Dr Geetha Marcus
Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, IETL, University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: 44 (0)131 651 6138
- Email: geetha.marcus@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport
University of Edinburgh
Charteris Land
Holyrood Road - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I have extensive professional experience in the field of primary education, both in classroom practice and in senior management. As a practitioner-researcher, I believe there is an urgent need for teachers to employ education methods that effect justice-oriented social change. Having worked in primary and teacher education, I am concerned that the rhetoric around young people’s attainment tends to focus on class related poverty, often ignoring the complex intersection of inequalities that stem from other social locations like gender, race, age, disability and sexuality.
Framing “the child” as a distinct group, with their different mix/intersections of social locations, as a sociologist I am particularly interested in the lives and multiple identities of young people who have been marginalised. Concerns around social justice for children and young people, their families, their welfare, wellbeing, and human rights form core themes of my professional practice.
These concerns in turn frame my understandings and approach to socially progressive teacher education programmes fit for the 21st century. As a qualitative researcher my theoretical influences stem from a post-colonial, intersectional framework, advocating for socially just policies that translate into teacher education pedagogical practices that are engaged and culturally sustaining, where the perspectives of both teachers and students are core to achieving meaningful progress.
- PhD (University of Edinburgh), Education
- MSc (Distinction) (University of Edinburgh), Education
- PG Cert (Distinction with Merit in Teaching)(Northern College of Education, Aberdeen), Primary Education
- BA (Hons) (National University of Singapore), English
Responsibilities & affiliations
General Teaching Council of Scotland (Full Registration)
Postgraduate teaching
MSc in Transformative Learning & Teaching (MSc TLT)
* Course Organiser: Subject Specialism: Nursery and Primary Curricular Areas 1 and 2 (EDUA11381 & EDUA11380)
* University Cluster Link for Student On-site Placements
Postgraduate Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Primary
* Course Organiser: Developing Pedagogies (EDUA11287)
* Course Tutor: Dimensions of Teaching (EDUA11441)
Below are a sample list of degree programmes/courses I have contributed to as a course organiser or programme director.
- MSc Teaching and Learning (Moray House School of Education & Sport, University of Edinburgh)
- MSc in Enhanced Practice in Education (School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow)
- PGDE Primary ((School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow; Moray House School of Education & Sport, University of Edinburgh)
- PGDE Secondary (Home Economics) (Queen Margaret University)
- BA (Hons) Education Studies (Queen Margaret University)
- BA (Hons) Primary Education (School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow; Queen Margaret University)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Alana Crawford (University of Strathclyde): The experiences of early career BAME Teachers in Scotland (SGSSS award)
Research summary
Active Research Interests:
- Socially progressive teacher education
- Experiences of early career BAME teachers
- Culturally relevant and engaged pedagogies for teaching the new century child
- Translingualism and Translanguaging
- Black feminist methodology (otherwise known an intersectionality)
- Oral history
Current research interests
I am currently working on three research outputs for publication. 1) A journal article interrogating aspects of the Scottish Education system using bell hooks' 'education as the practice of freedom' 2) An edited book that problematises the teaching of language (s) in Scottish schools 3) A single authored monograph which is an auto-ethnographic reflection on race and migration in the UK.Knowledge exchange
Anti-Racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism, Book Launch, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, June 2023.
Critical Publishing, Reviews by Professor Alison Phipps, and Dr Susan Davis. Anti-racism in Education - Stories of Growing Activism, Edited by Geetha Marcus and Stefanie Van de Peer.
Decolonising the Curriculum Community of Practice, Pluriversity Podcast Series, Chapter 2, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, May 2023.
It’s Our Future: Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessments - Collaborative Community Group Member - Equity and Social Justice - Phase 3.
Piazza, R. (2022). [Review of the book Gypsy and Traveller Girls. Silence, Agency and Power, by Geetha Marcus], Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 6(1), 17. https://doi.org/10.20897/femenc/11761
GTC Scotland: A Contemporary Code (Revisiting the Scottish Teaching Profession's current Code of Professionalism and Conduct (COPAC)) Working Party (2022).
Education Scotland: Building Racial Literacy Programme (Funded by Scottish Government) (2021, 2022, 2023).
Holyrood Events, Invited Speaker, Closing the Attainment Gap: Measuring Progress and Improving Outcomes, Edinburgh, Sept 2019.
