Dr Lingcong Meng
Lecturer in Bioanalytical/Biophysical Chemistry

Contact details
- Tel: 0131 650 4716
- Email: L.meng@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Room 261
University of Edinburgh
Joseph Black Building
David Brewster Road
EH9 3FJ - City
- Post code
Research summary
Electroanalysis, biosensors, carbon based electrodes, electrodeposition, nanoscale electrochemistry
Research Overview
My research group focuses on the understanding of electron/charge transfer process using a broad spectrum of electrochemical techniques. We employ electrochemistry, coupled with microscopic/spectroscopic techniques to understand charge transfer at interfaces. My research interests include:
- Chemical sensing and biosensing
- Understanding biological redox processes at the nanoscale
- Flexible/wearable biosensor development
- Flexible Memristor Devices Using Hybrid Polymer/Electrodeposited GeSbTe Nanoscale Thin Films, Ayoub H. Jaafar, Lingcong Meng, Tongjun Zhang, Dongkai Guo, Daniel Newbrook, Wenjian Zhang, Gillian Reid, C. H. de Groot, Philip N. Bartlett, and Ruomeng Huang, ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022 5 (12), 17711-17720 DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c03639
- A novel modification to boron-doped diamond electrode for enhanced, selective detection of dopamine in human serumm, Haichao Li, Kechao Zhou, Jun Cao, Qiuping Wei, Cheng-Te Lin, Sharel E. Pei, Li Ma, Naixiu Hu, Yaohua Guo, Zejun Deng, Zhiming Yu, Sichao Zeng, Wanlin Yang, Lingcong Meng, Carbon, 2021, 171, 16-28, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.08.019
- Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on Hierarchical Au/Ni/Boron-Doped Diamond Heterostructure Electrode for Improving Performances, Kuangzhi Zheng, Hangyu Longn, Qiuping Wei, Li Ma, Leilei Qiao, Can Li, Lingcong Meng, Cheng-Te Lin, Yunlu Jiang, Ting Zhao and Kechao Zhou, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2019 166 B373, DOI: 10.1149/2.0561906jes
- Tracking Metal Electrodeposition Dynamics from Nucleation and Growth of a Single Atom to a Crystalline Nanoparticle, Haytham E. M. Hussein, Reinhard J. Maurer, Houari Amari, Jonathan J. P. Peters, Lingcong Meng, Richard Beanland, Mark E. Newton, and Julie V. Macpherson, ACS Nano 2018 12 (7), 7388-7396, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b04089
- High resolution visualization of the redox activity of Li2O2 in non-aqueous media: conformal layer vs. toroid structure, Sharel P. E, Minkyung Kang, Paul Wilson, Lingcong Meng, David Perry, Andrew Basile ac and Patrick R. Unwin, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 3053-3056, DOI: 10.1039/C7CC09957F