Dr Sin Wang Chong (Senior Fellow HEA)
Senior Lecturer in Language Education

Contact details
- Email: sinwang.chong@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport
The University of Edinburgh
Charteris Land 5.07, Holyrood Road
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University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
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- Post code
Sin Wang is no longer working at the University of Edinburgh. This webpage is no longer being updated. To get in touch, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/sinwangchong/home
Sin Wang is Senior Lecturer (the equivalent of Associate Professor in the US system) in Language Education. Sin Wang’s research interests include educational assessment, language assessment, computer-assisted language learning, research synthesis, and their intersections.
Sin Wang is Associate Editor of the journals Higher Education Research & Development (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI-indexed) and Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI-indexed), and Section Editor of "Education and Language" in Elsevier's Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3rd edition). Sin Wang sits on the editorial review boards of a number of international refereed journals. He is a regular reviewer for leading journals in higher education and language education. Sin Wang is a grant assessor of The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Sin Wang is Chair of Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (SATEFL). He serves on the governing councils of British Educational Research Association (BERA) and British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) in the capacity of Council Member, Executive Committee Member, and Website Editor. Sin Wang was Research Lead and a member of the BERA Ethical Guidelines Review Group, conducting desk-based research on current ethical guidelines in educational research and advising BERA on the next edition of their ethical guidelines. At BERA, Sin Wang also co-convenes the Early Career Researcher Network. At BAAL, Sin Wang founded and convenes the Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group. At International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Sin Wang co-founded and co-convenes the Open Scholarship in Applied Linguistics Research Network. Sin Wang is Founding Member of Centre for Language Education Research at Queen's University Belfast.
Sin Wang is founder and co-director (with Masatoshi Sato) of the knowledge exchange project, TESOLgraphics, creating open-access, one-page infographic summaries of secondary research in TESOL for English teachers. TESOLgraphics is also on Twitter. Sin Wang is co-founder and co-director (with Shannon Mason) of Scholarly Peers, a platform to support doctoral students and early career researchers to navigate journal peer review. Scholarly Peers currently has a website, a Twitter account, and a podcast.
Sin Wang is/has been a PI and Co-I of 11 funded projects amounting to a total of nearly £427,000, leading teams of research assistants. Sin Wang is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Responsibilities & affiliations
Internal Service:
Convenor of Board of Examiners
Pathway Leader, Language Teaching and Technology, MSc in Second Language Teacher Education
Edinburgh Teaching Award Mentor
Postgraduate teaching
I teach on one optional course on the MSc TESOL and MSc Language Education:
- Online Language Learning
I am Course Organiser of:
- Online Language Learning
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I am happy to have an informal discussion about your PhD plan if you are working on any of the following topics:
- Language assessment (esp. learning-oriented language assessment, formative assessment, feedback)
- Computer-assisted language learning
- Qualitative research and synthesis
Current PhD students supervised
- Rabab Alhaddab: "Evaluating the use of portfolios as an assessment tool for students writing in Arabic as a second language" (assistant supervisor; principal supervisor: Prof. Velda McCune)
- Liu Xin: "Exploring L2 Chinese International PGT Students: Discipline-Specific Feedback Literacy about Dealing with Assignment Feedback at UK Universities" (lead supervisor; co-supervisor: Dr. Claudia Rosenhan)
Research summary
- Assessment for/as learning
- Learning-oriented (language) assessment
- Computer-assisted language learning
- Learner autonomy
- Research evaluation
- Research synthesis
Knowledge exchange
Blog posts
Supporting doctoral students and early career researchers in journal peer review in educational research: Issues and suggestions (Part 1). (June 2022). HE Education Research Census.
Supporting doctoral students and early career researchers in journal peer review in educational research: Issues and suggestions (Part 2). (June 2022). HE Education Research Census.
Supporting doctoral students and early career researchers in journal peer review in educational research: Issues and suggestions (Part 1). (July 2022). BERA Blog. [Reprint]
Supporting doctoral students and early career researchers in journal peer review in educational research: Issues and suggestions (Part 2). (July 2022). BERA Blog. [Reprint]
ECR Network Presents: Reflexivity in conducting qualitative educational research (with Muna Albuloushi, Nour Benlakhdar, Rachel Wicaksono). (Forthcoming). BERA Blog.
Don’t be cruel: how to write a fair peer review report (with Shannon Mason). (August 2022). Times Higher Education Campus.
