Emma Mavin (MA, MTh)

Thesis title: The Wound of Love: Erotic and Kenotic Pain in the Theology of John of the Cross


MTh Theology in History (Distinction)

University of Edinburgh 

MA (Divinity) Honours (Upper Second)

University of Edinburgh 

Responsibilities & affiliations


  • Mystical Theology Network
  • Mysticism and Lived Experience Network
  • Royal Historical Society

Postgraduate teaching


Popular Religion: Women and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe

History of Christianity as a World Religion 1B

Current project grants

SGSAH (AHRC) Studentship


New College Postgraduate Colloquium (2021)

Papers delivered

"The Purposes of Visual Art in Nicholas of Cusa and John of the Cross", International Medieval Congress, Leeds (2021)

"Desire and the Transformation of Suffering in Catherine of Siena and John of the Cross" at the Carmel: Desire and Transformation conference, St Mary's University, Twickenham (2020)