K, Robertson A, Morrison Z, Klecun E, Prescott R, Quinn C, Jani Y, Ficociello M, Voutsina K, Paton J, Fernando B, Jacklin A, Cresswell K. Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: final qualitative results from a prospective national evaluation in "early adopter" hospitals. British Medical Journal 2011; 343: d6054.
  • Zachariah M, Phansalkar S, Seidling H, Neri P, Cresswell K, Duke J, Bloomrosen M, Volk L, Bates D. Development and validation of an instrument assessing implementation of human factors principles in medication-related decision support systems. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2011; 18 Suppl 1: i62-72.
  • Cresswell K, Worth A, Sheikh A. Implementing and adopting electronic health record systems: how Actor-Network Theory can support evaluation. Clinical Governance: An International Journal 2011; 16: 320-336.
  • Avery A, Rodgers S, Cantrill J, Armstrong S, Cresswell K, Eden M, Elliott R, Howard R, Kendrick D, Morris C, Prescott R, Swanwick G, Turner T, Sheikh A. Pharmacist-led information technology-enabled intervention for reducing medication errors: multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis (PINCER Trial). Lancet 2012; doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61817-5.
  • Cresswell K, Worth A, Sheikh A. Integration of a nationally procured electronic health record system into user work practices. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2012; 12: 15.
  • Cresswell K, Morrison Z, Crowe S, Robertson A, Sheikh A. Anything but...engaged: user involvement in the context of a national electronic health record implementation. Informatics in Primary Care 2012 19(4):191-206.
  • Cresswell K, Sadler S, Rodgers S, Avery A, Cantrill J, Murray S, Sheikh A. An embedded longitudinal multi-faceted qualitative evaluation of a complex cluster randomised controlled trial aiming to reduce clinically important errors in medicines management in general practice. Trials 2012; 13:78.
  • Thomson F, Milne H, Hayward J, Pinnock H, Cresswell K, Fernand B, Huby G, Williams R, Sheikh A. Understanding the impact of information technology on interactions between patients and healthcare professionals: the INTERACT-IT study. Health Services Journal 2012: 46-51.
  • Cresswell K, Kalra D, Morrison Z, Sheikh A. The coding of clinical data on depression in electronic health records. PLoS ONE 2012; 7(8):e43831.
  • Cresswell K, Majeed A, Bates D, Sheikh A. Computerised decision support systems for healthcare professionals: an interpretative review. Informatics in Primary Care 2012;20:115.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: an interpretative review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2013;82:e73–e86.
  • Cresswell K, Coleman J, Slee A, Williams R, Sheikh A, et al. Investigating and Learning Lessons from Early Experiences of Implementing ePrescribing Systems into NHS Hospitals: A Questionnaire Study. PLoS ONE 2013;8:e53369.
  • Hayward J, Thomson F, Milne H, Buckingham S, Sheikh A,  Fernando B, Cresswell K, Huby G, Williams R, Pinnock H. “Too much, too late”: mixed methods multi-channel video recording study of computerised decision support systems and GP prescribing. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013; doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001484.
  • Cresswell K, Howe A, Steven A et al. Patient safety in healthcare preregistration educational curricula: multiple case study-based investigations of eight medicine, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy university courses. BMJ Qual Saf 2013;0:1–12.
  • McLean S, Cresswell K, Pagliari C, Sheikh A. The impact of tele-health on the quality and safety of healthcare: a systematic overview. PLoS ONE 2013;8:e71238.
  • Morrison Z, Marsden K, Cresswell K, Fernando B, Sheikh A. Utilizing a Discourse-Based Understanding of Organizational Change to Explore the Introduction of National Electronic Health Records in England. Journal of Change Management  2013;13(3).
  • Sheikh A, Nurmatov U, Cresswell K, Bates D. Investigating the cost-effectiveness of health information technologies: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2013;3(12):e003737.
