Jackie Jia Chyi Hwang
Thesis title: Migration, Multiple Belonging, and Transnational Chinese Christianity: An Ethnographic Study of Mainland Chinese Students’ Shifting Conception of “Family” as Religious and Cultural Negotiations within Singapore’s Christian Communities

PhD in World Christianity (P/T)
Year of study: 3
- Centre for the Study of World Christianity
Contact details
- Email: jackie.j.hwang@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
Jackie Jia Chyi Hwang was born in Taiwan, grew up in the US, and lived in Singapore for over a decade. Jackie's journeys between Asia and North America have lend insights to her research on the intersection of migration and Chinese Christianity.
MA in Intercultural Studies, Singapore Bible College
BS in Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Responsibilities & affiliations
Distance PhD Representative, School of Divinity Postgraduate Committee, University of Edinburgh (2021-present)
Student Representative, Advisory Board, Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of Edinburgh (2021-present)
Postgraduate teaching
Adjunct Lecturer, Singapore Bible College
- Cultural Anthropology for Ministry (July-October 2022)
Guest Lecturer, Singapore Bible College
- "Data Collection" for Mission Research (March 2023)
- "Cultural Awareness toward Chinese from the People's Republic of China" for Social and Multi-cultural Issues (School of Counseling) (March 2022)
- "Migration, Diaspora, and Transnationalism" for Cultural Anthropology for Ministry (October 2021)
- "Marriage, Family, and Kinship" for Cultural Anthropology for Ministry (August 2021)
Course Grader, Singapore Bible College
- Missiological Perspectives (Jan-April 2021, Jan-April 2022)
- Engaging World Religions (July-October 2021)
Research summary
My current research interest is on diaspora Chinese Christianity with a focus on how the concept of "jia" (family, home) is reconfigured in migration and thus evolved to be a metaphor in missiology and ecclesiology for Chinese Christians.
"Longing for Belonging: Forwarding Andrew Walls’ Thoughts on Migration and Mission through an Ethnographic Study on Diasporic Chinese in Singapore’s Christian Communities." Studies in World Christianity 29.2 (2023): 142–158
"Parents, Parenting" Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, World Christianity (forthcoming)
"Outreach to Indonesian domestic workers in Singapore: Understanding partnerships in diaspora mission between church and parachurch organizations" Missiology 49.4 (2021): 375–388.