Dr. Mark Miller
Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Contact details
- Email: m.miller@ed.ac.uk
I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh in August 2018. My research gravitates towards philosophy of cognitive science and neuroscience - especially affective neuroscience. I am a steadfast supporter of anything embodied, extended and enacted. For the past 4 years I have been enamoured by the Bayesian brain. My doctoral research focused specifically on "embodied predictive processing", and on all of the reasons that the predictive brain must be studied as part of the much wider system that inevitably includes the organism's body and environment.
Undergraduate teaching
Co-facilitator of Introduction to Cognitive Science (PPLS08002)
Postgraduate teaching
Co-facilitator of Advanced Topics in Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition (PHIL11038)
Co-facilitator of CogLab - Seminars in Contemporary Cognitive Science (PHIL11146)
Project activity
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Andy Clark's X-SPECT project: https://www.x-spect.org/