  • Cresswell K, Coleman J, Slee A, Morrison Z, Sheikh A. A toolkit to support the implementation of electronic prescribing systems into UK hospitals: preliminary recommendations. J R Soc Med published online 9 October 2013. DOI: 10.1177/0141076813502955
  • Cresswell KM, Panesar SS, Salvilla SA, Carson-Stevens A, Larizgoitia I, et al. Global research priorities to better understand the burden of iatrogenic harm in primary care: an international delphi exercise. PLoS Medicine 2013;10(11):e1001554.
  • Cresswell KM, Slee A, Coleman J, Williams R, Bates DW, et al. Qualitative analysis of round-table discussions on the business case and procurement challenges for hospital electronic prescribing systems. PLoS ONE 2013;8(11):e79394.
  • Morrison Z, Fernando B, Kalra D, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. National evaluation of the benefits and risks of greater structuring and coding of the electronic health record: exploratory qualitative investigation. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001666.
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Morrison Z, Slee A, Coleman J, Robertson A, Sheikh A. Evaluation of medium-term consequences of implementing commercial computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support prescribing systems in two 'early adopter' hospitals. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014, doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002252.
  • Lee L, Cresswell K, Slee A, Slight S, Coleman J, Sheikh A. Using stakeholder perspectives to develop an ePrescribing toolkit for NHS Hospitals: a questionnaire study. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open 2014;5(10):1–9.
  • Morrison Z, Fernando B, Kalra D, Cresswell K, Robertson A, Sheikh A. The collection and utilisation of patient ethnicity data in general practices and hospitals in the United Kingdom: a qualitative case study. Inform Prim Care 2014;21(3):118–131.
  • Fernando B, Morrison Z, Kalra D, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Approaches to Recording Drug Allergies in Electronic Health Records: Qualitative Study. PLoS ONE 2014;9(4):e93047.
  • Mozaffar H, Williams R, Cresswell K, Morison Z, Slee A, Sheikh A. Product Diversity and Spectrum of Choice in Hospital ePrescribing Systems in England. PLOS ONE 2014;9(4):e92516.
  • Milne H, Thomson F, Hayward J, Buckingham S, Sheikh A, Fernando B, Cresswell K, Huby G, Williams R, Pinnock H. “A nice visual aide” Is the EHR presented on the computer screen a tool for patient involvement? Health Expectations 2014; DOI: 10.1111/hex.12320.
  • Cresswell K, Lee L, Slee A, Coleman J, Bates D, Sheikh A. Qualitative analysis of vendor discussions on the procurement of Computerized Physician Order Entry and Clinical Decision Support systems in hospitals. BMJ Open 2015;5:e008313.
  • Mozaffar H, Williams R, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. The evolution of the market for commercial computerized physician order entry and computerized decision support systems for prescribing. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2015;ocv095.
  • Schofield B, Cresswell K, Westbrook J, Girling A, Slee A, Shah S, Coleman J, Sheikh A. The impact of electronic prescribing systems on pharmacists’ time and workflow: protocol for a time-and-motion study in English NHS hospitals. BMJ Open 2015;5:e008785.
  • Hayward J, Thomson F, Milne H, Buckingham S, Sheikh A,  Fernando B, Cresswell K, Huby G, Williams R, Pinnock H. How long does it take?” A mixed methods evaluation of computer-related work in GP consultations. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2015;22:409-25.
  • Panesar S, Carson-Stevens A, Cresswell K, Salvilla S, Thusu S, Patel B, Slight S, Ghani R, Yohannes Y, Wang K, Audera Lopez MC, Netuveli G, Larizgoitia I, Donaldson L, Bates D, Sheikh A. Global burden of unsafe primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Quality & Safety 2016.
  • Cresswell K, Mozaffar H, Lee L, Williams R, Sheikh A. Safety risks associated with the lack of integration and interfacing of hospital health information technologies: a qualitative study of hospital electronic prescribing systems in England. BMJ Quality & Safety 2016. Online first. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004925
  • Mozaffar H, Cresswell KM, Lee L, Williams R, Sheikh A. Taxonomy of delays in the implementation of hospital computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems for prescribing: a longitudinal qualitative study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2016;16(1):1.