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “The University in Transition: Visual Higher Education Studies”, interviewing Dr. Dina Belluigi
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “Conversation as a Form of Inclusive Research”, interviewing Sharon Smith
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “Negotiating Past, Present and Future Selves in the Research Process”, interviewing Sophia Kier-Byfield
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “Beyond the Orthodoxies: Alternative Concepts and Tools for Research”, interviewing Elke Van Dermijnsbrugge
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “Can (Should) ECRs be Peer Reviewers? Demystifying the Feedback Process in Scholarly Peer Review”, interviewing Dr. Shannon Mason
Host of a podcast for ECR Network, British Educational Research Association on “Navigating peer review behind-the-scenes", interviewing Dr. Shannon Mason
Invited speaker of a podcast for The TEFLology Podcast on “Open scholarship and research synthesis”.
Host of a podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Anisa Cheung
Host of a podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. James Wood
Host of podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Mark Carver
Host of podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Shannon Mason
Host of podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Mel Engman
Host of podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Jessica To
Host of podcast for Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Juuso Nieminen
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Tracy Zou
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Yuwei Xu
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Sal Consoli
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Jisun Jung
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Rita Silver
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Jonathan Tummons
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Prof. Masatoshi Sato
Host of podcast Scholarly Peers on journal peer review, interviewing Dr. Peter De Costa
Research Talk Show (on Twitter Spaces)
TESOLgraphics Research Talk Show episode 1: L2 anxiety and achievement (16 Sep 2022)
TESOLgraphics Research Talk Show episode 2: Task-based language teaching (14 Oct 2022)
TESOLgraphics Research Talk Show episode 3: L2 pronunciation (18 Nov 2022)
TESOLgraphics Research Talk Show episode 4: Dialogue system and language learning (13 Jan 2023)
Online Reading Group (on Zoom)
TESOLgraphics reading group: L2 anxiety and achievement (30 Sep 2022)
TESOLgraphics reading group: Task-based language teaching (28 Oct 2022)
TESOLgraphics reading group: L2 pronunciation (28 Nov 2022)
TESOLgraphics reading group: Dialogue system and language learning (31 Jan 2023)
TESOLgraphics website: An online resource with infographic summaries of secondary research in language education for practitioners and teachers
Scholarly Peers website: An online space with resources, blog posts, and podcasts about journal peer review for doctoral students and early career researchers
@Scholarly_Peers: A dedicated space for sharing scholarly peer review experiences (co-managed with Shannon Mason) with over 770 followers with researchers from virtually all academic fields
@TESOLgraphics: A Twitter account set up in January 2022 for disseminating one-page, infographic summaries of secondary research in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Currently, the account has nearly 1,800 followers.
@BERA_ECRNetwork: The official account of BERA’s Early Career Researcher Network, disseminating news and events relevant to junior educational researchers. Currently, the account has over 2,000 followers.
Affiliated research centres
Current project grants
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator) (2022-2024). British Council Assessment Research Award 2022. Amount: £2,500. STATUS: ONGOING
Chong, S. W. (Co-investigator). (2020-2023). “EdUHK English Enhancement Programme Curriculum Reform and Capacity Building”. Central Reserve Allocation Committee, The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$2,028,551.5 (£216,728.41). STATUS: ONGOING
Chong, S. W. (Co-investigator). (2020-2023). “Language Enhancement at EdUHK and Beyond: Fostering a Community of Practice on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching”. Establishment of Community of Practice for 2019/20-21/22., The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$1,000,000 (£106,839). STATUS: ONGOING
Past project grants
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator). (2021-2022). TESOLgraphics. International Education Institute, University of St. Andrews. Amount: £1,030. STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator). (2021-2022)."Developing early career researchers' feedback literacy for scholarly peer review". Sustainable Development Goals Research Seed Fund. Amount: £5,000. STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator). (2021)."An online repository of research synthesis summaries in language education". Research Strategy Budget. Amount: £2,644. STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Co-investigator). (2020-2021). "Co-design a roadmap to support assessors in making judgements of student competence". Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Award. Amount: £3,000. STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Co-investigator). (2020-2021). “Language MOOC for Intercultural Education and IELTS”. The Teaching Development Grant (TDG), The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$400,000 (£42,484). STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator). (2019-2020).“Blended learning mini-courses for intercultural education and IELTS preparation: A content-based instruction approach”. Special Projects Grant, The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$38,560 (£4,096.23). STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Principal Investigator). (2018-2019). Developing an exemplar anthology and online exemplar platform for IELTS writing. The Teaching Development Grant (TDG), The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$327,000 (£34,737.21). STATUS: COMPLETED
Chong, S. W. (Co-investigator). (2018-2019). An investigation into the correlation and alignment between the band scores of IELTS and ELPA. Centre for Language in Education Fund, The Education University of Hong Kong. Amount: HK$66,889 (£7,105.62). STATUS: COMPLETED
Invited speaker
Chong, S. W. (Mar, 2023). Towards transcultural pedagogy: dynamics in global EAP. University of St. Andrews EAP Conference. St. Andrews, Scotland. (Panelist)
Chong, S. W. (Jan, 2023). Doing practitioner research. Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2022). Researching language learner autonomy: A synthetic perspective. Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2022). Qualitative synthesis of research in languages education. Michigan State University. USA, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2022). Navigating journal peer review in educational research: Insights for early career researchers. Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR, online.
