Professor Judith Green (D. Phil)
Emeritus Professor
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 4140
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- Street
School of History, Classics and Archaeology, William Robertson Wing, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG
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A graduate of King’s College London, Judith studied at Oxford University for her D. Phil., and was attached to Somerville College. A research fellowship at the Institute of Historical Research and a lectureship at St Andrews followed. She then went to Queen’s University Belfast, where she was first lecturer, then Reader, and finally Professor of Medieval History. She joined the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Edinburgh in 2005.
Responsibilities & affiliations
Affiliated research centres
Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Research summary
The main areas of my research are the histories of England and Normandy between the tenth and thirteenth centuries with a particular focus on power, government, and social change.
- Britain & Ireland
- Europe
- Scotland
- Culture
- Diplomatic History
- Gender
- Landscapes & Monuments
- Politics
- Religion
- Society
- War
- Medieval
Current research interests
I am currently working on the general theme of power and social change in England between the tenth and twelfth centuries. At the same time I am continuing to write specialized papers on specific topics. These include forests and forest law in England and Normandy, duchesses of Normandy, and Archbishop Lanfranc and the pacification of England after 1066.Books
Judith Green, King Stephen's Reign (1135-1154) (Boydell Press, 2008)
Judith Green, Henry I, King of England and Duke of Normandy (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Judith Green, The Aristocracy of Norman England (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Judith Green, The Government of England under Henry I (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
Judith Green, Charters and Charter Scholarship in Britain and Ireland (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
Edited Books
Editor of Charters and Charter Scholarship in Britain and Ireland (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
Judith Green, 'Henry I and the Origins of the Court Culture of the Plantagenets’, Plantagenêts et Capétiens: confrontations et héritages, ed. M. Aurell et Noël-Yves Tonnerre (Turnhout: Brepols, 2006), 485-95.
Judith Green, 'Networks and Solidarities at the Court of Henry I Beauclerc’, Liens Personnels, réseaux, et solidarités en France et dans les Îles Britanniques (XIe-XXE siècle). Actes de la Table Ronde organisée par le GDR 2136 et l’Université de Glasgow (10-11 mai 2002) (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2006), 113-26
Judith Green, ‘Die Anglonormannen’, Die Mittelalterliche Königen Englands, ed. H. Vollrath and N. Fryde (München: Beck Verlag, 2004), 41-70.
Judith Green, ‘Le Gouvernement d’Henri Premier Beaucler en Normandie’, La Normandie et l’Angleterre au Moyen Age, ed. P. Bouet and V. Gazeau, Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle 4-7 Octobre 2001 (Caen: Publications du CRAHM, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, 2003), 61-73.
Judith Green, ‘The Piety and Patronage of Henry I’, Haskins Society Journal, x (2001), 1-16.