Scottish Universities Insight Institute (Glasgow) Panel Discussion member. Poverty, attainment, and wellbeing: Making a difference to the lives of children and young people. The Implications for Policy and Practice, University of Strathclyde, March 2019.
BBC Academy’s Expert Women (Glasgow). Invited Speaker, Ask the Experts Session, BBC Expert Women scheme, February 2019.
BBC Academy’s Expert Women Extra (London). Invited to participate in further specialized media training for BBC Expert Women scheme at the ITN studios and City, University of London, August 2018.
BBC Academy’s Expert Women Scotland. One of 24 women selected from 400 applications for specialized media training for BBC Expert Women scheme, March 2018 and ongoing.
BSA Funded Women of Colour Researchers in Scotland: A Mentoring Symposium, Facilitator and Organiser, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 2017.
More video
In the press
Marcus, G. (2021) In memory of Stephen Lawrence: ‘Decolonising the Curriculum: Silence is not an Option’, Dr Geetha Marcus's blog, 21st April. https://www.qmu.ac.uk/campus-life/blogs/staff-dr-geetha-marcus/decolonising-the-curriculum-silence-is-not-an-option/
Marcus, G. (2021) 'Pandemic Thoughts: Decolonising COVID', Dr Geetha Marcus's blog, 30 September. https://www.qmu.ac.uk/campus-life/blogs/staff-dr-geetha-marcus/pandemic-thoughts/
Marcus, G. (2020) 'At dawn today', QMU@Home Blogs, 29 April. https://www.qmu.ac.uk/at-home/blogs/at-dawn-today/
Homelessness Discussion at Edinburgh International Book Festival https://www.sfha.co.uk/news/news-category/sector-news/news-article/homelessness-discussion-at-edinburgh-international-book-festival
Marcus, G. (2023) 'Talking of silence: Young Gypsy/Traveller women in Scotland', in Beasley, C. and Papadelos, P. (eds.) Living legacies of social injustice: Power, time and social change. Taylor Francis.
Marcus, G., & Van de Peer, S. (Eds.). (2023). Anti-racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism. Critical Publishing.
Marcus, G. (2022) [Review of the book Against White Feminism, by Rafia Zakaria]. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 6(2), 33. https://doi.org/10.20897/femenc/12356
Marcus, G. (2022) 'Digital and remote models of mentoring', in Eady, S., Essex, J., Livingston, K. and McColl, M. (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: A Practical Guide. London, Routledge, pp. 171-186.
Marcus, G. (2019) Gypsy and Traveller Girls: Silence, agency and power. Monograph. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Marcus, G. (2018) Scotland's Attainment Gap: Three Ways to Bridge the Educational Divide, The Conversation
Marcus, G. (2017) The Colour of Scholarship, British Sociological Association
Marcus, G. (2016) Black Feminism, Womanism and the Politics of Women of Colour in Europe Conference Blog: Plenary Closing Remarks
Marcus, G. (2016) Closing the attainment gap: What can schools do?SPICe Briefing SB 16/68
Marcus, G. (2016) The intersecting invisible experiences of Gypsy/Traveller girls in Scotland, Childhood and Youth Studies Network Blog
Marcus, G. (2015) Marginalisation and the voices of Gypsy/Traveller girls, Cambridge Open-Review Educational Research e-Journal (CORERJ),1 (2): p.55-77. Received 2016 CORERJ Editorial Board and Readership (CEBR) Award for most outstanding paper
Conference Paper/Presentations
Inclusion, Diversity & Intersectional Activism in Teacher Education: The Need for Transformation, TILTED Conference 2023, Towards Intersectionality in Language Teacher Education: First Steps, University of Edinburgh, November 2023.
Inclusive Communities and Policies, University of Strathclyde Doctoral School Multidisciplinary Symposium 2023: Horizons for Humanity, Glasgow, June 2023.
Decolonising the Curriculum Community of Practice, Pluriversity Podcast Series, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, May 2023.
Intersectionality, TIDS Event, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 2023.
Building Racial Literacy Webinar 2/ Cohort 4 Lecture by Dr Geetha Marcus, Education Scotland, Jan 2024 (to be uploaded).