Chong, S.W. (Oct, 2022). Journal peer review: FAQs from early career researchers. University of St. Andrews, online.
Chong, S. W. (Sep, 2022). Journal peer review in Applied Linguistics. BAAL Conference 2022 & Junior Researchers Meeting (AILA). Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Chong, S. W. (June, 2022). Dissertation writing. MSc TESOL Summer School. Fife, Scotland.
Chong, S. W. (June, 2022). Systematic literature reviews in higher education research. Queen’s University Belfast. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Chong, S. W. & Carver, M. (June, 2022). Preparing for promotion. University of St. Andrews. UK, online.
Chong, S. W. (June, 2022). TESOLgraphics: Opening up scholarly communication. Open Scholarship in Applied Linguistics Symposium. UK, online.
Chong, S. W. (May, 2022). Navigating PhD by Publication in the UK: A personal reflection. Liverpool John Moores University. UK, online.
Chong, S. W. (April, 2022). Preparing for tenure and promotion. British Association for Applied Linguistics. UK, online.
Chong, S. W. (April, 2022). Open scholarship in TESOL: The case of TESOLgraphics. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Brown Bag Lunch Series. USA, online.
Chong, S. W. (Mar, 2022). Academic publishing: Insights from an insider. Cara Syria Programmes E-Learn Soiree Series. Syria, online.
Chong, S. W. (Feb, 2022). Learning-oriented language assessment: Insights for evidence-based practices in EAP classrooms. Hong Kong Baptist University, HKSAR, online.
Chong, S. W. (Jan, 2022). Getting your PhD research published and “out there”. School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, online.
Chong, S. W. (Jan, 2022). From self-love to mutual love: Bridging research-practice chasm in language education. Keynote at Singularities Conference, India, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2021). Ecological perspective to language learning and teaching. Ibn Zohr University of Agadir, Morocco, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2021). Developing English skills for IELTS. INTO QUB x QUB Workshop with IBEC Indonesia, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2021). What is journal peer review?. University of St. Andrews, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2021). Eight principles for engaging students in the feedback process in academic English classrooms. Keynote at Academic English Conference 2021, Cambridge University Press, online.
Chong, S. W. (Oct, 2021). Navigating peer reviewing for academic journals. British Educational Research Association, online.
Chong, S. W. (July, 2021). Practitioner research: What’s in it for me? University of St. Andrews.
Chong, S. W. (June, 2021). Meeting the expectations of journal editors. University College London, online.
Chong, S. W., & Mason, S. (May, 2021). It is more blessed to give than to receive: Developing peer reviewers’ feedback literacy. British Association for Applied Linguistics Researcher Development Workshop Series, online.
Chong, S. W. (May, 2021). Assessing IELTS writing. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chong, S. W. (April, 2021). A primer on qualitative research synthesis in TESOL. University of St. Andrews, online.
Mason, S., & Chong, S. W. (April, 2021). Demystifying the messiness of the peer-review process: From the view of two ECRs. British Association for Applied Linguistics Researcher Development Workshop Series, online.
Chong, S. W. (March, 2021). A typology of research synthesis in applied linguistics and TESOL. Centre for Applied Linguistics, University College London, online.
Chong, S. W. (March, 2021). Eight principles for engaging students in the feedback process of master’s supervision. Queen’s University Belfast, online.
Chong, S. W. (Feb, 2021). The role of feedback literacy in written corrective feedback research: An ecological and sociomaterial turn. University of Swansea, online.
Chong, S. W. (Nov, 2020). Preparing for scholarly publishing as junior researchers. University of Cambridge, online.
