Dr Jule Hildmann

Senior Research Fellow (Outdoor Learning)

  • Moray House School of Education and Sport, IETL
  • Centre for Experiential Learning / Centrum für Erlebnispädagogik (Germany)
  • Centre for Innovative Education (Poland)

Contact details



Moray House School of Education and Sport, TL G.05

University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
Post code


  • I am partially working offline and outdoors, which can cause delays in my email response time.


Teaching (in Secondary Education) is my original profession, which I chose hoping to contribute to the social and personal growth of young individuals. Upon realizing that the school system I was working in did not leave enough room to do this, I gained qualifications in Outdoor Learning and Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE), left public service as a teacher, and worked as a facilitator for team development in the profit and non profit sector. Offering my insights from OAE to alleviate some shortcomings in the formal school system, I conducted my PhD research project on 'Experiential Education in the classroom' and went into train-the-trainer facilitation. Further specialisations and qualifications followed.

Since 2013 I am at Moray House School of Education and Sport in different teaching and research roles.

In 2013, I joined the Outdoor Environmental Education Unit at Moray House with an EU-funded research project. Since then, I have been teaching on the MSc Outdoor Environmental Education and Initial Teacher Education programmes at Moray House as well as conducting my own research and being involved in varying projects.


  • 1. Staatsexamen (~MSc) in Special Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany)
  • 2. Staatsexamen (Teaching Certificate; State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
  • Dr. phil. (Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany)
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (The University of Edinburgh)
  • Accredited as 'Fellow' (Higher Education Academy)
  • various professional qualifications

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Academic advisor and Research coordinator, Centre of Innovative Education - an international foundation and EU lobbyist promoting innovative approaches to remedy educational challenges across Europe
  • Co-founder and Train-the-trainer, Centre for Experiential Learning - a training and service provider for experiential learning and outdoor adventure education in Germany

Research summary

My main research investigates social and personal growth in learners, and how we can facilitate and augment those processes as (outdoor) leaders and educators.

  • Personal and social development
  • (Outdoor) Leadership
  • Learning in and with Nature
  • The 'Art' of facilitating learning processes
  • Ethics and values in education

My teaching activities have included:

  • Course organizer for "Personal and social development in outdoor education - critical perspectives" and "Collaborate working in children's services" (ASL suite)
  • Guest lectures and other contributions to the MSc in Outdoor Education / Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education
  • CPD courses on outdoor adventure education topics, for the Centrum für Erlebnispädagogik Volkersberg, Germany
  • Individual events, such as Innovative Learning Week