  • Cresswell K, Mozaffar H, Shah S, Sheikh A. Approaches to promoting the appropriate use of antibiotics through hospital electronic prescribing systems: a scoping review. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2016.
  • Cresswell KM, Mozaffar H, Lee L, Williams R, Sheikh A. Workarounds to hospital electronic prescribing systems: a qualitative study in English hospitals. BMJ Qual Saf 2016. Published Online First. doi:10.1136/ bmjqs-2015-005149
  • Cresswell K, Coleman J, Smith P, Swainson C, Slee A, Sheikh A. Qualitative analysis of multi-disciplinary round-table discussions on the acceleration of benefits and data analytics through hospital electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) systems. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2016;23(2):501-9.
  • Cresswell K, Smith P, Swainson C, Timoney A, Sheikh A. Establishing data-intensive healthcare: the case of Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration systems in Scotland. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2016 Oct 4;23(3):572-9.
  • Robertson A, Nurmatov U, Sood H, Smith P, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Tightrope walking towards maximising secondary uses  of digitised health data: a qualitative study. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2016;23(3):591-9.
  • Robertson A, Nurmatov U, Sood H, Smith P, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. A systematic scoping review of the domains and innovations in secondary uses of digitised health-related data. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2016;23(3):611-9.
  • Cresswell K, Lee L, Mozaffar H, Williams R, Sheikh A. Sustained User Engagement in Health Information Technology: The Long Road from Implementation to System Optimization of Computerized Physician Order Entry and Clinical Decision Support Systems for Prescribing in Hospitals in England. Health Services Research 2016 Oct 1.
  • Ensaldo-Carrasco E, Suarez-Ortegon MF, Carson-Stevens A, Cresswell K, Bedi R, Sheikh A. Patient Safety Incidents and Adverse Events in Ambulatory Dental Care: A Systematic Scoping Review. Journal of Patient Safety 2016 Sep 21.
  • Cresswell K, Cunningham-Burley S, Sheikh A. Creating a climate that catalyses healthcare innovation in the United Kingdom–learning lessons from international innovators. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;23(4):772-82.
  • Cresswell K, Slee A, Sheikh A. A survey exploring National Health Service ePrescribing Toolkit use and perceived usefulness amongst English hospitals. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;24(2):247–251.
  • Cresswell K, Cunningham-Burley S, Sheikh A. Health Care Robotics: Qualitative Exploration of Key Challenges and Future Directions. J Med Internet Res 2018;20(7):e10410.
  • Ensaldo-Carrasco E, Carson-Stevens A, Cresswell K, Bedi R, Sheikh A. Developing agreement on never events in primary care dentistry: an international eDelphi study. British Dental Journal 2018;224(9):733.
  • Mozaffar H, Williams R, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Anglicization of Hospital Information Systems: Managing diversity alongside particularity. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2018;119:88-93..
  • Westbrook JI, Li L, Shah S, Lehnbom EC, Prgomet M, Schofield B, Cresswell K, Slee A, Coleman JJ, McCloughan L, Sheikh A. A cross-country time and motion study to measure the impact of electronic medication management systems on the work of hospital pharmacists in Australia and England. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2019 Jun 18.
  • Sheikh A, Rudan I, Cresswell K, Dhingra-Kumar N, Tan ML, Häkkinen ML, Donaldson L. Agreeing on global research priorities for medication safety: an international prioritisation exercise. Journal of Global Health. Available from: http://jogh.org/documents/issue201901/jogh-09-010422.htm.
  • Williams R, Mozaffar H, Wiegel V, King A, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. A systematic analysis of the optimization of computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems: a qualitative study in English hospitals. Health Informatics Journal 2019:1460458219868650.
  • Cresswell K, Callaghan M, Mozaffar H, Sheikh A. NHS Scotland’s Decision Support Programme in Scotland: a formative qualitative evaluation. BMJ Health and Care Informatics 2019;26(1):e100022.
