Dr Isobel Kai-Hui Wang

Programme Director: MSc TESOL / Lecturer in Language Education


My research and teaching expertise lies in the areas of language learner strategies, second language vocabulary learning and teaching, intercultural communication, and language learner/teacher psychology.

I joined the University of Edinburgh in August 2021. Previously, I was Senior Research Fellow at the University of Graz (Austria) and undertook teacher training. I had also lectured in Applied Linguistics at the University of Nankai (China). Regarding my experience in English language teaching, I have taught English as a foreign or second language in China and Canada.

I have a longstanding interest in international students’ intercultural experiences and strategy use for building vocabulary. My book (2018), Learning Vocabulary Strategically in a Study Abroad Context (published by Palgrave Macmillan) applies a close-up lens to the process of strategic vocabulary learning in study abroad contexts and offers novel insights into the flexibility and adaptability of strategy use within and across situations. I work with my colleague Andrew Cohen on a series of projects on the functions of language learner strategies, strategies for vocabulary fine-tuning, and vocabulary strategy instruction for academic writing.

I am currently developing new interests in the psychological dimension of language learning and teaching, especially learner engagement, self-regulation, and teacher wellbeing. Additionally, working with my colleagues at the University of Graz and partners in the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany, I was involved in an Erasmus+-funded project about the integration of global citizenship and plurilingual pedagogies. I have been invited to review book proposals for Routledge and Springer and articles for journals, such as System, Language and Intercultural Communication, and Teaching and Teacher Education.


  • Ph.D in Applied Linguistics (2010-2013), University of Warwick.
  • MA in English Language Teaching (2009-2010), University of Warwick.
  • BA in History, Heritage and Education (2006-2009), University of Birmingham.

Postgraduate teaching

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

Topics of interest: vocabulary learning strategies, language learner strategies, strategy-based instruction, vocabulary learning and teaching. 

Current PhD students supervised

Yurou Wei: Using storytelling for EFL learners to develop writing skills

Huixin Wang: L2 teacher motivation & direct motivational currents.

Siyan Chen: Vocabulary learning strategies & emotions 

Clark Wang: Metacognitive strategies for learning and using vocabulary

Research summary

  • Language learner strategies

  • Second language vocabulary learning and teaching

  • Intercultural adjustment

  • Study abroad

  • Learner engagement

  • Teacher wellbeing

  • ELT materials adaptation 

Current research interests

I am currently exploring a) learner engagement in vocabulary strategy instruction for academic writing and b) language teachers' intercultural adjustment and professional wellbeing.

Project activity

Erasmus+ , 2020. Project title: The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit (€364k) - Project partner 

Current research projects

  • Self-access strategy instruction for vocabulary learning
  • EFL Teachers’ actions regarding coursebook use 

Current project grants

RKEI Innovation Fund, 2023. Project title: Strategy Instruction from the Providers’ and the Recipients’ Perspective (£3,203) - Principal investigator

Springboard Fund, 2025. Exploring English Language Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Strategy-based Instruction (£333.95) - Principal investigator

Conference details

Fine-tuning the use of verbal report in research on language learner strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Paper presentation| 5th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use | 4-6 September, 2024

Tangible insights from current and future research in the strategizing of language learners and users; Meta-reflections on the development of the field (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World | 23-24 November, 2022

Strategizing – Investigating the Dynamic Use of Strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) |  A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Psychology of Language Learning  | 23-25 June 2022

How strategies actually combine in the performance of language tasks (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) |  A Symposium for the AILA virtual conference  | 15-21 August, 2021

How learners actually process strategy instruction (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Poster presentation| AAAL virtual conference | 20-23 March, 2021

Training teachers for global citizenship education and plurilingual pedagogies: Teacher educators' insights (together with Prof. Sarah Mercer, Sonja Babic, and Johanna Gruber) | Presentation  | Multilingualism on My Mind | University of Bergen| 18-19 March, 2021

Fine-tuning word meanings through online and mobile app technologies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Presentation | 3rd SSU conference |Osaka, Japan | 14 October, 2019

Research by teachers for teachers | Workshop| Doctoral School | Strobl, Austria | 09 June, 2019

Fluctuation in the functions of vocabulary strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Presentation | AAAL conference |Chicago | 24-27 March, 2018

International Chinese students’ cross-cultural experiences in UK higher education

Presentation | 15th IALIC Conference | University of Peking, China |28 December, 2015

Dialogic strategy clusters for vocabulary learning

Presentation | SSU conference | Alpen-Adria University, Austria | 16 October, 2015

Invited speaker

Tangible insights from current and future research in the strategizing of language learners and users; Meta-reflections on the development of the field (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World | 23-24 November, 2022

Strategizing – Investigating the Dynamic Use of Strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) |  A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Psychology of Language Learning  | 23-25 June 2022

How strategies actually combine in the performance of language tasks (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) |  A Symposium for the AILA virtual conference  | 15-21 August, 2021