Dr Leah Macaden (PhD, MSc, BSc, RN, RM, SFHEA, CF, NTF, FAAN, CGNC)
Senior Lecturer & Honorary Consultant in Dementia – NHS Lothian

Contact details
- Email: lmacaden@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Nursing Studies
School of Health in Social Science
Room 2M10
The Medical School Doorway 6
Teviot Place - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
Mon - Friday [9 a.m to 5 p.m.]
Dr Leah Macaden is a senior nurse academic with over 30 years of experience including her Professorship in India’s highest-ranking College of Nursing and a WHO Collaborating Centre at the Christian Medical College with a wide range of academic, clinical, management and research expertise.
Her teaching, research and consultancy expertise include innovation and technology enabled pedagogical approaches for workforce development in the care of older people with interdisciplinary collaboration in the co - design of educational resources to support key areas in gerontological nursing: dementia; dignity, sensory impairments and end of life care with national and international reach and impact.
Leah’s strategic leadership and commitment to dementia workforce development have been endorsed by experts from NHS Education Scotland [NES] & Alzheimer Scotland. Her innovative, unique, sector leading, and award-winning education initiatives have received the following national recognition:
Education Provider of the Year: General Practice Awards, UK, 2014
Finalist - Teaching Innovation of the Year: Student Nursing Times Award, UK 2016
Finalist - Best Educational Initiative, Scotland’s Dementia Awards, 2015
Enhanced Student Learning Award: The Herald Higher Education Awards for Scotland, 2016
Leah’s research interests and expertise include nurse education & pedagogy, sensory and cognitive impairments in older people, workforce development and staff well being in care homes, end of life care and global health. She is a keen investor in building future capacity for nursing research through research mentoring and has secured three externally funded PhD studentships for dementia research competitively since 2016 and nominated as a finalist / winner as the Best Research Supervisor in the University of Stirling [2018], University of the Highlands & Islands [2021] and the University of Edinburgh [2024].
She is recognised as an expert internationally for her strategic and innovative approaches to dementia nurse higher education and workforce development both in health and social care contexts. She is a Churchill Fellow and National Teaching Fellow in the UK, Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and Certified Global Nurse Consultant in dementia, nurse education, research and co - production.
Her external invited positions include: Vice Lead of the Northern Nursing Education Network of the UArctic, Member of the International Nursing Advisory Board, Gulf Medical University, Ajman – UAE, Expert Reviewer of UAE's first Professional Practice Framework for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Graduate [2021] by the UAE Ministry of Education, Expert Reviewer of UAE's first Nursing & Midwifery Academic Professional Development Framework [2024] by the UAE Ministry of Health & Prevention and Expert Reviewer of the Graduate Programme in Nursing, Seoul National University, South Korea.

PhD, MSc [Medical & Surgical Nursing], BSc Nursing & Midwifery, RN, RM.
Senior Fellow of Advance HE, UK [SFHEA]
Churchill Fellow [CF]
National Teaching Fellow [NTF]
Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing [FAAN]
Certified Global Nurse Consultant [CGNC]
Responsibilities & affiliations
Vice - Lead of the Northern Nursing Education Network of the University of the Arctic
Invited Member of the International Nursing Advisory Board, Gulf Medical University, UAE
Expert Reviewer by the UAE Ministry of Education for their first Professional Practice Framework for the BSc Nursing Graduate
Elected Member of the Executive Committee of the Scottish Dementia Research Consortium
Invited Member - Advisory Board of the Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education
Board of Trustees, Dementia Friendly Communities, Sutherland
Postgraduate teaching
MSc Advanced Nursing
Research Methodology
Introduction and Foundations of Qualitative Research
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
- Exploring the Perceptions, Experiences, and Coping Mechanisms of Chinese Family Caregivers with Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours in People with Dementia: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Started in Sept 2024).
- PPI involvement in Dementia Research and the role of Research Ambassadors in the United States (Started in Sept 2023).
- Nurse led resuscitation in Canada (Started in Sept 2023).
- Spiritual care needs of people with advanced cancer in Ghana (Started in Sept 2023).
- Home based End of Life Care for people living with Advanced Dementia in China (Started in Sept 2023).
- Lived experience of young Omani women and their caregivers after mastectomy for breast cancer (Started in Sept 2023).
