Dr Neill Storrar

Clinical Fellow in Medical Education

  • Centre for Medical Education

Contact details



Centre for Medical Education

Chancellor's Building, 49 Little France Crescent

Post code
EH16 4SB


Neill is a Clinical Fellow in Medical Education at the CME. He graduated from Edinburgh in 2008 and spent four years working in London before returning to Edinburgh in 2012 where he is a haematology registrar approaching the end of his training.  He is also in the second year of the MSc in Clinical Education, and is a Clinical Tutor Associate for the MBChB.

Always enthusiastic about teaching, the two-year fellowship is an opportunity to develop his experience and undertake research.

He is working on a project to promote student cooperation in learning clinical medicine.


BSc (Hons) Immunology, MBChB, MRCP, FRCPath, FHEA