Dr Ray Bobrownicki (CPsychol AFBPsS FHEA)

Lecturer in Sport Psychology / Co-Programme Director: BSc (Hons) Applied Sport Science


Ray is a Lecturer in Sport Psychology, BPS Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow, British Athletics Licensed Coach (Jumping Events), and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He joined the Institute for Sport, PE, and Health Sciences at the University of Edinburgh in November 2021, having previously worked at the University of the West of Scotland (2016–2021) where he was Programme Leader for the BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching degree. Ray has been actively involved in real-world sport in a number of capacities, including athlete (e.g., Commonwealth Games finalist and 2.28m high jumper), coach (e.g., guided Nikki Manson to Scottish women's high jump record of 1.93m), referee (e.g., basketball), and consultant (e.g., Glasgow Athletics).

Ray’s interests relate to interdisciplinary research and practice linking sport psychology, coaching instruction, and motor learning/performance. His recent research has focused on exploring the impact of coaching instruction (e.g., traditional verbal instructions or analogies) on performance, movement, and psychological factors (e.g., understanding, confidence, and motivation) for learning and competition environments.


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PGCert (Academic Practice) – University of the West of Scotland

PhD (Sport Psychology and Coaching) – University of Edinburgh

MSc (Performance Psychology) – University of Edinburgh

AB (Psychology) – Brown University

Responsibilities & affiliations

Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society)

Associate Fellow (British Psychological Society)

Fellow (Higher Education Academy)

Licensed Athletics Coach – Jumps (British Athletics)

Undergraduate teaching

Programme Director

  • BSc (Hons) Applied Sport Science

Course Organiser:

  • Sport Science 2B: Kinesiology and Sport Psychology
  • Special Topics in Sport Psychology 4


  • Sport Science Dissertation Supervisor

Postgraduate teaching


  • Peak Performance (MSc Performance Psychology)
  • Professional Skills (MSc Performance Psychology)
  • Dissertation Supervisor (MSc Performance Psychology)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

Advanced and considered PhD inquiries are welcomed in the following topics:

  • Coaching instruction/practice
  • Performing under pressure
  • Motor learning/control
  • Impact of sporting structures and policies on athlete identity, welfare, and rights

Current PhD students supervised

  • Jiang, Y. Title TBC (commenced Oct '22; supervisor)

Research summary

My primary research interests relate to:

  • optimisation of coaching instruction and practice for learning and performance.  
  • performing under pressure
  • use of technology (e.g., virtual reality) for learning and performance

Secondary interests include:

  • Impact of traditional nation-based sporting structures on athlete identity, welfare, and rights.