  • Cresswell K, Callaghan M, Khan S, Sheikh Z, Mozaffar H, Sheikh A. Investigating the use of  data-driven artificial intelligence in computerised decision support systems for health and social care:  A systematic review. Health Informatics Journal 2020;1 –10.
  • Mukherjee M, Cresswell K, Sheikh. Identifying strategies to overcome roadblocks to utilising near real-time healthcare and administrative data to create a Scotland-wide learning health system. Health Informatics Journal. 2021;27(1):1460458220977579.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HW, Williams R. Theoretical and methodological considerations in evaluating large-scale health information technology change programmes. BMC Health Services Research 2020 Dec;20(1):1-6.
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Sheikh A. Developing and Applying a Formative Evaluation Framework for Health Information Technology Implementations: Qualitative Investigation. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(6):e15068
  • Bonten TN, Rauwerdink A, Wyatt JC, Kasteleyn MJ, Witkamp L, Riper H, van Gemert-Pijnen LJ, Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Schijven MP, Chavannes NH, EHealth Evaluation Research Group. Online Guide for Electronic Health Evaluation Approaches: Systematic Scoping Review and Concept Mapping Study. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(8):e17774.
  • Krasuska M, Williams R, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Heeney C, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Hinder S, Dunscombe R, Potts, Cresswell K. Technological Capabilities to Assess Digital Excellence in Hospitals in High Performing Health Care Systems: International eDelphi Exercise. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020;22(8):e17022.
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Carlile N, Sheikh A. Accelerating Innovation in Health Care: Insights From a Qualitative Inquiry Into United Kingdom and United States Innovation Centers. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(9):e19644
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Dean Franklin B, et al. Formative independent evaluation of a digital change programme in the English National Health Service: study protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041275. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041275
  • Azodo I, Williams R, Sheikh A, Cresswell K. Opportunities and Challenges Surrounding the Use of Data From Wearable Sensor Devices in Health Care: Qualitative Interview Study. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(10):e19542.
  • Mukherjee M, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Identifying strategies to overcome roadblocks to utilising near real-time healthcare and administrative data to create a Scotland-wide learning health system. Health Informatics J 2021;27(1):1460458220977579. doi: 10.1177/1460458220977579.
  • Williams R, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Nguyen HT, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HW, Cresswell K. Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives—a qualitative exploration of a national change program in English hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2021;28(7):1431-9.
  • Hinder S, Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, The Nguyen H, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HW. Promoting inter-organisational knowledge sharing: a qualitative evaluation of England’s Global Digital Exemplar and Fast Follower Programme. PloS one 2021;16(8):e0255220.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HW, Williams R. Inter-organisational knowledge sharing to establish digital health learning ecosystems: qualitative evaluation of a national digital health transformation programme in England. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(8):e23372.
  • Cresswell K, Domínguez Hernández A, Williams R, Sheikh A. Key Challenges and Opportunities for Cloud Technology in Health Care: Semistructured Interview Study JMIR Hum Factors 2022;9(1):e31246
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Hinder S, Nguyen HT, Krasuska M, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HWW, Williams R. Benefits realization management in the context of a national digital transformation initiative in English provider organizations. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 Dec 20:ocab283.
  • Krasuska M, Williams R, Sheikh A, Franklin B, Hinder S, TheNguyen H, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts H, Cresswell K. Driving digital health transformation in hospitals: a formative qualitative evaluation of the English Global Digital Exemplar programme. BMJ Health Care Inform. 2021 Dec;28(1):e100429.
  • Cresswell K, Hernández AD, Williams R, Sheikh A. Key Challenges and Opportunities for Cloud Technology in Health Care: Semistructured Interview Study. JMIR Human Factors. 2022 Jan 6;9(1):e31246.

Reviews and Discussion Papers

  • Cresswell KM, Sheikh A. The need for a biopsychosocial “gendered” perspective on food allergy. Primary Care Respiratory Journal 2007; 16: 323.