Chong, S. W. (2019). Talks on assessment feedback for the Curriculum Teaching and Learning Academic Group. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Chong, S. W. (2019). From teaching to advising: Narratives of a novice language advisor. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chong, S. W. (2019). Online language teaching and advising: Principles and best practices. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chong, S. W. (2018). Implementing video feedback using an online platform, GoToMeeting. HKCPD Hub Sharing Session, Hong Kong.
Chong, S. W. (2015). A reflective community of teaching and learning: Curriculum materials development and evaluations in AaL. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chong, S. W. (2014). Fostering students’ ability to connect, critique, and co-construct in ESL reading and writing classrooms. The University High School, Australia, Victoria.
Chong, S. W. (2013). Music curriculum materials development for primary and secondary. Hong Kong Jockey Club & Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
Organiser, host, and speaker of virtual book launch, Landscapes and Narratives of PhD by Publication (Chong & Johnson, 2022)
Organiser & host of webinar series, Journal Peer Review: What are Journal Editors Looking for?, Sep – Nov 2022 (British Educational Research Association Early Career Researcher Network)
Co-organiser, Open Scholarship in Applied Linguistics Symposium, Open Applied Linguistics Research Network, International Association of Applied Linguistics, June 2022. (Funded by Cambridge University Press & Assessment)
Member, Local Organising Committee, British Association for Applied Linguistics Conference 2022. (Funded)
Organiser, Launch event of TESOLgraphics website. ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2021, Oct 2021, online. (Funded)
Organiser, British Association for Applied Linguistics Researcher Development Workshop on “Professional Development in Applied Linguistics for Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers”, Nov 2021 – April 2022 (with Luke Plonsky) (Funded)
Organiser, Leaner-centred approaches to language assessment in and beyond the classroom in the UK. UKALTA Online Symposium, Oct 2021 (Funded)
Organiser, British Association for Applied Linguistics/Cambridge University Press Seminar on research synthesis in applied linguistics, June, 2021. (Funded)
Organiser, British Association for Applied Linguistics Researcher Development Workshop on “Feedback of peer review for Applied Linguistics journals”, Feb 2021 – June 2021 (with Shannon Mason) (Funded)
Papers delivered
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (2022). Autonomy of English language learners: A scoping review of research and practice. JALT Conference 2022, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Kong, M. S., Carr, M., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Cross-linguistic influence in Hong Kong ESL learners’ acquisition of accurate use of conjunctions. BAAL Conference 2022, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Chong, S. W., & Mason, S. (2021). Professionalising the peer-review process: feedback literacy development of two-award winning peer reviewers. HERDSA 2021 Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia (cancelled due to COVID)
- Chong, S. W., Reinders, H., Khan, M. A., & Lin, C. Y. (2020). A review of language MOOCs and development of a design framework. Harnessing the potentials of technology to support self-directed language learning in online learning settings, online.
- Chong, S. W., Chen, Y., & Lee, S. R. (2020). Co-creating self-access blended learning mini-courses on intercultural education and IELTS, HKCPD Hub International Conference 2020, online.
- Chong, S. W. (2020). Feedback literacy as an ecological construct. CRADLE Conference 2020, online.
- Chong, S. W., & Mason, S. (2020). Feedback literacy of “scholarly peers”: A collaborative autoethnography of two award-winning peer reviewers. Feedback literacy: from Education to professional practice, online.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Academics’ feedback literacy for scholarly peer-review: A living rapid systematic review. Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2019, Manchester, UK (cancelled due to COVID)
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Electronic feedback on Google Docs for ESL college students. 2019 Continuing Professional Development Symposium for Hong Kong University Language Centres, Hong Kong
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Language learner autonomy: A scoping review (LASER phase 1). Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education LAb Session, online.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Learning-oriented assessment practices in English enhancement courses: Students’ perspectives. HKCPD Colloquium, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Using exemplars to develop evaluative judgement. HKCPD Colloquium, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Using exploratory practice to research autonomy of pre-service ESL teachers. Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education LAb Session, online.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Assessment as learning in an ESL writing classroom: Promoting students’ self-assessment using the S.E.L.F. model. Technology-Enhanced Assessment Conference 2018, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Giving and responding to e-feedback and handwritten feedback in an academic course for early childhood education students. Technology-Enhanced Assessment Conference 2018, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Developing curriculum materials to support exemplar-based writing instruction in ESL/EFL K-12 and higher education contexts. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2018, Sydney, Australia.
