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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Shyam S Jose Post-Doctoral Researcher
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto PhD candidate in Systematic Theology
Dr Steven Sutcliffe Senior Lecturer in the Study of Religion
Angus Sutherland
Holly E. A. Sutherland
Iain Sutherland PG Academic Services Co-ordinator
Juliette Sutherland Facilities and Operations Administrator
Morven Sutherland Examination Officer
Scott Sutherland Modern Apprentice - Administrative Assistant
Juliana Sutliff Animal Care Assistant - Dermatology
Dr Kate Sutton Career Track Fellow
Kongsatja Suwanapech
Pakatida Suwonnawong
Peter Swain
Julia Swallow Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences
Olivia Swann Senior Clinical Research Fellow | Honourary Consultant in Paediatric
Ms Vicky Swann Head of Teaching Planning
Katharine Swarbrick Lecturer
Christopher Sweeney Research fellow and PhD student
Kieran Sweeney