Fangyi Li

Thesis title: Transitional Justice, International Law, and Regional Particularism in Southeast Asia: An Analysis Focused on Victims’ Right to Justice


Fangyi is a PhD researcher at Edinburgh Law School. She researches on culturally-grounded views and practices of post-conflict justice in Southeast Asia, focusing specifically on global-local frictions in responding to legacies of mass atrocities.

Prior to joining the School, Fangyi worked at two international criminal tribunals - the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). She also did remote work for Africa Legal Aid (AFLA) - a Hague-based human rights NGO specialising in international criminal law and transitional justice.

Fangyi holds an LLB and an LLM in international law from Jilin University in China, and a second LLM in human rights law from the London School of Economics (LSE). 

Undergraduate teaching

  • International Law Ordinary, 2024/25; 2023/24
  • Introduction to Global Crime and Justice, 2023/24

Research summary

international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international law on use of force, everything about wars

Invited speaker

'Beyond Liberalism and Legalism: Lessons from Grassroots Transitional Justice in Cambodia and East Timor'

  • 'Nottingham International Criminal Justice Conference', University of Nottingham (Nottingham, July 2024).
  • ‘Victims and Transitional Justice: Participation, Mobilisation, Resistance’, Ghent University (virtual, March 2024).

'Constructing a Sensory Alternative to the Ongwen Judgment' (with Raghavi Viswanath)

  • Work-in-Progress Session of the Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law (Edinburgh, April 2023).
  • 'Lights and Shadows in the Ongwen Case at the International Criminal Court: Inter- and Multi-disciplinary Approaches', University of Jyväskylä (virtual, October 2022).

'Internships at International Criminal Tribunals - from Khmer Rouge to the Former Yugoslavia'

  • 'Experience-Sharing Workshop on Opportunities at International Organisations', Jilin University Human Rights Research Center (virtual, April 2023).
  • Raghavi Viswanath and Fangyi Li, ‘Constructing a Sensory Alternative to the Ongwen Judgment’, International Criminal Law Review 23, no. 5-6 (2023): 804-831.