- Chong, S. W., & Ye, X. (2018). Development of an exemplar-based writing instruction textbook for teaching IELTS writing. International Conference on Bilingual Learning and Teaching, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Interpersonal aspect of feedback: A students’ perspective. JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2018, Japan.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Learner autonomy research digital repository. Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education LAb Session, online.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Technology-mediated task-based language teaching: Qualitative synthesis and sharing of practice. 2018 HKCPD Symposium for University Language Centres, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Technology-mediated task-based language teaching in ESL/EFL contexts: A qualitative research synthesis. Task-based Language and Teaching in Asia, Japan.
- Chong, S. W. (2017). Empowering students to be metacognitive through written feedback. TESOL Convention 2017, Seattle, USA.
- Chong, S. W. (2017). How a teacher prepares students to give peer feedback using rubrics in three writing classrooms. The 6th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2017, Singapore.
- Chong, S. W. (2016). Content-focused feedback to enhance students’ learning experience in a writing classroom. Conference on Enhancing Student Learning Experience, Hong Kong.
- Chong, S. W. (2016). How students’ levels of content development and linguistic accuracy influence the relevance and accuracy of written feedback in peer assessment: A case study. Asian Conference on Language Education 2016, Japan.
- Chong, S. W. (2014). Pedagogical design capacity and underlying knowledge base: A case study in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong.
In progress – journal articles
- Sato, M., & Chong, S. W. (In Preparation). Cultivating a venue for equitable research-practice dialogues: An example of TESOLGraphics.
- Yun, J., & Chong, S. W. (Submitted). Task-based language teaching in one-on-one English language teaching classrooms.
- Chong, S. W., Lau, Q., Isaacs, T., & Purpura, J. (In Preparation). A scoping review of learning-oriented language assessment: Conceptualisation, operationalisation, and evaluation.
- Perry, G., Chong, S.W. (In Preparation). Evaluating the validity of the WIDA MODEL online English proficiency assessment for young learners using a socio-cognitive framework: A teacher’s autoethnography.
- Gao, L., & Chong, S. W. (Under Review). Tracing the motivational dynamics of L3 learners: A multiple case study of four high- and low-proficiency undergraduates in the UK.
- Kong, M. S., & Carr, M., & Chong, S. W. (Under Review). Cross-linguistic influence in Hong Kong ESL learners' acquisition of accurate use of conjunctions.
- Xu, Y., & Chong, S. W. (Under Review). Shadow education in China: Exploring reasons for high school EFL students to attend English cram schools.
In progress – books and monographs
- Reinders, H., & Chong, S. W. (Eds.) (In Preparation). Innovation in language learning & teaching: The case of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Chong, S. W. (Ed.) (Under Contract). Developing feedback literacy for academic journal peer review: Narratives from researchers in education and applied linguistics. Routledge.
- Jitpaissarnwattana, N., Reinders, H., & Chong, S. W. (Under Contract). Language MOOCs. A guide for teachers. Castledown.
In progress – books chapters
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (In Preparation). Technology-mediated second language acquisition. In M. Young-Scholten & J. R. Herschensohn (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
In progress – commissioned work
- Reinders, H., & Chong, S. W. (In Preparation). Engaging language learners through videos: A scoping review. Digital Learning Associates.
Published work – journal articles
- Chong, S. W., & Lin, T. J. (2023). Feedback in journal peer-review: A systematic literature review. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. (IF: 4.440)
- Chong, S. W., & Isaacs, T. (2023). An ecological perspective on classroom-based assessment. TESOL Quarterly. (IF: 3.410)
- Chong, S. W., & Plonsky, L. (2023). A typology of research synthesis in applied linguistics. Applied Linguistics Review. (IF: 3.063) [read preprint here]
- Chong, S. W., Bond, M., & Chalmers, H. (2023). Opening the methodological black box of research synthesis in language education: Where are we now and where are we heading?. Applied Linguistics Review. (IF: 3.063)
- Qi, L., & Chong, S. W. (2023). A qualitative synthesis of research on bilingual education in China: Models and perceptions. Applied Linguistics Review. (IF: 3.063)
- Meng, L., Chong, S. W., Marsden, E., McManus, K., Morgan-Short, K., Al-Hoorie, A. H., Plonsky, L., Bolibaugh, C., Hiver, P., Winke, P., Huensch, A., & Hui, B. (2022). Open scholarship in applied linguistics: What, why, and how. Language Teaching. Advanced online publication. (IF: 4.769)
- Chong, S. W., Isaacs, T., & McKinley, J. (2022). Ecological Systems Theory and L2 research. Language Teaching. Advanced online publication. (IF: 4.769)
- Chong, S. W. (2022). The role of feedback literacy in written corrective feedback research: From feedback information to feedback ecology. Cogent Education, 9(1), 2082120. (CiteScore: 2.0)
- Shen, R., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Learner engagement with written corrective feedback in ESL and EFL contexts: A qualitative research synthesis using a perception-based framework. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Advanced online publication. (IF: 4.440)
- Mason, S., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Bringing light to a hidden genre: The peer review report. Higher Education Research & Development, Advanced online publication. (IF: 2.849)
- Chong, S. W., Khan, M. A., & Reinders, H. (2022). A critical review of design features of LMOOCs. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Advanced online publication. (IF: 5.964)
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (2022). Autonomy of English language learners: A scoping review of research and practice. Language Teaching Research. Advanced online publication. (IF: 3.401).