- Music, movement, and dementia: can imitative movement combined with personalised song provision contribute to communication skills and quality of relationship in dementia caregiving dyads (Started in Sept 2022).
- How might the deployment of Digital Technologies improve mental health and reduce inequalities for young people in the Highlands and Islands Region? (Due for completion in 2025).
- Meaningful activities for older adults with moderate to advanced dementia in Israel using technology (Due for completion in 2025)
Past PhD students supervised
- Ageing in Place: Exploring Perspectives and Lived Experiences of Chinese Empty Nesters and Their Adult Children Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Dec 2024 - Thesis submitted)
- Technology Enabled Dementia Education and Support (TEDES) for Health Care Professionals in Rural Scotland (2023).
- Implementation of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for Low Birth Weight (LBW) Infants along a Facility-Community Continuum in India (2021).
- Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in Tayside, Scotland, among people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes treated with insulin (2016).
Research summary
Health Profession Education
Dementia & Brain Health
Gerontological Nursing - Workforce Development
Dignity & Human Rights
Sensory Impairments in Older Adults
End of Life / Palliative care
Pedagogical Research
Technology enabled Care / Education
Health and Ethnicity
Health Risk Perceptions
Global Health & Education
Rural & Remote contexts
Current research interests
Research Consultancy Coleman R, Taylor K, Broadfoot K and Macaden L. (2024) Building A Highlands and Islands Dementia Artist Collective, The Ideas Fund, UK, [12 months]. Coleman R, Taylor K, Broadfoot K and Macaden L. (2023) A Dementia Art Festival, The Ideas Fund, UK, [12 months]. Carolan C, Macaden L, Tracey, A. and Gbakinro F. (2022) Audience of the Future – Bringing accessible, low-cost VR End of Life Care Conversations in Health and Social Care: VR Hive,[4 months]. Macaden L (2014). Consultancy Services for a project – “Chinnikum” with Diabetes UK, Scotland: Alliance for Health & Social Care, Scotland, [6 months].Knowledge exchange
Hosted as Churchill Fellow for Knowledge Exchange on Dementia Education and Gerontological Nursing Workforce Development
- School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, The United States of America [July 2019].
- School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, The United States of America [August 2019].
- School of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea [March 2024].
- School of Nursing, Gacheon University, Incheon, South Korea [March 2024].
- School of Nursing, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea [April 2024].
- College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India [April 2024].
Project activity
- Macaden L & Webster E (2023). DigniSpace: For Now, and Beyond – Creation of a MOOC, Sir Halley Stewart Trust - £20,247.10.
- Macaden L, Muirhead K & Blair S (2023). Acute Care Workforce Capacity Building for Dementia Care Excellence in NHS Lothian: A Mixed Method Study, NHS Lothian (Dementia CARC Funding) - £ 24939.00
- Macaden L (2023). Acute Care Workforce Capacity Building for Dementia Care Excellence in NHS Lothian: A Mixed Method Study, University of Edinburgh – itPA Translational Community Springboard Fund - £ 5000.00
- Beattie M, Macaden L & Gibb R (2022). Experience-based Modifications of the Bed Band ReAlised through Co-dEsign (EMBRACE). Health Innovation Fund, UHI, £ 31,392.
- Carolan C, Macaden L, Hines F & Heaney L (2022). Creating Compassionate Virtual Rural Communities to support Palliative / End of Life Care needs in the Highlands: Last Aid 2. Health Innovation Fund, UHI, £ 20,048.
- Macaden L & Beattie M (2021). Evaluation of COVID – 19 Dementia Education, The Churchill Fellowship, COVID – 19 Action Fund, £9965.
- Macaden L & Beattie M (2021). Dementia Education for Home Care, The Churchill Fellowship, COVID – 19 Action Top Up Fund, £7500.
- Schoultz M, Dickens G, Beattie M, Macaden L, Carolan C (2021). An evaluation of Psychological First Aid for improving psychological outcomes for care home teams during the COVID-19 pandemic, The RCN Foundation: £30,000.
- Beattie M, Macaden L, Carolan C, Schoultz M, MacGilleEathain R, Dingwall L & McIver A (2020). Care Home COVID Experience: SFC Research Uplift Monies: £15,000.
