Giovanna Pasquariello (AHRC-SGSAH Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship)

Thesis title: Inscribing the Galatians. Greek responses to the Galatian migration (3rd – 2nd centuries BC)


Born and raised in Italy, I obtained both my Bachelor's degree (2016) and Master's degree (2018) at the University of Naples "Federico II".

During my undergraduate studies, I completed an Erasmus Exchange at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, where I studied Greek epigraphy (with focus on inscriptions from Delphi), Greek and Gallo-Roman archaeology and geo-history.


M.A. Philology, Literatures and Civilizations of the Ancient World (2018), Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"

Advanced Course in Literary Forms between Ancient and Modern Ages (2018), Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli "Vittorio Emanuele III"

B.A. Classics (2016), Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"

Responsibilities & affiliations

HCA Peer Support Student Coordinator (Sept - Dec 2023)

HCA Writing Centre Tutor (Sept 2023 - May 2024)

Classics Tutor (2020-2024)

Classics Postgraduate Research Representative 2020/21

Undergraduate teaching

I have been tutor for:

Ancient History 2A: Past and Present in the Ancient World

Classical Literature 2

Greek 1A

Greek 1C

Greek World 1B: Greece’s New Horizons

Latin 1B 

Latin 1C 

Latin 1D 

Roman World 1A

Research summary

Greek Hellenistic history; Greek epigraphy;  Hellenistic kingship; Galatian migration; representation of the "barbarians" in the Greco-Roman world; Ancient Delphi; the Aetolian League; kinship and friendship in the Hellenistic world

Current research interests

My PhD project explored the vocabulary of the Galatian migration in Greek stone inscriptions (3rd-2nd centuries BC), its formation and circulation in the Greek-speaking Hellenistic world; I focused on the interface between epigraphy and literary accounts. I have growing interest in the reception of Classics and Ancient History in modern and contemporary political discourse, as well as in the teaching of Classics in the schools.

Past research interests

Pausanias on the Galatian attack on Delphi; the Galatian settlement into Asia Minor in the literary tradition

Knowledge exchange

  • 20/07/23 - Project Coordinator for the History & Ancient World Project Day at the Sutton Trust Summer School 2023 (University of Edinburgh). Sutton Trust provides mentoring and guidance for prospective HE applicants from disadvantaged socio-economical backgrounds 
  • 04/21 - 06/21 - AHRC-SGSAH funded Intern for the Scottish charity Open Past on the project "We Are What Makes Us Human", collaborating with illustrators to provide learning materials for the schools and the general public


  • International Conference “Definition and Re-Definition of Celtic Identities in the Ancient World. An Interdisciplinary Approach” (Florence, 5th September 2022 - Edinburgh, 16th September 2022), with Andrea Pierozzi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
  • Edinburgh Classics Postgraduate Seminar Series 2020/21 (University of Edinburgh), with Viola Periti, Fabio Avesani, Philip Harrison. 

Papers delivered

  • "Mobility of peoples and mobility of ethnonyms: chronology and political context of a Gallic/Galatian “migration pattern”" (Classical Association Conference 2024, University of Warwick, 24th  March 2024), with Andrea Pierozzi

  • “Padania, ‘Celtic’ identity and anti-Roman narration in Italian political discourse (1996-2001)” (Classical Association Conference 2023, University of Cambridge, 21st  April 2023)

  • “IK Laodikeia am Lykos 1. Galatian imagery, ‘Greekness’ and regionalism in Hellenistic Asia Minor” (Edinburgh Classics Research Seminars, University of Edinburgh, 6th April 2023)

  • “Working with Fragmentary (Greek) Inscriptions” (SGSAH Workshop “Working with Fragments in Classics and Archaeology”, University of St Andrews, 6th June 2022)
  • “The Oracle of Phaennis. Attalus’ Galaterideologie and Pergamene Cultural Policy in Epirus” (Edinburgh Classics Postgraduate Seminar Series 2021/22, University of Edinburgh, 8th April 2022)
  • “The Ideology of Victory over the Galatians. Re-reading an Explanatory Model of Hellenistic Kingship” (International Conference “The Same, but Different? Monarchical Representation in the Hellenistic World between Assimilation and Differentiation”, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 9th-12th March 2022)
  • “Celts in Motion. The Greek Response to the Galatian Migration” (International Conference “People in Motion in the Ancient Greek World”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 17th-18th May 2021)
  • “Syll.3 398 and FD III 1,483. The vocabulary of an Amphictyonic Network in the 3rd century BC” (Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History 2020/21, 18th-19th March 2021, University of Exeter)
  • “Celts at East, Celts at West. The Diplomatic Role of Massalia in Syll.3 591” (Edinburgh Classics Postgraduate Seminar Series 2019/20, University of Edinburgh, 5th March 2020)
  • “Callimachus’ Galatea and the Victory over the Galatians. An ‘Apolline’ Schema” (Postgraduate Work-in-Progress Seminar Series 2018/19, University of London, 7th December 2018)

Graduate Student Training Fund (University of Edinburgh) for the participation in the ENCODE Workshop "AI and Ancient Writing Cultures" (University of Bologna, 23rd - 27th January 2023)

SGSAH-AHRC Engagement Funding as Visiting Doctoral Researcher to the University of Münster's Forschungsstelle Asia Minor (December 2022)

Edinburgh IAD's Student Led Initiative Fund for the organisation of the International Conference "Definition and Redefinition of Celtic Identities in the Ancient World. An Interdisciplinary Approach" (Edinburgh, 16th September 2022)

Research Student Support Fund (University of Edinburgh) for the attendance and chairing of the first session of the conference "Definition and Redefinition of Celtic Identities in the Ancient World. An Interdisciplinary Approach" (Florence, 5th September 2022) and a research trip to the University of Bologna/Ravenna (3rd-8th September 2022)

AHRC-SGSAH Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship for the completion of my PhD project (2020-2023)

  • Pasquariello, G. (forthcoming), 'Victorious Kings. Royal Victories over Galatians and a "Multidimensional" Hellenistic Kingship', in Michels C. et al. (eds.), The Same, but Different? Monarchical Representation in the Hellenistic World between Assimilation and Differentiation. Proceedings of a Conference held at the WWU Münster, March 9 th -11th 2022, Stuttgart.
  • Pasquariello, G. (2023), Review of Coşkun, A. (ed.), Galatian victories and other studies into the agency and identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early Roman periods, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Online), 2023.06.23