- Ma, H., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Predictability of IELTS in a high-stakes context: A mixed methods study of Chinese students' perspectives on test preparation. Language Testing in Asia, 12, 2(2022). (CiteScore: 2.7)
- Chong, S. W., Lin, T., & Chen, Y. (2022). A methodological review of systematic literature reviews in higher education: Heterogeneity and homogeneity. Educational Research Review, 35(2022), 100426. (IF: 10.207)
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (2021). A methodological review of qualitative research synthesis in CALL: The state-of-the-art. System, 103(2021), 102646. (IF: 4.518)
- Chong, S. W., & Plonsky, L. (2021). A primer on qualitative research synthesis in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 55(3), 1024-1034. (IF: 3.410)
- Chong, S. W. (2021). BAAL/CUP Seminar on research synthesis in applied linguistics: Facilitating research-pedagogy dialogue. Language Teaching. Advanced online publication. (IF: 4.769)
- Chong, S. W., & Plonsky, L. (2021). A typology of secondary research in Applied Linguistics. [Preprint: https://osf.io/msjrh]
- Chong, S. W. (2021). Demystifying commentary guidelines of PhD by published work in the UK: Insights from genre analysis. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Advanced online publication. (IF: 2.027)
- Chong, S. W. (2021). Reconsidering student feedback literacy from an ecological perspective. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(1), 92-104. (IF: 4.440)
- Chong, S. W. (2021). Improving peer-review by developing reviewers’ feedback literacy. Learned Publishing, 34(3), 461-467. (IF: 2.711)
- Chong, S. W., & Mason, S. (2021). Demystifying the process of scholarly peer-review: An autoethnographic investigation of feedback literacy of two award-winning peer reviewers. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Article 8, 266(2021). (IF: 2.731)
- Chong, S. W. (2021). University students’ perceptions towards using exemplars dialogically to develop evaluative judgement: The case of a high-stakes language test. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 6, Article 12. (CiteScore: 2.0)
- Chong, S.W., & Reinders, H. (2021). Technology-mediated task-based language teaching: A qualitative research synthesis. OASIS Summary of Chong, S.W. & Reinders, H. (2020) in Language Learning and Technology. https://oasis-database.org/concern/summaries/2v23vt71n?locale=en
- Chong, S. W. (2020). PhD by published work and “doctorateness”: My experience at a UK university. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 4, 1.
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (2020). Technology-mediated task-based language teaching: A qualitative research synthesis. Language Learning & Technology, 24(3), 70-86. (IF: 4.694)
- Chong, S. W. (2020). The role of research synthesis in facilitating research-pedagogy dialogue. ELT Journal, 74(4), 484-487. (IF: 2.481)
- Chong, S. W. (2020). Written corrective feedback practices of an experienced ESL primary teacher: An ecological perspective. TESOL Journal, 11(3), e00509. (CiteScore: 1.7)
- Chong, S. W. (2019). Academic writing skills for postgraduate students. Academe: First Forays into Academic Writing, 2(1), 45-60.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). A research report: Theorizing ESL community college students’ perception of written feedback. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 44(6), 463-467. (CiteScore: 1.3)
- Chong, S. W. (2019). A systematic review of written corrective feedback research in ESL/EFL contexts. Language Education and Assessment, 2(2), 57-69.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). College students’ perception of e-feedback: A grounded theory perspective. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(7), 1090-1105. (IF: 4.440)
- Chong, S. W., Mynard, J., & Reinders, H. (2019). Learner autonomy search engine & repository (LASER). Relay Journal, 2(1), 212-217.
