Contact details
- Mobile: 00306932275757
- Web: Personal Homepage
- Street
51A Ath. Diakou Street, Petroupolis 13231, Attica, Greece
- City
- Athens
- Post code
- 13231
BSc (Honours), 1975. Patras University, Department of Physics, Greece
Nuclear Instrumentation Certificate (Postgraduate Course, 1976). Designated Radiation Worker, 1979. His work was made at the Research Laboratory for Research & Conservation, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, the Scottish Universities Research & Reactor Center, Glasgow and Dept of Physics, Edinburgh University, Scotland.
PhD. Nuclear Physics Applied in Archaeology- Radiochemistry, University of Edinburgh. Supervisor: Dr R.B.Galloway, Internal Examiner: Prof Ken Creer), PhD Scholarship recipient by Dept. of Physics, Edinburgh Univ, by Nobel Prize Winner (2012) Prof. Peter Higgs.
MacMaster University, Dept of Geology (under eminent Prof. Henry Schwarcz), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (post-grad experience on radiochemistry of cave deposits by U-Th dating, 1977).
Responsibilities & affiliations
1.Distinguished Professor, Henan University, Institute of Capital Civilization and Cultural Heritage, Kaifeng, China (2017- )
2.European Academy of Sciences & Arts, Salzburg; Dean of Class IV (Natural Sciences), Salzburg, Austria (2019- )
3. Distinguished Professor at Alma matter Europea, Maribor, Slovenia. Director of PhD Course Applied AI in Archaeology (2023- ); Director MSc Course Applied Archaeological Science (2023- )
4. Patras University, Geology Dept, Patras, Greece (external research collaborator)
5. University of Peloponnese, Lab of Archaeometry, Kalamata, Greece (external research collaborator)
Current research interests
Physical Sciences in Cultural Heritage / Archaeology; Obsidian Studies; Fractals in Archaeology; Archaeoastronomy; Hellenic-Chinese comparison of ancient technology; Luminescence Dating; Sustainability in Cultural HeritagePast research interests
Astronomy; Palaeoclimates, Solar-Terrestrial Phenomena- European Science Foundation Research Award 1983, through the Academy of Athens, for Archaeomagnetic measurements from Byzantine Churches
- Research Grant by the Academy of Athens (1982) for archaeomagnetic measurements in the Research Lab for Archaeology & History of Art, of the Univ of Oxford (Nov-Dec 1982)
- Study Visit Award by The Royal Society, London under the European Science Exchange Programme, to visit the University of Edinburgh (1983).
- Study Visit Award by The Royal Society, London under the European Science Exchange Programme, throught the National Hellenic Research Foundation, to realize research in the University of Edinburgh (1986).
- Invited-Visiting Professor (Maitre de Conference) University de Bodreaux III, Dept of Physics (1995).
- Ministry of Education, Greece, Excellence Prize for achievements in Archaeometry
- Membre de Correspondance de l’ Academie de Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres de Dijon, France (2003).
- Active Member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts, Class IV Natural Sciences. (2008)
- Included in the WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD Marquis edition, USA.
- Academy of Athens Award for the Book Archaeometry: dating methods in archaeology, 1986.
- Reference of Praise, Dept of History, Archaeology & Cultural Management, University of Peloponnese, 2010.
- Award of first graduated student from Patras University, Dept of Physics, by the Univ of Patras Student Parents Association (1975) (rank: Very Good).
- Archaeometry Professorship Costa Navarino Prize, 2010, University of Peloponnese, Lab of Archaeometry (by international committee,
- Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposia (LAIS), New International initiative, President (2009 Delphi, 2012 Libon, Paris 2015, Freiburg 2019 forthcoming)
- Corresponding Member of the Advisory Committee, Shanghai Archaeological Forum (Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 2013 and 2015 (Website:
- Elsevier Reviewer Recognition
- Honorary Professor at the Samara Institute - Higher School of Privatization and Enterprise, Russia (2014).
- Honorary & Guest Professor at the Samara State Academy of Culture & Arts, Russia (2014) (
- Member of International Scientific Advisory Council of International School for Advanced Research in Cultural Studies
(Samara State Academy of Culture & Arts), Russia
- Invited Technical Program Committee 20th Intern Conf. Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM), Hong-Kong Dec. 9-12, 2014 (!committee/cqn6)
- Invited to Program Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Archaeology, Hermitage Museum St Petersburg, Russia
- Awarded The University Seminars Programme of Onassis Foundation USA 2016. Visiting Fellow at the University of California San Diego
- Visiting Distinguished Professor at Henan University, China, 2017 (
- Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus (Expert Evaluator) 2017-18
- International Delphic Academy (IDA)- Private UG Berlin, Acting President (2016-2018); President and co-Manager (2018- ) (
- 2019: Honorary Fellow Edinburgh University, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
- 2019: Honorary Professor, Rhodes University, Dept of Physics & Electronics, South Africa.
- Advisory Member of the Mycenaean Foundation
- 2022: Honorary Book as a Special Issue of the peer reviewed journal HERITAGE, for my retirement from Univ. of the Aegean and the contributions in academia
- Honorary AWARD for the overall Achievements “On Natural Sciences in Archaeology & Cultural Heritage and other interdisciplinary fields” by the Hellenic Physical Society, 5 April 2023.
- Honorary Fellow of Literary Society PARNASSUS, Athens