  • Cresswell KM, Fernando B, McKinstry B, Sheikh A. Adverse drug events in the elderly. British Medical Bulletin 2007; 83: 259-74.
  • Cresswell KM, Sheikh A. Lessons from the National Patient Safety Agency’s National Reporting and Learning System on reducing drug allergies. Primary Care Respiratory Journal 2008; 17: 3-4.
  • Cresswell KM, Sheikh A. IT based interventions for reducing drug allergies. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2008; 121:1112-1117.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. The NHS Care Record Service: recommendations from the literature on successful implementation and adoption. Informatics in Primary Care 2009; 17: 153-60.
  • Cresswell K, Bates D, Phansalkar S, Sheikh A. Opportunities and challenges in creating an international centralised knowledge base for clinical decision support systems (CDSS) in ePrescribing. BMJ Quality and Safety 2010; 20: 625-30.
  • Morrison Z, Robertson A, Cresswell K, Crowe S, Sheikh A. Understanding contrasting approaches to nationwide implementations of electronic health record systems: England, the USA and Australia. Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2011; 2: 25–41.
  • Crowe C, Cresswell K, Robertson R, Huby G, Avery A, Sheikh A. The case study approach. BMC Research Methodology 2011; 11: 100.
  • Kesselheim A, Cresswell K, Bates D, Phansalkar S, Sheikh A. Clinical decision support for medication safety and the risk of litigation. Health Affairs 2011:30:2310-17.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Effective integration of technology into health care needs adequate attention to sociotechnical processes, time and a dose of reality. Letter to the Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association 2012; 307(21):2255-2255.
  • Cresswell KM, Bates DW, Sheikh A. Successful implementation and adoption of large-scale health information technologies. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013; doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001684.
  • Sheikh A, Jha A, Cresswell K, Greaves F, Bates DW. Adoption of electronic health records in UK hospitals: lessons from the USA. The Lancet 2014;384(9937):8–9.
  • Cresswell KM, Sheikh A. Undertaking sociotechnical evaluations of health information technologies. Informatics in Primary Care 2014;21(2).
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Health information technology in hospitals – current issues and future trends. Future Hospitals Journal 2015; 2(1):50-56.
  • Cresswell K, Bates DW, Sheikh A. Ten Key Considerations for the Successful Optimization of Large-scale Health Information Technology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocw037 ocw037
  • Cresswell K, Bates DW, Sheikh A. Six ways for governments to get value from health information technology. Lancet;2016;387(10033):2074–2075.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Key Global Developments in Health Information Technology. JRSM. Online First, published on June 20, 2016 as doi:10.1177/0141076816656484.
  • Cresswell KM, Sheikh A. Catalysing health information technology innovation in the National Health Service. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2016;109(12):439-40.
  • Cresswell K, Slee A, Sheikh A. Five key recommendations for the implementation of Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration systems in Scotland. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;23(4):783-8.
  • Cresswell KM, Bates DWB, Sheikh A. Why Every Health Care Organization Needs a Data Science Strategy. NEJM Catalyst. March 22, 2017. Available from: http://catalyst.nejm.org/healthcare-needs-data-science-strategy/.
  • Cresswell KM, Blandford A, Sheikh A. Drawing on human factors engineering to evaluate the effectiveness of health information technology. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2017, p.0141076817712252.
  • King A, Cresswell K, Coleman J, Pontefract S, Slee A, Sheikh A. Investigating the ways in which health information technology can promote antimicrobial stewardship: A conceptual overview. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0141076817722049.
  • Cresswell K, Slee A, Sheikh A. A survey exploring National Health Service ePrescribing Toolkit use and perceived usefulness amongst English hospitals. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;24(2):247-251.
  • King A, Cresswell KM, Coleman JJ, Pontefract SK, Slee A, Williams R, Sheikh A. Investigating the ways in which health information technology can promote antimicrobial stewardship: a conceptual overview. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2017;110(8):320-9.
