Dr Isobel Kai-Hui Wang
Programme Director: MSc TESOL / Lecturer in Language Education

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, ILE
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6232
- Email: isobel.wang@ed.ac.uk
- Web: Isobel's academic webpage
- Web: Google Scholar
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, CH 505
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
My research and teaching expertise lies in the areas of language learner strategies, second language vocabulary learning and teaching, intercultural communication, and language learner/teacher psychology.
I joined the University of Edinburgh in August 2021. Previously, I was Senior Research Fellow at the University of Graz (Austria) and undertook teacher training. I had also lectured in Applied Linguistics at the University of Nankai (China). Regarding my experience in English language teaching, I have taught English as a foreign or second language in China and Canada.
I have a longstanding interest in international students’ intercultural experiences and strategy use for building vocabulary. My book (2018), Learning Vocabulary Strategically in a Study Abroad Context (published by Palgrave Macmillan) applies a close-up lens to the process of strategic vocabulary learning in study abroad contexts and offers novel insights into the flexibility and adaptability of strategy use within and across situations. I work with my colleague Andrew Cohen on a series of projects on the functions of language learner strategies, strategies for vocabulary fine-tuning, and vocabulary strategy instruction for academic writing.
I am currently developing new interests in the psychological dimension of language learning and teaching, especially learner engagement, self-regulation, and teacher wellbeing. Additionally, working with my colleagues at the University of Graz and partners in the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany, I was involved in an Erasmus+-funded project about the integration of global citizenship and plurilingual pedagogies. I have been invited to review book proposals for Routledge and Springer and articles for journals, such as System, Language and Intercultural Communication, and Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Ph.D in Applied Linguistics (2010-2013), University of Warwick.
- MA in English Language Teaching (2009-2010), University of Warwick.
- BA in History, Heritage and Education (2006-2009), University of Birmingham.
Postgraduate teaching
- TESOL Methodology (Course Organiser)
- Language and the Learner
- Sources of Knowledge: Understanding and analysing research literature
- Investigating Individual Learner Differences
- Online Language Learning
- Conceptualising Research: Foundations, Assumptions and Praxis
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
Topics of interest: vocabulary learning strategies, language learner strategies, strategy-based instruction, vocabulary learning and teaching.
Current PhD students supervised
Yurou Wei: Using storytelling for EFL learners to develop writing skills
Huixin Wang: L2 teacher motivation & direct motivational currents.
Siyan Chen: Vocabulary learning strategies & emotions
Clark Wang: Metacognitive strategies for learning and using vocabulary
Research summary
Language learner strategies
Second language vocabulary learning and teaching
Intercultural adjustment
Study abroad
Learner engagement
Teacher wellbeing
ELT materials adaptation
Current research interests
I am currently exploring a) learner engagement in vocabulary strategy instruction for academic writing and b) language teachers' intercultural adjustment and professional wellbeing.Project activity
Erasmus+ , 2020. Project title: The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit (€364k) - Project partner
Current research projects
- Self-access strategy instruction for vocabulary learning
- EFL Teachers’ actions regarding coursebook use
Current project grants
RKEI Innovation Fund, 2023. Project title: Strategy Instruction from the Providers’ and the Recipients’ Perspective (£3,203) - Principal investigator
Springboard Fund, 2025. Exploring English Language Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Strategy-based Instruction (£333.95) - Principal investigator
Conference details
Fine-tuning the use of verbal report in research on language learner strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Paper presentation| 5th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use | 4-6 September, 2024
Tangible insights from current and future research in the strategizing of language learners and users; Meta-reflections on the development of the field (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World | 23-24 November, 2022
Strategizing – Investigating the Dynamic Use of Strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Psychology of Language Learning | 23-25 June 2022
How strategies actually combine in the performance of language tasks (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the AILA virtual conference | 15-21 August, 2021
How learners actually process strategy instruction (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Poster presentation| AAAL virtual conference | 20-23 March, 2021
Training teachers for global citizenship education and plurilingual pedagogies: Teacher educators' insights (together with Prof. Sarah Mercer, Sonja Babic, and Johanna Gruber) | Presentation | Multilingualism on My Mind | University of Bergen| 18-19 March, 2021
Fine-tuning word meanings through online and mobile app technologies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Presentation | 3rd SSU conference |Osaka, Japan | 14 October, 2019
Research by teachers for teachers | Workshop| Doctoral School | Strobl, Austria | 09 June, 2019
Fluctuation in the functions of vocabulary strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | Presentation | AAAL conference |Chicago | 24-27 March, 2018
International Chinese students’ cross-cultural experiences in UK higher education
Presentation | 15th IALIC Conference | University of Peking, China |28 December, 2015
Dialogic strategy clusters for vocabulary learning
Presentation | SSU conference | Alpen-Adria University, Austria | 16 October, 2015
Invited speaker
Tangible insights from current and future research in the strategizing of language learners and users; Meta-reflections on the development of the field (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World | 23-24 November, 2022
Strategizing – Investigating the Dynamic Use of Strategies (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the 4th Conference on the Psychology of Language Learning | 23-25 June 2022
How strategies actually combine in the performance of language tasks (together with Prof. Andrew Cohen) | A Symposium for the AILA virtual conference | 15-21 August, 2021