Building Racial Literacy Webinar 2/ Cohort 3: Lecture by Dr Geetha Marcus, Education Scotland, Jan 2023, https://youtu.be/PK6YvqtUSIM
Building Racial Literacy Webinar 2/ Cohort 2: Lecture by Dr Geetha Marcus, Education Scotland, Sept 2022, https://youtu.be/PK6YvqtUSIM
Building Racial Literacy Webinar 1/C2: Lecture by Dr Geetha Marcus, Education Scotland, Feb 2022, https://youtu.be/PK6YvqtUSIM
An Introduction to Race and Ethnicity: Lecture by Dr Geetha Marcus, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Nov 2021. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-introduction-to-race-and-ethnicity-lecture-by-dr-geetha-marcus-tickets-189146481217
Can Gypsy and Traveller Women be Feminist Killjoys? A response to Sara Ahmed’s Living a Feminist Life. 2nd International Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, March 2020.
The Racialised and Gendered Experiences of Gypsy and Traveller Girls in Scotland, Conference on Racism and Religion, CEMFOR, Uppsala University, November 2019.
Forms of Homelessness and Gypsy/Travellers, Edinburgh Book Festival, Edinburgh, August 2019.
Gypsy, Traveller, and Roma sisters: Moving in Silence. International Political Science Association(IPSA): Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, June 2019.
Educational Policy and Practice in the Lives of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland. British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, April 2019.
Gypsy/Traveller Girls: A Case Study of the Dilemmas and Divisions in Feminist Thinking, Keynote Speaker,Young Women and Girls in Contemporary Scotland and Beyond, Girlhood Gang Conference 2018, Glasgow Women’s Library, Sept 2018.
The Politics of Silence in the Lives of Young Gypsy/Traveller Women in Scotland,Invited Speaker, College of Social Science, University of Hawaii, Manoa, April 2018.
Closing the Attainment Gap: What Can Schools Do? Invited Speaker, Scottish Educational Research Association, University of Edinburgh, March 2018.
Power, Silence and Agency: The Educational Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, Invited Speaker, Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (Iriss), Glasgow, March 2018.
Scotland’s Imperial Past and Present: Patterns, Complexities and Contradictions. Invited Speaker, Rethinking Race in Scotland, Glasgow, Jan 2018.
The Colour of Scholarship.Scottish Race Equality Network Meeting, Edinburgh, UK, Jan 2018
Reclaiming Intersectionality, 2nd Annual Black Feminism, Womanism and the Politics of Women of Colour in Europe, Binnenpret, Amsterdam, Oct 2017.
The Politics and Complexity of Silence in the Marginalised Lives of Young Gypsy/Traveller Women in Scotland, European Conference on Politics and Gender, University of Lausanne, June 2017 https://ecpr.eu/Events/PaperDetails.aspx?PaperID=33541&EventID=114
Piecing Together the Jigsaw: Connecting the politics of childhood poverty, education and welfare, Closing The Attainmen Gap, Invited Speaker, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, December 2016 https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/10017/piecing-together-jigsaw-policy-lab-2-notes
Power, Silence and Agency: The Educational Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, Centre for Research in Families and Relationships, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, November 2016 Marcus seminar.pdf - JISCMail
Race, Gender, Class and Age: The Intersecting Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, Critical Race and Ethnicities Network (CREN) Conference: Intersectional Interventions – Connecting oppression anywhere to oppression everywhere, Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, October 2016
The Racialised and Gendered Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, BSA Postgraduate Forum and BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group Seminar, Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers in Race and Ethnicity Studies, BSA Meeting Room, Imperial Wharf, London. October 2016 https://blogs.city.ac.uk/cci/2016/10/16/bsa-race-and-ethnicity-studies-workshop-and-mentoring-scheme/
Black Feminism and the Racialised, Gendered Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, Black Feminism, Womanism and the Politics of the Women of Colour in Europe, University of Edinburgh, September 2016
The Intersecting Invisible Experiences of Gypsy/Traveller Girls in Scotland, Childhood and Youth Studies Network Seminar, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, November 2015
From the Margins to the Centre: The Educational Experiences of Gypsy and Traveller Girls in Scottish Schools, British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Institute of Education, London, September 2014
From the Margins to the Centre: The Educational Experiences of Gypsy and Traveller Girls in Scotland, Kaleidoscope Conference: Opening Up the Ivory Tower, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, May 2014
From the Margins to the Centre: The Educational Experiences of Gypsy and Traveller Girls in Scottish Schools, British Educational Research Association (BERA) Postgraduate Symposium, University of Glasgow, October 2013