Juliet Hancock
Director of Professional Learning / Lecturer

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, IETL
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6418
- Email: juliet.hancock@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, SL 1.06B
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I started teaching in primary schools in outer and inner London before moving to a promoted post as part of the management team with a primary school in Cambridge. I then worked for two years in a State Secondary school in Karoi, Zimbabwe as Head of Department for English.
In 1990 I moved to Scotland and worked with the third sector as part of an initiative supporting under-5’s education, before taking on a national role promoting early years education, with the Scottish Preschool Play Association.
I held a lecturing post at Falkirk College of Further and Higher Education, developing flexible learning programmes in early childhood education, before taking on the role of development officer with Learning and Teaching Scotland.
During my time at Learning and Teaching Scotland, I had responsibility for taking forward Scotland’s first national guidance of birth to 3, as well as leading developments on pedagogy in early childhood education, curriculum and listening to children.
I subsequently moved to the role of Senior Education Officer, early years, with local government, continuing my focus on pedagogy, curriculum and children’s rights, before joining Moray House School of Education as a Teaching Fellow, acting as an international early years consultant for the Open Society Foundation and taking on the role of Director of Professional Learning for Moray House in August 2017.
Responsibilities & affiliations
I am President of the Scottish Childminding Association and a consultant for the Open Society Foundation in Armenia and in Moldova, working on early years inclusion. I have served as a Qualifications and Development Specialist, Scottish Qualifications Authority and served on a number of Scottish Government and national advisory groups.
Undergraduate teaching
I teach across the following Initial Teacher Education programme:
- BEd Primary Education
I also contribute to the BA Childhood Practice programme, for which I was external examiner for 5 years.
Postgraduate teaching
I teach across the following Initial Teacher Education programmes:
- MA Primary Education
- PGDE Primary Education
Research summary
- Children’s Rights
- Listening and Voice
- Teachers' interpretations of young children’s learning
- Inclusive pedagogy and assessment
- Young children’s interactions with technologies and guided interactions
Project activity
My doctoral research focuses on interpretations of young children’s learning, with an emphasis on children’s rights and voice.
I have taken forward research with Professor Lydia Plowman for the BBC devising guided interactions for parents in relation to CBeebies, and as pedagogical consultant to Digital Play Project in 2016/17. I am also an Associate researcher , 'Children & Technology', University of Edinburgh and I contribute to Professor Lani Florian’s work with the Open Society Foundation and work on inclusive pedagogy.
Plowman, L., Finn, M., Hancock, J., Manches, A., McGeown, S., (2013) An evaluation of the SyncScreen ‘Mister Maker’ prototype University of Edinburgh
Hancock, J. (2009) Scottish Continuing International Professional Development: Final Report, Finland. Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Stirling Council Education (2007) The Organisation of Learning in Schools
Carmichael, E. and Hancock, J. (2007) Scotland In M. M. Clark and T. (Eds) Waller Early Childhood Education and Care: Policy and Practice. London: Sage, pp. 109-135.
Hancock, J (2006) Putting Early Years in its Place. Early Childhood Practice 8 (1), 66-85.
Hancock, J. (2006) (Ed.) Let’s Talk About Listening to Children: Towards a Shared Understanding for Early Years Education in Scotland. Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Hancock, J. (2006) Celebrating Young Children’s Learning Scottish Childminding Association Magazine Autumn 2006
Hancock, J. (2006) Report on Physical Activity and Movement in the Early Years 3 to 8. Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Hancock, J. (2005) (Ed.) Let’s Talk About Pedagogy: Towards a Shared Understanding for Early Years Education in Scotland. Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Hancock J (2005) Birth to 3: Supporting our Youngest Children, A Guide for Parents Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland/ Scottish Executive
Hancock J (2005) (Ed.) Birth to 3: Supporting Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland/ Scottish Executive
Hancock J (2005) Birth to 3: Supporting our Youngest Children Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland/ Scottish Executive
Hancock J (2003) (Ed.) Sharing Early Years Thinking and Practice, Scotland 2003 Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland
Hancock, J. (2003) Progress with Purpose: Additional Support Materials
Dundee: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Hancock, J. and Dale, B. (1999) Looking, Listening and Learning Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.