Isabel Fee Schueler
Thesis title: War and Poetry: A Rediscovery of Roland Leighton's Poetry in the Context of the First World War

PhD supervisor:
Isabel Schueler holds an MA(Hons) in English Literature and an MSc in Literature and Society from the University of Edinburgh, where she is currently a PhD candidate. Her ongoing doctoral thesis examines the poetry of Roland Leighton in the context of First World War Poetry. More specifically her research is aiming to understand the relationship between war trauma and recovery through creative poetical responses, with Leighton as the primary example. Her other research interests include children’s literature, 19th century women’s writing, and the role of gender and sexuality in 19th and early 20th century literature.
PhD in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh (2022-present)
MSc in English Literature and Society from the University of Edinburgh (2021-2022)
MA (Hons) in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh (2017-2021)
Responsibilities & affiliations
FORUM Postgraduate Journal, Deputy Editor
Undergraduate teaching
Isabel Schueler is currently a tutor for the second year undergraduate course Literary Studies 2B: English Literature in the World post-1789. She has also been a tutor in the German department, teaching German 1B Literature classes and German 2A Oral Tutorials.
Research summary
Isabel Schueler’s research interest focusses on First World War Poetry and its context. Her other research interests include children’s literature, 19th century women’s writing, and the role of gender and sexuality in 19th and early 20th century literature.
Papers delivered
"Zwischen Schlachtfeld und Sonetten: Lyrik im Angesicht des Krieges" (Battlefields and Sonnets: Poetry of the First World War). Rotary Club Pforzheim-Schwarzwald, 23 May 2024.