Dr Lindsay Knox

Head of Teacher Development and Scholarship in Languages


As the Head of Teacher Development and Scholarship in Languages in English Language Education (ELE) at the Centre for Open Learning (COL), my role focuses on language teacher education. I lead on the development of language teacher expertise across the Centre, working with colleagues in both ELE and Languages for All (LfA).  Within this role, I also have oversight of ELE's academic language and literacies provisions for UG/PGT students in Moray House School of Education and Sports, and also for academic language and literacies courses for  PGR students across the University.

Before joining the University of Edinburgh in 2007, I worked as an English language teacher in Greece, Italy and France. 


Doctorate in Education (2023)

MSc. Applied Linguistics (2008)

MA (Hons) Modern Languages (1993)

Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2002)

RSA CTEFLA (1994)  

Responsibilities & affiliations

Co-Convenor, BALEAP Teacher Education in EAP Special Interest Group https://tedeap.wordpress.com/


Undergraduate teaching

Academic Language and Literacies for Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences (ISPEHS), MHSES

Academic Language and Literacies for MA Learning in Communities

Postgraduate teaching

MSc. Language Education, Professional Practice

Masters Supervision in Institute for Language Education (ILE), MHSES

Academic Language and Literacies for In-Sessional Study (ALLIS) for PGR students https://ele.ed.ac.uk/insession-courses/elsis/elsis-courses-pgr


Research summary

I am interested in language teacher development, in particular, how language teachers identify and pursue opportunities for professional development. 

Conference Proceedings

Knox, L., MacDiarmid, C., and Apostolidou, A. (2024)  Exploring opportunities for EAP teacher development In: 4th International EAPCRETE Conference: Options and practices of EAP, ESP and EMI multiliteracies and their pedagogical implications, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 26-28 Apr 2024, pp. 32-45. ISBN 9789609430272 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13329373)

My doctoral dissertation focused on postgraduate students pursuing academic studies in language teacher education.

Knox, L. (2023) Becoming a second language teacher: developing graduate attributes in an international landscape of academic and professional practices. EdD Thesis.


Current research interests

I am currently interested in conceptualisations of scholarship within language teacher education, specifically for English for Academic Purposes practitioners.

Project activity

Exploring opportunites for EAP Teacher Development (2024): BALEAP TEd in EAP SIG

Engagement with the discourse of professional development (2017): PTAS Project 2017


Teaching international students (2014): PTAS Project 2014





Conference details

Knox, L. & MacDiarmid, C. (2024), 'Exploring opportunities for EAP Teacher Development'. Presented at 4th International EAP Crete Conference Options and Practices of EAP, ESP and EMI, Multiliteracies & their Pedagogical Implications. 26-28 April 2024.

Knox, L.  & MacDiarmid, C. (2023), 'Introducing the Teacher Education in EAP Special Interest Group and Approaches to Teacher Education'. Presented at University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s Transformations in Context EAP Conference. 20 May 2023.

Knox, L. (2021) “Feeding back on writing feedback: an approach to observation during an online pre-sessional course”. Lightening Talk at BALEAP Conference: Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP teaching. University of Glasgow. 6 – 10 April 2021.

Knox, L., Northcott, J. and J. Paterson (2019) ‘Is learning and teaching terminology a barrier to engagement?’ Presented at Evidencing the value of learning and teaching. The University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2019..  

Invited speaker

Knox, L. (2022, 'Becoming an EAP teacher educator in a global landscape of EAP practices'. BALEAP PIM Plenary Speaker: From EAP Teacher to EAP Teacher Educator. Presented at University of Sheffield. 12 November 2022.