Ella Mercer
Thesis title: The role of cholinergic signalling in regulating inflammation of the salivary glands following radiotherapy.

PhD supervisors:
- Street
Centre for Regenerative Medicine
Institute for Regeneration and Repair
The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh BioQuarter
5 Little France Drive - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4UU
2017-present: Wellcome Trust Tissue Repair PhD Student, University of Edinburgh, UK
2015-2016: ERASMUS+ Study year abroad, Uppsala University, Sweden
2013-2017: BSc(Hons) 1st class Medical Neuroscience (with a study year abroad), University of Sussex, UK

Responsibilities & affiliations
Postgraduate member of the British Neuroscience Association, the British Society for Immunology, the British Society for Cell Biology and an Affiliate member of the Physiological Society.
Member of the ENCODS 2020 organising committee (https://www.fens.org/Training/ENCODS/ENCODS2020/).
Member of the Tissue Repair Organoids 2020 symposium committee.
Research summary
Elaine Emmerson's research group
Current research interests
The role of cholinergic signalling in regulating inflammation of the salivary glands following radiotherapyProject activity
Radiotherapy to treat head and neck cancer is a leading cause of xerostomia (chronic dry mouth) caused by damage to the surrounding, healthy salivary glands. Work by Dr Elaine Emmerson has demonstrated a cholinergic dependent regenerative potential of the salivary glands via a SOX2+ progenitor cell population. My project focuses on understanding and promoting tissue repair and regeneration of the salivary glands through manipulation of the stem cell niche by modulating inflammation and promoting a hospitable environment for exogenous and/or endogenous regeneration.