Florian Wieser (BA, MA (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), SGSAH AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship)

Thesis title: Survivance between Empires: Black and Indigenous American Existence within the French-Spanish Conflict of the Circum-Caribbean, 1559-1697


I was born and educated in Germany, completing my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. Early in my studies I developed an interest in colonial history and began to focus on the early modern Spanish empire and especially the marginalised groups within it. To further this research, I spent a semester studying at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid via the ERASMUS programme. I have researched history of sexuality and gender, history of the body and medicine, and discursive history. For my PhD project, I am looking at the role of Black and Indigenous American people in the space between the French and Spanish colonial empires in the circum-Caribbean region. My PhD research is funded by the Scottish Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (SGSAH). In 2024, I also completed a Visiting Doctoral Researchership at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


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Current research interests

early modern history (sixteenth-century history, seventeenth-century history); colonial and imperial history; Spanish history; French history; Black history and slavery studies; indigenous peoples' history; history of sexuality and gender; history of the body; discursive history