Janette Jamieson (MSc Clinical Education, AFHEA, BSc Nursing Studies, RGN)
Academic Coordinator, MSc Clinical Education, University of Edinburgh

- MSc Clinical Education Edinburgh University
Contact details
- Tel: 0131 242 6536
- Email: janette.jamieson@ed.ac.uk
- Street
49, Little France Crescent
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4SA
- Street
49, Little France Crescent
- City
- Post code
- EH16 4SA
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
I am an academic co-ordinator for the MSc in Clinical Education Programme. This role involves development of an online learning curriculum; as well as teaching, assessment, student support and dissertation supervision of those involved in undergraduate and post graduate education of health professionals (including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professionals).
I have had a keen interest in teaching and mentoring since graduating as a nurse and have been teaching within medical education since 2001. I joined the Emergency Care, Clinical and Resuscitation Skills team (ECCARS) in 2004 where I developed my interest in integrating skills to produce a case-based approach to simulated learning whilst facilitating learning about professional skills in relation to intimate examination.
My dissertation for the MSc in Clinical Education looked at the relationships between Peer Assisted Learning and Communities of Practice in relation to creating a supportive learning environment in the clinical context
2013 Edinburgh University MSc Clinical Education
2001 Queen Margaret University College BSc Nursing Studies
2015 Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Authority
2015 Clinical Education Program Level 3
Responsibilities & affiliations
Registrant: Nursing and Midwifery Council
Admissions tutor for MSc in Clinical Education
Research summary
Learning communities
Inter-professional Education
Peer assisted Learning
Current research interests
Learning communitiesPast research interests
"Moving Inter-Professional Education away from the classroom and into the clinical area-does it work?" 2014 Contributor to lead Lorraine Close “Are Medical Students experiencing challenges integrating Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICP) into clinical practice?” Poster presentation at AMEE and at the Scottish Infection Research Network (SIRN) conference in November 2014 (Analysis of students’ essays) 2010 “Does the introduction of a “buddy” in the early years promote ward based learning? A qualitative study” Short presentation at AMEE 2008 “Does feedback from simulated patients facilitate a reflective learning approach to intimate examination” Co-presented at AMEE 2006 Facilitated a workshop on Professional Conduct and Intimate Examination during the Scottish Clinical Skills Network Conference 2005 Simulated patients versus mannequins; Which better prepares students for performing intimate examination in clinical practice? Poster presentation at ASME and at the Scottish Clinical Skills ConferenceConference details
2017 Scottish Medical Education Conference
2016 SEFCE and AMEE
2015 SEFCE
2015 AMEE
2014 SEFCE
2014 CSMEN
2014 AMEE