Jing Xuan Yap
- The University of Edinburgh
- Ministry of Education, Malaysia
Contact details
- Email: jing.xuan.yap@ed.ac.uk
- William Glasser International - Choice Theory/Reality Therapy (CTRT) Basic Intensive Training - 2023
- ClareOng Psychconsult Pte Ltd - Basic Practicum on Choice Theory/ Reality Therapy (CTRT) - 2023
- Universiti Putra Malaysia - Master in Education (Guidance & Counselling) - 2018 -2021
- Institute of Teacher Education, Malaysia - Bachelor of Teaching (Hons) Guidance & Counselling - 2012-2017
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Board of Counsellor, Malaysia - Registered Counsellor - 2018 until present
Research summary
- Xuan, Y.J., Amat, M.A.C., 2021. The Gender Differences in the Relationships Between Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction with Social Media Addiction Among University Students. Asian Social Science 17, 48.. https://doi.org/10.5539/ass.v17n11p48
- Xuan, Y. J., & Amat, M. A. C. (2020). Social media addiction and young people: A systematic review of literature. J. Crit. Rev, 7(13), 537-541. http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.13.97
- Xuan, Y. J., & Hassan, S. A. Effect of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) to Different Gender of Survivors: A Systematic Review. http://dx.doi.org/10.6007/IJARBSS/v13-i12/20341