- Chong, S. W. (2019). The use of exemplars in English writing classrooms: From theory to practice. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 748-763. (IF: 4.440)
- Chong, S. W. (2018). A three-stage model for implementing focused written corrective feedback. TESL Canada, 34(2), 71-83.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Giving feedback: An English teacher’s curse or blessing?. English Teaching Professional, 114, 41-42.
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Interpersonal aspect of written feedback: A community college students’ perspective. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 23(4), 499-519. (CiteScore: 1.0)
- Chong, S. W. (2018). Three paradigms of classroom assessment: Implications for written feedback research. Language Assessment Quarterly, 15(4), 330-347. (IF: 2.143)
- Chong, S. W.* (2018). Interplay among technical, socio-emotional and personal factors in written feedback research. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(2), 185-196. (IF: 4.440)
- Chong, S. W.* (2017). Assessment dialogues between teachers and students using e-writing portfolios. TESOL Journal, 8(1), 240-243. (CiteScore: 1.7)
- Chong, S. W.* (2017). How students’ ability levels influence the relevance and accuracy of their feedback to peers: A case study. Assessing Writing, 31, 13-23. (IF: 3.164)
- Chong, S. W.* (2017). Reconsidering teacher, peer, and computer-generated feedback. TESOL Journal, 8(4), 886-893. (CiteScore: 1.7)
- Chong, S. W.* (2017). Teaching students how to write a description with a photo activity. English Teaching Forum, 55(2), 32-37.
- Chong, S. W.* (2017). To mark or not to mark, that is the question: Developing English teachers’ readiness to implement focused written corrective feedback. The Teacher Trainer Journal, 31(2), 10-12.
- Chong, S. W.* (2016). Fostering students’ metacognitive knowledge through written comments. Humanising Language Teaching, 18(6).
- Chong, S. W.* (2016). Pedagogical design capacity and underlying knowledge base of curriculum materials use of a Hong Kong English teacher. English Language Teaching, 9(5), 85-97.
- Chong, S. W.* (2016). Promoting peer assessment using Moodle in a public speaking course. Modern English Teacher, 25(4), 52-54.
*Author name appears as Chong, I.
Published work – book chapters
- Reinders, H., & Chong, S. W. (2023). Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) as a pedagogical framework. In C. Chappell (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley.
- Chong, S. W., & Johnson, N. (2022). Introduction: Demystifying the PhD by Publication. In S. W. Chong & N. Johnson (Eds.), Landscapes and narratives of PhD by Publication: Demystifying students’ and supervisors’ Perspectives (pp. 1-9). Springer.
- Chong, S. W. (2022). Retrospective PhD by Publication in the UK: A rapid review on educational research commentaries. In S. W. Chong & N. Johnson (Eds.), Landscapes and narratives of PhD by Publication: Demystifying students’ and supervisors’ Perspectives (pp. 47-71). Springer.
- Johnson, N., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Demystifying the PhD by Publication and the research road ahead. In S. W. Chong & N. Johnson (Eds.), Landscapes and narratives of PhD by Publication: Demystifying students’ and supervisors’ Perspectives (pp. 215-222). Springer.
- Chong, S. W., Reinders, H. (2023). Learning-oriented language assessment: Insights for evidence-based practices. In S. W. Chong & H. Reinders (Eds.), Innovation in learning-oriented language assessment (pp. xx-xx). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Chong, S. W. (2023). Language teacher autonomy and written feedback: The case of a Hong Kong elementary English. In S. W. Chong & H. Reinders (Eds.), Innovation in learning-oriented language assessment (pp. xx-xx). Palgrave Macmillan.
Published work – books and monographs
- Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (Eds.) (2023). Innovation in learning-oriented language assessment. Palgrave Macmillan. [Link to UKALTA-funded symposium based on the book]
- Chong, S. W., & Johnson, N. (Eds.) (2022). Landscapes and narratives of PhD by Publication: Demystifying students’ and supervisors’ Perspectives. Springer.
- Chong, S. W., & Ye, X. (2021). Developing writing skills for IELTS: A research-based approach. Routledge.
- Chong, S. W. (2020). Metacognitive mindscapes: Understanding secondary EFL writing students’ systems of knowledge. Routledge.
- Chong, S. W., & Chiu, C. (2013). Jockey Club keys to music education programme: Activity book. Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.
Published work – commissioned work
- Liu, M., & Chong, S. W. (2022). Research network statement on open scholarship in applied linguistics (endorsed by International Association of Applied Linguistics). Retrieved on https://openappliedlinguistics.org/ren-statement-on-os-in-al
- Chong, S. W. (2022). Researcher’s report for BERA ethical guidelines review. British Educational Research Association.
