Katharine Steinke
Thesis title: Bones of Transition: Iron Age-Roman Zooarchaeological Assemblages from East Wear Cliff, Kent

Year of study: 2
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Contact details
- Email: s1631039@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisor:
My thesis examines the faunal remains from the Roman Villa site at Folkestone, Kent. Due to Iron Age contexts, I will analyse the changes in animal economy over the Iron Age/ Roma transition in Britain. One of the main questions being asked is either the villa structure was bulilt by incoming Romans or the Iron Age community who inhabited the site before the villa. My research hopes to explore the use of buthcery for distungishing ethnic identiy to help answer this question.
Bs (honors)in Anthropology and Archaeology, Msc in Archaeology
Undergraduate teaching
I have tutored for Archaeology 1A and 1B
Research summary
My PhD is an zooarchaeolofical analysis of animal husbandry, diet and ethic changes between the Iron Age and Roman periods in Southern Britain.
Current research interests
My research interests include Iron Age and Roman Britain, ethnicity, and animal economies.Project activity
Zooarchaeologist on Iron Age Wessex isotopic study funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Univeristies of Scotland
Association of Enivronmental Archaeology 2017
American Institue of Archaeology 2015