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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Helen Szoor-McElhinney EPSRC Our Health Programme Lead and a Curriculum & Community Research Manager
Dr Bhuvaneish T Selvaraj
Dr Takanobu Tagawa Research Fellow
Caelan Taggart Clinical Research Fellow
Rafael Attila Tağıyev PhD Philosophy
Ilaria Taglialatela Scafati PhD Psychology
Claire Tai
Mr Garry Tainsh BVM&S Partnership Officer (International)
Jamie Tait Governance Manager
Prof. Joyce Tait Founding Director of the Innogen Centre/Institute
Linda Tait Centre Administrator
Ms Nicola Tait Estates Campus Manager
Mrs Sally Tait BVM&S Year 5 Administrator
Dr Christine Tait-Burkard Tenure Track Fellow/Research Fellow
Dr. Hedieh Tajali Early Career Researcher
Hisako Takahashi An Examination of the Relationship between Japanese Writer Natsume Soseki & the Western Visual Arts
Professor Nazife Burcu Takil Ataturk Teaching Fellow in Turkish
Dr Tinashe Takuva Lecturer in Environmental History
Shira Tal Chancellor's Fellow
Katerina Taliatzi Contracts Officer