  • Cresswell KM, McKinstry B, Wolters M, Shah A, Sheikh A. Five key strategic priorities of integrating patient generated health data into United Kingdom electronic health records. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2018;25(4):254–259.
  • Sheikh A, Campbell H, Balharry D, Baqui AH, Bogaert D, Cresswell K, Cunningham S, Dockerell D, El Arifeen S, Fletcher M, Grant L. RESPIRE: The National Institute for Health Research's (NIHR) Global Respiratory Health Unit. Journal of Global Health 2018 Dec;8(2).
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Krasuska M, Heeney C, Franklin BD, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Hinder S, Potts HW. Reconceptualising the digital maturity of health systems. The Lancet Digital Health. 2019 Aug 22.
  • Sujan M, Scott P, Cresswell K. Digital health and patient safety: Technology is not a magic wand. Health Informatics Journal Special Issue on Patient Safety, 1–5.
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Carlile N, Sheikh A. Why digitally-enabled health system transformation needs different forms of innovation. BMJ Health & Care Informatics 2020;27:e100173.
  • Cresswell K, Ramalingam S, Sheikh A. Can Robots Improve Testing Capacity for SARS-CoV-2? J Med Internet Res 2020;22(8):e20169.
  • Cresswell K, Dhami S, Sheikh A. National COVID-19 lockdown exit strategies need to pay more attention to community engagement and workplace safety. J Glob Health 2020;10:020323.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Can Disinfection Robots Reduce the Risk of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Health Care and Educational Settings? J Med Internet Res 2020;22(9):e20896.
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Sheikh A. Bridging the growing digital divide between NHS England’s hospitals. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0141076820974998
  • Cresswell K, Williams R, Sheikh A. Using cloud technology in health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Digital Health 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2589-7500(20)30291-0
  • Cresswell K, Tahir A, Sheikh Z, Hussain Z, Domínguez Hernández A, Harrison E, Williams R, Sheikh A, Hussain A. Understanding Public Perceptions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Artificial Intelligence–Enabled Social Media Analysis. J Med Internet Res 2021;23(5):e26618
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Williams R. Accelerating health information technology capabilities across England's National Health Service. The Lancet Digital Health. 2021 Dec 1;3(12):e758-9.
  • Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Williams R. ‘Managed convergence’ in health system digitalisation. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. May 2022. doi:10.1177/01410768221098274
  • Khan S, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Contextualising Sehat Sahulat programme in the drive towards universal health coverage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Khyber medical university journal. 2022 mar 31;14(1).
  • Inglis Humphrey W, Smithies A, Prestt J, Fletcher M, Cresswell K. The NHS Digital Academy Digital Health Leadership Programme. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Aug 31;298:24-28.
  • Jenkins JA, Pontefract SK, Cresswell K, Williams R, Sheikh A, Coleman JJ. Antimicrobial stewardship using electronic prescribing systems in hospital settings: a scoping review of interventions and outcome measures. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance. 2022 Jun;4(3):dlac063.
  • Weir CJ, Adamestam I, Sharp R, Ennis H, Heed A, Williams R, Cresswell K, Dogar O, Pontefract S, Coleman J, Lilford RJ. A complex ePrescribing-based Anti-Microbial Stewardship (ePAMS+) intervention for hospitals combining technological and behavioural components: protocol for a feasibility trial. medRxiv. 2022:2022-04.
  • Neame MT, Cresswell K, Sinha I, Hawcutt DB. Developing and assessing health information technologies: opportunities and challenges. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice. 2023 Jan 18.


  • Car J, Black A, Anandan C, Cresswell K et al. The impact of e-Health on the quality & safety of healthcare. A systematic overview & synthesis of the literature. Available from: www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/projects/HaPS/PHEB/CFHEP/reports/projects/001.aspx. NHS Connecting for Health Evaluation Programme, 2008: 619 pages.
