Research summary
I am interested broadly in culture and identity and the influence that literautre has in developing these things. Related to this I am interested in how literuatre can be used in the study of history. I currently work in the Medieval period but I am more widely interested in the development of different forms of identity in Scotland, Wales and Ireland all the way up to the current day.
Current research interests
My current PhD research involves studying John Barbour's 'The Bruce' which was written in the 14th century to recount the events of the Scottish Wars of Independence. I am analysing what this text can tell us about the Scottish invasion of Ireland led by Edward Bruce during the Scottish Wars of Independence and Scottish -Irish relations in the 14th and 15th centuries more broadly. This involves understanding in detail how Barbour portrays both Edward Bruce and the invasion in 'The Bruce' and the possible motivations behind creating such a depiction for later 14th century readers.
Past research interests
I have also undertaken research at undergraduate level exploring representations of the prophet Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki and the way in which he utilised Christianity to encourage Maori resistance to colonial rule in 19th century New Zealand.