Jin Wang

Thesis title: Access to Justice in International Commercial Arbitration


Jin is a PhD law student in the University of Edinburgh from January 2023, researching on third-party funding in international commercial arbitration. Jin has completed her Master's degree in the University of Edinburgh in 2021 and developed a keen interest in international arbitration. Before becoming a PhD candidate, she spent a year interning as a lawyer in China.


LLM in commercial law, University of Edinburgh, 2021

LLB in law, Southwest Minzu University, 2020


Responsibilities & affiliations

The secretary of Law Postgraduate Research Student Board (2023-2024)

The content editor of Edinburgh Student Law Review (2023-2024)

Current research interests

International commercial law; International arbitration; Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Invited speaker

Delivered a presentation titled 'Does Third-Party Funding in International Commercial Arbitration Need Safeguards to be Put into Place?' at Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (EPLC) 2024

Delivered a presentation titled 'Barriers to Access to Justice in International Commercial Arbitration' at the seminar 'Artificial Intelligence as a Tool to Diminish Legal Inequality? Issues of Access to Justice in Commercial Law.'


The Convenor of Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (EPLC) 2024