Published work – systematic review protocols
- Chong, S. W., & Isaacs, T. (2022). A protocol for a scoping review of learning-oriented language assessment in formal and non-formal educational contexts. International Database of Education Systematic Reviews. https://idesr.org/article/IDESR000040
- Robinson, B., O’Boyle, A., & Chong, S. W. (2022). A protocol for a systematic review of community and volunteer-led initiatives for social integration and language education of asylum seekers and refugees. International Database of Education Systematic Reviews. https://idesr.org/article/IDESR000030
Associate Editor, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (SSCI, IF: 2.241)
Associate Editor, Higher Education Research & Development (SSCI, IF: 2.849)
Section Editor, Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3rd ed.) (2021-2024)
Co-Editor (together with Mel Bond and Hamish Chalmers), Special Issue on “Evidence Synthesis in Language Learning and Teaching”, Applied Linguistics Review (SSCI, IF: 3.063) (2022)
Co-Editor (together with Meng Liu, Ali Al-Hoorie, and Phil Hiver), Special Issue on “Open Scholarship Approaches in Applied Linguistics”, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Elsevier) (2023)
Managing Editor, Relay Journal (2019)
Editorial board member
Heliyon (Elsevier; Cell Press) (SCIE, IF: 3.776 & Scopus) (2022-2023)
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (SSCI, IF: 2.241) (2018)
TESOL Journal (ESCI & Scopus, CiteScore: 1.7) (2017 - )
Cambridge Scholars Publishing (publisher)
Journal reviewer
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (Scopus)
Applied Linguistics Review (SSCI)
Journal of English for Academic Purposes (SSCI)
Studies in Educational Evaluation (SSCI)
Learning and Instruction (SSCI)
Educational Research Review (SSCI)
International Journal of Management Reviews (SSCI)
Higher Education (SSCI)
Educational Research for Policy and Practice (ESCI & Scopus)
Language Learning & Technology (SSCI)
Applied Linguistics (SSCI)
Foreign Language Annals (SSCI)
Computers and Education (SSCI)
Asia Pacific Journal of Education
Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI)
Learning: Research and Practice (Scopus)
Higher Education Research & Development (SSCI)
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)
Language Assessment Quarterly (SSCI)
Education Sciences (ESCI)
TESOL Quarterly (SSCI)
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (ESCI & Scopus)
Research in Post-Compulsory Education (ESCI & Scopus)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI)
International Journal of Doctoral Studies (Scopus)
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (ESCI & Scopus)
TESOL Journal (ESCI & Scopus)
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education (SSCI)
Teacher Education Quarterly
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Conference reviewer
HKCPD International Conference 2020
HERDSA Conference 2019
HKCPD Hub for University English Teachers Symposium 2019
AERA Annual Meeting 2019
AERA Annual Meeting 2018
Technology-Enhanced Assessment Conference 2018
TESOL Convention 2017
Asian Conference on Language Education 2016
Grant Assessor
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Leadership/advisory roles
Chair, Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (SATEFL) (Dec 2022 - )
External Examiner, MA TESOL and MA English Language Teaching, University of Huddersfield (2023 - )
Consultant, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Nov 2022 - )
Judging Panel, Richard Pemberton Prize, British Association for Applied Linguistics (Sep 2022)
Judging Panel, Applying Linguistics Award, British Association for Applied Linguistics (July 2022)
Judging Panel, British Association for Applied Linguistics Book Prize (May 2022)
Member & Researcher Lead, Ethical Guidelines Review Group, British Educational Research Association (April 2022 - )
Council Member, British Educational Research Association (Sep 2022 - )
Founder & Convenor, Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics SIG, British Association for Applied Linguistics (March 2022 - )
Convenor (with Meng Liu), Open Applied Linguistics Research Network, International Association of Applied Linguistics (Feb 2022 - )
Convenor (with Oliver Hooper and Gihan Ismail), Early Career Researcher Network, British Educational Research Association (Sep 2021 - )
Northern Ireland Regional Representative, Early Career Researcher Network, British Educational Research Association (July 2020 - )
Trustee and Website Editor, Executive Committee, British Association for Applied Linguistics (Sep 2022 - )
Trustee and Ordinary Member, Executive Committee, British Association for Applied Linguistics (Sep 2021 – Sep 2022)
Researcher & Research Manager, Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education, Kanda University of International Studies (2018 - )
Advisor, Bridging the primary and secondary curricula: Developing thinking and speaking skills. Hong Kong Education Bureau, Hong Kong. (2013)