J.P. Fassnidge (LLM, AFHEA)
Thesis title: What we say when we Criminalise

PhD supervisors:
British-Chilean lawyer, originally from Bournemouth and then raised in Santiago, Chile. I did my undergraduate studies in law at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Chile and became a lawyer in 2017. I taught at the same law school as a tutor in criminal procedure, evidence and litigation and later worked as a postgraduate coordinator for the school's criminal litigation programmes. I then continued my studies at the University of Edinburgh, doing an LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice in 2017/2018. I am currently a PhD researcher at the School of Law in the University of Edinburgh.
Bachelor in Law (Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales), Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2016
LLM Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, University of Edinburgh, 2018
Responsibilities & affiliations
AdvanceHE, Associate Fellow (AFHEA), 2022
Chilean Supreme Court, Qualified Lawyer, 2017
Undergraduate teaching
Ordinary Tutor since 2019 for:
Criminal Law (Ord.)
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Critical Legal Thinking
EUSA Teaching Award Nominee, Teacher of the Year 2022
Research summary
Criminal law theory
Philosophy of Criminal Law
Criminal Process
Criminal Policies
Criminal Evidence
Ethics and Normative Theory
Affiliated research centres
- Criminal Law Discussion Group - Founder and Co-Convenor
- Legal Theory Research Group - Former Convenor (2019-2021)
Conference details
Gerald Gordon Seminar on Criminal Law, University of Glasgow, 2022 - PhD speaker, "What we say when we criminalise"
Invited speaker
- Virtual Criminal Law Group, University of Edinburgh & University of Glasgow, 2021: "What we say when we criminalise: criminalisation theory, communication and the problems of moral claims"
- Invited Lecturer, Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofagasta, Chile), 2016: Invited lecture entitled “Law and Music, the performing lawyer”, within the “Law and Art” project of the University.
- V International Law Colloquiums, Universidad de Chile, 2015: “The Kenyatta Case: current problems in criminal procedure, international cooperation and due process”.
- IV International Law Colloquiums, Universidad Católica del Norte (Coquimbo, Chile), 2014: “Illegal Evidence and International Criminal Procedure, a study based on EU Case Law”.
- III International Law Colloquiums, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013: “Corporate Responsibility and International Law: Analysis in light of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.”
- “ANÁLISIS DE LA PRUEBA” (Analysis of Evidence), ANDERSON, T., SCHUM, D., TWINING, W.: Translation coordinated by Flavia Carbonell and Claudio Agüero, with the collaboration of Daniela Accatino, Federico Arena, Rodrigo Coloma, Juan Pablo Fassnidge and Jorge Larroucau. Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2015
- “CÓDIGO PROCESAL PENAL COMENTADO CON JURISPRUDENCIA, AÑO 2014/2015” – Coordinator: Rafael Blanco, Thompson Reuters, 2015