François Giraud
Teaching Fellow
Contact details
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Office hours: Thursday, 10-11 am (or by appointment)
François Giraud holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh.
He teaches documentary aesthetics, theories of intermediality as well as French Language and culture.
Research summary
Research Interests: intermediality, film aesthetics, film performance, gesture studies, French cinema, gender studies, documentary aesthetics
Gesture in French post-New Wave Cinema (Peter Lang: 2023) [forthcoming book]
Peer-reviewed articles
‘Intermediality and Gesture: Idealising the Craft of Filmmaking in Agnès Varda’s Lions Love (… and Lies)’, Studies in French Cinema, 19.2 (2019), 122-134.
‘Gestural Intermediality in Jean-Luc Godard’s Prénom Carmen’, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 15 (2018), 125-136.
Book chapter
‘The Grain of the Voice and the Materiality of the Digital Image in Alain Cavalier’s Irène (2009)’, in Intermedial Encounters Between Image, Music and Text: With and Beyond Roland Barthes, ed. by Fabien Arribert-Narce and Alex Watson (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023) [forthcoming book]
Book reviews
Review of Luc Vancheri, Le Cinéma ou le dernier des arts, in H-France Review, vol. 21 (April 2021), No. 76, pp. 1-3.
Review of Marie-Claire Barnet (ed.), Agnès Varda Unlimited: Image, Music, Media, in H-France Review, vol. 19 (January 2019), No. 3, pp. 1-4.
Other publications
‘The Visionary Films of Med Hondo’, Project Myopia (15 February 2021):
‘Pierre Etaix’, ‘Philippe Garrel’, in The Art of Directing, ed. by Michaël Abecassis, Marcelline Block and Felicity Chaplin (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023)
‘Thinking Migration through Expanded Cinema’, Franco-Scottish Research Network in the Humanities and Social Sciences (2015)
Conference details
‘The Grain of the Voice and the Materiality of the Digital Image’, Meiji University, Tokyo, 18 December 2022.
‘From Chronophotography to Motion Capture: The Actor’s Body in Leos Carax’s Holy Motors (2012)’, International Conference ‘Intermediality Now’, Sapientia University, Cluj, 19-20 October 2018.
‘The Tremor of Signs: The Cinematic Tableau Vivant in Pierre Zucca’s Roberte (1979) and Raoul Ruiz’s L’Hypothèse du tableau volé (1979)’, Society for French Studies Annual Conference, University College Cork, 2-4 July 2018.
‘The Intermediality of Gestures or the Art of Filmmaking in Jean-Luc Godard’s Prénom Carmen (1983)’, Intermidia Conference, University of Reading, 6-8 November 2017.
‘Gestural Intermedialities in Jean-Luc Godard’s Cinema’, Literatures, Languages, and Cultures Work in Progress Seminars, University of Edinburgh, 1 November 2017.
‘Gesture and Gender in Chantal Akerman’s L’Homme à la valise (1984)’, Literatures, Languages, and Cultures Cross-subject Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 3 May 2017.
‘Le Corps burlesque de Chantal Akerman’, Séminaire Littérature, Cultures, Identités, Paris-Sorbonne, 28 April 2017.
‘Revealing the Lies of Cinema through the Love of the Other Arts? Intermediality and Metacinema in Agnès Varda’s Lions Love (…and Lies) (1969)’, Film and the Other Arts Research Strand Workshop, University of Edinburgh, 3 June 2016, Keynote paper.
‘Thinking Migration through Expanded Cinema’, Franco-Scottish Research Network in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Workshop, 5-6 November 2015.