Dr Hatice Yıldız

Lecturer in Modern Gender History since 1750


I was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the social sciences (Political Science BA, Historical Sociology MA) in Istanbul. In 2013, I received a postgraduate research scholarship from the Cambridge International Trust and moved to the UK. I completed my PhD degree in History at the University of Cambridge in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Sujit Sivasundaram. Between 2017 and 2021, I held postdoctoral research positions at Merton College (University of Oxford) and the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History (Harvard University). I have been teaching at the University of Edinburgh since September 2020. 

Over the past ten years I worked in archives spanning three countries and seven cities: Istanbul, Bursa, Cambridge, London, Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata. I have presented elements of my work at workshops and conferences in the UK, the Netherlands, France, Turkey, and India. I provided supervisions and taught classes in global, gender, and labour history, on various topics from the Indian Rebellion to Ottoman craftswomen in the nineteenth century.

Responsibilities & affiliations

Coordinator of Histories of Gender and Sexuality Research Group

Co-founder of Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH)

Affiliated Research Centres: 

Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History

Centre for South Asian Studies

Edinburgh Centre for Global History

Undergraduate teaching

Gender and Work: A Global Survey from 1750 to WWII

Ottoman Modernities: Society, Economy, and Culture in the 19th Century


Historical Skills and Methods I 

Global Connections since 1450 (Course Organiser, Lecturer, and Tutor) 

The Global Economy since 1750 (Lectures: 'Asia on the Verge of Great Divergence' and 'The Industrial Revolution: Asia's Divergent Path')

Introduction to Historiography (Lecture: 'Fatema Mernissi: Questioning Patriarchy')

History Dissertation

Postgraduate teaching

Gender, Empire, and Labour in the Nineteenth Century: Perspectives from the Wider World


Historical Research: Skills and Sources (Pathway: 'Women in Ottoman History: Using Life Writings and Images')

Historical Methodology (Pathway: 'E. P. Thompson and His Legacy')

Economic and Social Theory for Historians (Seminar: 'Marx and Historical Materialism')

Dissertation, Taught MSc in History

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

I am happy to supervise doctoral dissertations exploring gendered aspects of work (paid or unpaid) in the late Ottoman Empire and/or colonial India. I am particularly keen on supervising projects that focus on gender and professional employment.

Research summary


  • Asia 
  • Mediterranean
  • Near East


  • Comparative & Global History
  • Economic History
  • Gender
  • Imperialism
  • Labour


  • Nineteenth Century

Research interests

My research lies at the intersection of gender, economic, and social histories of South Asia and the Middle East. I am concerned with the gendering of occupational categories that have emerged in conjunction with economic liberalisation and bureaucratic consolidation in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. My PhD thesis and subsequent work have examined the spatial and temporal aspects of women's and men's work, including concepts and categories of skill, technology, and specialist knowledge in textile factories of Ottoman Western Anatolia and Western India.

Current research interests

I am currently working on a monograph which is an extended version of my doctoral thesis.

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

My next project explores women's work in upper-middle class professions including medicine and law. I am specifically interested in the notions of skill, time, and collective identity as crafted by Indian and Ottoman female physicians in the early twentieth century.

Hatice Yıldız, 'Parallels and Contrasts in Gendered Histories of Industrial Labour in Bursa and Bombay 1850 – 1910', The Historical Journal, v. 60, no. 2 (June 2017): 443- 470.

Hatice Yıldız, 'The Politics of Time in Colonial Bombay: Labor Patterns and Protest in Cotton Mills', Journal of Social History 54, no.1 (Fall 2020): : 206-285.



Can Nacar and Hatice Yıldız, 'Labour History' in The Cambridge Companion to Ottoman History, Alex Norman Wick, ed., Cambridge University Press.

Hatice Yıldız, 'Gender and Labor', in The Oxford Handbook of Global Labor History, Oxford University Press.