Elena Sanz Ortega

Lecturer in Spanish

  • Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
  • Department of European Languages and Cultures
  • School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Contact details



Room 3.12
50 George Square

Post code


  • My working hours are 9am to 5pm, and I will only respond to emails during those hours.
    Office hour: Thursdays (12.10-13.00). Outside this time, please email to arrange a meeting.


Elena Sanz Ortega holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting, an MSc in Translation Studies with Distinction and a PhD in Translation Studies at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Granada. Her doctoral thesis focused on the dubbing of polyglot films. She is currently a Lecturer in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS) at the University of Edinburgh.


BA (University of Málaga)

MSc (The University of Edinburgh)

PhD (The University of Edinburgh & University of Granada)

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Director of Learning and Teaching, Department of European Languages and Cultures
  • Course organiser for Spanish Language 3
  • Course organiser for Spanish 4Hons: Language Paper 1
  • Organiser for the Modern European Languages Long Essays and Dissertation Completion

Undergraduate teaching

  • Spanish language
  • Spanish literature
  • Spanish culture
  • Session for Thinking Translation: A Beginner's Guide

Postgraduate teaching

Research summary

Her research interests include the use of language variation and languages as a means of characterisation in audiovisual material. Her PhD thesis focuses on the dubbing of polyglot films through a descriptive and multimodal approach.

Project activity

Outreach and Widening Participation

Elena is actively involved in Outreach and Widening Participation initiatives in the Department of European Languages and Cultures.