Julia Mayo (MA ThM)
Thesis title: The Women of Acts: Studies in Ancient Characterization

New Testament
- School of Divinity
- Biblical Studies
- New Testament
Contact details
- Email: julia.mayo@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
Julia Mayo is a PhD Candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh. She first received a BS in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship) from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. Then, with a growing interest in Biblical Studies, Julia completed a Master of Arts (Biblical and Theological Studies) at Western Seminary in 2014 and, after getting married and having two children, a Master of Theology at the same institution in 2020. In 2021 she began working as an adjunct instructor in Bible and Theology and initiated studies at the University of Edinburgh.
Julia's current research focuses on the characterization of women in New Testament narrative. Her PhD dissertation, entitled "The Women of Acts: A Study in Ancient Characterization" investigates how certain aspects of the characterization of Sapphira, Tabitha, Rhoda, Lydia and Prisca (Priscilla) have been largely overlooked in scholarly discourse. In particular, she examines how aspects of these female characters would have been easily recognizable to first and second century readers. In addition to her dissertation, Julia's research interests encompass a variety of historical and literary methods for studying biblical texts, such as literary criticism, genre theory, feminist studies and decolonial theories.

Responsibilities & affiliations
Academic Tutor (Sep 2022 - present)
EDI (Intern) (March 2023 - December 2023)