Elinor Bridges

PhD Psychology

  • Psychology
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

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7 George Square

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I am a PhD student in my second year, and I am studying genetic and environmental aspects of reading ability. 

I started my time at university as an undergraduate in the biological sciences, however after being introduced to social science research during an internship I decided that I would like to explore other areas outside of biology. After my undergraduate degree, I went on to complete a masters in the social sciences, with a particular emphasis on statistics. I found it fascinating to see the ways that statististical analysis can be used to try to answer questions about the world around us, and so to build on that training further I embarked on my PhD in psychology. 


Social Research Methods & Statistics MSc, University of Manchester

Biology with Science & Society with Industrial/Professional Experience BSc, University of Manchester

Research summary

Literacy, speech and language, behavioural genetics, gene-environment interactions, quantitative methods