Julien Mittre
Thesis title: Gender discourse in Tunisian legislation.

PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Year of study: 2
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
- School of Literatures, Language and Culture
Contact details
- Email: J.P.SMittre@sms.ac.ed.uk
PhD supervisors:
I am in the second year of my PhD in the School of Literatures, Language and Cultures. I have a background in Politics and Philosophy. During my MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, I began focusing my research on Tunisia, Algeria and North-African diaspora in France.
My work therefore focuses on North Africa, with a special interest in gender issues and legal texts.
BA in Philosophy and Politics from King's College London
MA in Middle Eastern Studies and Arabic from SOAS
Research summary
My PhD explores the evolution of Tunisian legislation in how it talks about gender, women and families. I use Critical Discourse Analysis to see what type of vocabulary is used (or not used) in legislative texts to find how gender issues are considered by Tunisian legislators.
My work aims at identifying the lack of consideration of state structures in the inequalities faced by women and children in Tunisia.