Hasan Huseyin Ates
Thesis title: Disordered eating behaviours and psychological correlates in people with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

PhD supervisors:
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Old Medical Building
Teviot Place - City
- Edinburgh
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- EH8 9AG
I started my Clinical Psychology PhD program at the University of Edinburgh in October 2018 after completing my MSc in Clinical Neurodevelopmental Science at the King’s College London in August 2016. I worked at rehabilitation and mental health service in Istanbul and received my BSc in Psychology from Beykent University in Istanbul (2009 -2013).
- King’s College London- Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience Department- MSc Clinical Neurodevelopmental Science, London, United Kingdom
- Rice University- Intensive English Program, Houston, Texas, United State of America
- Scholarship Bachelor student at Beykent University Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Committee Member of the Scottish Developmental Psychology Network for Graduates (ScotDPN; https://scotdpn.wordpress.com/, on twitter: @Scot_DPN)
- Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- Member of the Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology (CADP)
- Member of the Eating Disorders and Behaviours Research Group
- External Member of the UCL Disordered Eating Research Group
Postgraduate teaching
Tutor - Psychological Therapies (Undergraduate and MSc degree in Psychology)
Tutor - Conceptual and Theoretical Psychology (MSc Psychology of Mental Health-Conversion)
Tutor - Psychological Therapies (Undergraduate and MSc degree in Psychology)
Research summary
I am particularly interested in disordered eating behaviours and psychological correlates in people with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The goal of my thesis is to explore to what extend disordered eating behaviours are associated with ADHD and/or ASD in children, adolescents, and adults and potential factors that cause and/or contribute to disordered eating such as age, gender, symptoms profiles, comorbid problems (depression, anxiety, sleeping), screen time and physical activity level. The opportune identification of the relationship between disordered eating, ADHD and ASD in children, adolescents, adults could contribute to the assessment and management of people with ADHD and/or ASD and could also lead to prevention strategies for negative outcomes such as ED and obesity. My methodological expertise crosses systematic review and quantitative data.
Current research interests
Disordered Eating Behaviours; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Screen Time; Physical Activity; Mood and Sleeping ProblemsPast research interests
My MSc in Clinical Neurodevelopmental Science research focussed on the Patterns of eating behaviours and associated lifestyles in adults with ADHD. During my BS degree in Psychology I conducted a research investigating, workplaces loneliness, work stress and work satisfaction: An analysis on public and private sector employees which was published on International Journal of Arts and Sciences at the Bad Hofgastein Congress Center in June 2013.Affiliated research centres
Papers delivered
Ates, H.H., Newman, E., & Williams, J. (2020). Poster presentation "A systematic review of disordered eating behaviours in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders" at the NRS Mental Health Network Annual Scientific Meeting.
Ates, H.H., Newman, E., & Williams, J. (2020). Oral presentation "Disordered eating behaviours and psychological correlates in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders" at the Edinburgh University PGR HSS Conference.
Ates, H. H., & Maltezos, S. (2019). Poster presentation "Patterns of Eating Behaviours and Associated Lifestyles in Adults with ADHD" at the NRS Mental Health Network Annual Scientific Meeting "Lost in Translation? Bringing research evidence to practice and policy".
Ates, H. H., & Sevinc, E. (2013). Oral presentation "Workplace Loneliness, Work Stress and Work Satisfaction: An Analysis on Public and Private Sector Employees" at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference, Bad Hofgastein Congress Center, Austria.