  • Ashcroft D, Bradley F, Buckle P, Cresswell K et al. Patient safety in health care professional educational curricula: examining the learning experience. Available from: www.pharmacy.manchester.ac.uk/cip/CIPPublications/commissionedreports/PSRP_Report_FINAL_0609.pdf.Patient Safety Research Programme, 2009: 214 pages.
  • Avery AJ, Rodgers S, Cantrill JA, Armstrong S, Boyd M, Cresswell K et al. Medication errors in primary care. The PINCER trial: A cluster randomised trail comparing the effectiveness of a Pharmacist led IT intervention with simple feedback in reducing rates of clinically important errors in medicines management in general practices. Available from: www.haps2.bham.ac.uk/publichealth/psrp/PS024_Project_Summary.shtml.Patient Safety Research Programme, 2010: 321 pages.
  • Sheikh A, McLean S, Cresswell K, Pagliari C et al. The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Healthcare: An updated systematic overview & synthesis of the literature. Available from: www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/projects/HaPS/PHEB/CFHEP/reports/projects/001-Extension.aspx. NHS Connecting for Health Evaluation Programme, 2011: 772 pages.
  • Cresswell K, Ali M, Avery A, Barber N. The long and winding road…an independent evaluation of the implementation and adoption of the National Health Service Care Records Service (NHS CRS) in secondary care in England. Available from: www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/projects/HaPS/PHEB/CFHEP/reports/projects/005.aspx. NHS Connecting for Health Evaluation Programme, 2011: 362 pages.
  • Pinnock H, Cresswell K, Fernando B, Huby G et al. Understanding the impact of information technology on interactions between patients and healthcare professionals. Available from: www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/projects/HaPS/PHEB/CFHEP/reports/projects/010.aspx. NHS Connecting for Health Evaluation Programme, 2011: 223 pages.
  • Morrison Z, Fernando B, Kalra D, Cresswell K et al. An evaluation of different levels of structuring within the clinical record. Available from: www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/mds/projects/HaPS/PHEB/CFHEP/reports/projects/009.aspx. NHS Connecting for Health Evaluation Programme, 2012: 399 pages.
  • Cresswell K, Callaghan M, Mozaffar H, Sheikh A. Creating and Applying an Evaluation Framework for the National Decision Support Programme in Scotland. Available from: https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/creating-and-applying-an-evaluation-framework-for-the-national-de. Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI), 2019: 38 pages.
  • Williams R, Cresswell K et al. Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar Programme, Available from: https://www.ed.ac.uk/usher/digital-exemplars/publications-and-research-outputs, 2021.
  • Sheikh A, Coleman J, Chuter A, Williams R, Lilford R, Slee A, Morrison Z, Cresswell K et al. Electronic prescribing systems in hospitals to improve medication safety: a multimethods research programme, Available from: https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/pgfar/KSRS2009/#/abstract
  • Cresswell K, Williams R. Written evidence submitted to the Parliamentary Evidence Review Committee on digitalisation of the NHS. Available from: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/109110/pdf/
  • Cresswell K, Williams R. Written evidence submitted to the Parliamentary Evidence Review Committee on digitalisation of the NHS. Available from: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/112978/pdf/

Books and Book Chapters

  • Cresswell K. Health Information Technology Implementation Evaluation. E. Ammenwerth, M. Rigby (eds.), Evidence-Based Health Informatics - Promoting Safety and Efficiency through Scientific Methods and Ethical Policy, Stud Health Technol Inform 122, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016.
  • Mozaffar H, Williams R, Cresswell K, Pollock N, Morrison Z, Sheikh A. The challenges of implementing Packaged HEPMA Systems in UK Hospitals. Chapter in Information Infrastructures in Healthcare.
  • Key Advances in Clinical Informatics: Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology. A. Sheikh, K. Cresswell, A. Wright, D. Bates (eds.). Elsevier. 2018.
  • Cresswell K. Using Actor-Network Theory to Study Health Information Technology Interventions. Scott P., de Keizer N. Georgiou A. (eds.) Chapter in: Applied Theory in Health Informatics, IOS Press.