Harry M Lewis (MA, MScR)

Thesis title: The Jacobite Diaspora, the Stuart Court and the Greater Caribbean, 1688-c.1750

Undergraduate teaching

I formerly tutored on the pre-honours undergraduate course 'The Historian's Toolkit' and honours undergraduate course 'Trade, Plunder and Planters in Jamaica, 1655-1713'

Current project grants

William R McFarlane Scholarship 2019-2022.

Conference details

Oxford University, ‘Across the Frontier: the Jacobites in St Kitts, 1688-1713’, The Society for the Study of French History Annual Conference, April 10-13 2022 [Forthcoming]

The University of Glasgow, ‘Subcontracting the Slave Trade, the Case of Blackwood & Cathcart 1729-1750’, Scottish Association for the Study of America Annual Conference, March 5 2022

The University of Glasgow, ‘Irish Jacobite Revolts Against the Glorious Revolution in the Caribbean’, Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies Postgraduate Research Conference, July 27 2021

The University of York, ‘Disputing the Forfeiture of Jacobite Estates in the Caribbean’, Cabinet of Curiosities: Division, Dispute and Debate in the Early Modern World, c.1500-1750, April 26-27 2021

The University of Cambridge, ‘The Jacobites of Jamaica, 1688-c.1750’, Between Self and State: Exile in the Early Modern World, March 24-25 2021

The University of Edinburgh, ‘Planters and Prisoners: Jacobites in the Leeward Islands, 1688-c.1750’, Scottish Association for the Study of America Annual Conference, March 6 2021

The University of Edinburgh, ‘Jacobite Rebellions in the Caribbean, 1688-1722’, First Year PhD Conference, April 30 2020

The University of Strathclyde, ‘The Jacobites and the Pirates of Madagascar’, The Problem of Piracy Conference, June 24-26 2019

The Freie Universitätait Berlin/Humboldt University, ‘The Jolly Roger Jacobites’, Global History Student Conference, May 31-June 1 2019


The University of Edinburgh, ‘Genealogies and the Jacobite Diaspora in the French Caribbean, 1707-1784’, Edinburgh Centre for Global History Graduate Workshop, April 4 2022 The Jacobite Studies Trust, ‘Forfeiture and Accomodation in St. Kitts, 1688-1732’, Virtual Workshop Series, April 4 2022

The University of Edinburgh, ‘The Jacobite Diaspora in the Caribbean’, Edinburgh Early Modern Network Lightning Talks, January 26 2021

Newcastle University, ‘Jacobite Rebellions in the Caribbean’, Newcastle Postgraduate Forum Seminar Series, November 25 2020

The National Trust for Scotland, ‘Jolly Roger Jacobites’, Gladstone’s Land Lecture Series, February 7 2019

Lewis, H.M., ‘From ‘the land of cakes’ to Cadiz and Across the Atlantic: the Stuart Papers as a Source for Investigating Scottish Merchants in the Eighteenth Century’ in Scottish Archives, vol.27, 2021, 57-67

Lewis, H.M., ‘A ‘Project was contrived and carryed on with great secrecy’: International Irish Jacobite Networks and the Madagascar Project, 1718-1723’ in Northern Studies, vol.52, 2021, 135-160

Lewis, H.M., ‘George Camocke’s 1718 Proposal of a Jacobite-Pirate Alliance’ in The Mariner’s Mirror,  vol.107:3, 2021, 366-370

Lewis, H.M., ‘Review of British Catholic Merchants in the Commercial Age, 1670-1714 by Giada Pizzoni’ in The Seventeenth Century, vol.35:6, 2020, 837-839