Jiuzhou Hao
PhD Linguistics & English Language
- Linguistics and English Language
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Email: c.hao@ed.ac.uk
- Web: Personal website
- Street
Dugald Stewart Building
- City
- 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AD
2019 - PhD Linguistics and English Language, The University of Edinburgh
Project (working title): Mandarin non-canonical word orders in L1 children with and without specific language impairment and child heritage speakers
2018 - 2019 MSc Linguistics (graduate with distinction), The University of Edinburgh
Dissertation title: Comprehension and production of Mandarin passive in child heritage speakers, The role of morpho-syntactic cue (Supervised by Dr Vicky Chondrogianni)
2014 - 2018 BA Business Administration and English Literature (graduate with distinction)
Dissertation title: A study of Business English neologisms from a morphological perspective (Supervised by Prof. Wei WANG)
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Sep 2020 -
Organiser of Bilingualism Research Group, University of Edinburgh
Sep 2020 -
Member of organising committee of Linguistic Circle, University of Edinburgh
Undergraduate teaching
2019 -
Tutor of Linguistics and English Language 1B (Semester 2)
Tutor of Child Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (Semester 2)
Tutor in the PPLS Writing Centre
Postgraduate teaching
2019 -
Tutor in PPLS Writing Centre
Research summary
- Psycholinguistics
First language acquisition; Second language acquisition; Language impairment; Heritage language acquisition; Child bilingualism; Syntactic processing in language comprehension and production; Eye-movement during reading and listening (both children and adults).
- Generative Syntax
Mandarin Syntax; Syntactic theory; Syntactic variation and change.
Current research interests
My current research centres on the morpho-syntactic acquisition and processing of child population (especially Mandarin-speaking), including typically-developing and language-impaired monolinguals and bilingual children.Past research interests
I am also interested in Mandarin syntax from a generative perspective and Chinese dialects under the influence of Mandarin.Invited speaker
Nov 2020. The development and processing of non-canonical word order in Mandarin heritage children and monolingual adults. Bilingualism Research Group, University of Edinburgh.
Dec 2020. Mandarin non-canonical word orders in child heritage speakers: The role of cross-linguistic influence. Talk at the Heritage Language Lab, University of Alberta.
- Manchester Forum in Linguistics (mFiL), 2019, Manchester, UK
- Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2019 (LELPGC19), 2019, Edinburgh, UK
- Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium (BMRS), 2019, Edinburgh, UK
- Experimental Pragmatics: Theory, Methods, Interfaces (DGfs Xprag.de), 2019, Berlin, Germany
Papers delivered
Nov 2020, Conference Talk "The development of non-canonical word order in Mandarin heritage children" at the Boston University Conference of Language Development (BUCLD 45), Online
May 2019, Poster Presentation " A new syntactic analysis of Mandarin Passives" at the 7th Mancherster Forum in Linguistics (mFiL), 2019, Manchester, UK