Hellen Mbaya

Teaching Fellow (Innovation)

  • University of Edinburgh, Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems

Contact details



Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute, Easter Bush Campus

Post code
EH25 9RG


Global Academy Primary SupervisorProf. Geoff Simm

Global Academy Co-Supervisor: Prof. Alan Raybould

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) / University of Edinburgh Co-Supervisor: Prof. Steve Kemp

Research summary

Prior to my PhD, I worked for the National Biosafety Authority in Kenya which oversees all activities involving Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the country.

My current research is focused on Genome Editing and in particular how the new technology and its products will be regulated in different parts of the world. Its low cost and availability to a wide range of stakeholders both public and private means that it could be exploited as a tool to address food security issues in low and middle-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.