- Munoz SA, Grindle M, Bradley S, Heaton J, Zubala A, De Kock H, Macaden L etal (2020). Understanding the experience of the covid-19 pandemic for residents with LTCs, their families, carers and community support organisations in remote and rural areas of the Highlands and Islands: UHI COVID – 19 Call: £ 28000.
- Macaden L, Beattie M & Mantle R (2020). Training of trainers [ToT]: COVID – 19 Dementia Education for Care Homes [CODECH] Churchill Trust, COVID – 19 Action Fund, £10,000.
- Macaden L, Carolan C & Broadfoot K (2020). Creating Compassionate Virtual Rural Communities to support Palliative / End of Life Care needs in the Highlands: Last Aid 1. The Highland Hospice - £11,117.
- Watson M, Smith A, Macaden L etal, SIPA2 (2020): Improving the Pharmaceutical Care of Older People with Sensory Impairments, The Dunhill Medical Trust - £256,545.
- Tracey A, Macaden L & Smith A (2019). Does simulation of sensory and cognitive impairment in nurse education influence student nurses’ clinical practice? – Funded by the Learning & Teaching Academy Scholarship Fund - £8178.
- Mantle R, Macaden L, Webster E, Munoz, S-A, Angus N, Ellis L, Macmillan J & Hudson L (2019). Co-production of an Online Dignity Engagement Space for Nurse Education (ODESNE) - Funded by NHS Highland Research, Development & Innovation Endowment Fund - £3000.
- Macaden L, Melchiorre G, Muirhead K, Mantle R, Ditta G, Smith A & Giangreco A. (2019). Person and Relationship Centered CogniCare within the Dementia Care Triad – Funded by the Interface Standard Innovation Voucher Scheme on 15 Jan 2019 - £4993.
- Macaden L, Webster E, Munoz, S-A, Angus N, Ellis L, Macmillan J, Cunningham S, Boddie L & Hudson L (2018). Dignity Engagement Space for Nurse Education using a Human Rights based Approach – DESNEHRA Sir Halley Stewart Trust - £ 62,447.
- Macaden L, Washington M, Smith A & Mony P (2015). Development of Continuing Professional Development Programme for Registered Nurses. Healthcare Partnership Scheme between UoS & St John’s Research Institute, Bangalore India. Tropical Health & Education Trust (THET) - £6770
- T Kroll T, Watson M, Macaden L, Smith A & Stoddart K (2015). Sensory impaired person’s access to pharmaceutical care services, Chief Scientist Office, Scotland - £161,047
Externally Funded PhD Studentship Grants (2016 – 2022) as Principal Supervisor / Co Supervisor
- England J, Munoz SA & Macaden L [2022]. Music, movement, and dementia: can imitative movement combined with personalised song provision contribute to communication skills and quality of relationship in dementia caregiving dyads (2022), Alzheimer Society - £78,155: Co Supervisor
- Mantle R, Macaden L & Smith A [2018]. Bringing the Virtual into Reality: Immersive Virtual Environment Technology and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia in Rural Settings: An Action Research Project, City Region Deal PhD Studentship, University of the Highlands & Islands: Principal Supervisor - £200,000.
- Macaden L, Muirhead K, Clarke CL & Smyth K [2018]. Technology Enabled Dementia Education and Support (TEDES) for Health Care Professionals in Rural Scotland (2017) – funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds. Jointly supervised by University of the Highlands & Islands & University of Edinburgh - £ 124,157: Principal Supervisor
- Macaden L & Washington MV [2016]. Operational Research on Uptake of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for Low Birth Weight (LBW) Infants along a Facility-Community Continuum in a selected Sub District of Northern Karnataka, India funded by the University of Stirling International Impact Fellowship - £55,000: Principal Supervisor.
Invited speaker
- Macaden L, Tracey A, Jessiman W & Muirhead K (2022). Best Practice in Nurse Education & Research during COVID – 19, International Webinar, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman,
- Macaden L, Smith A. Tracey A. & Walters R (2020). Low Fidelity Simulation on Sensory Impairments in Older Adults: Invited Webinar Presentation at the World Healthcare Simulation Week hosted by the Deanship of Postgraduate Education, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Macaden L (2020). Dementia Enhanced Nurse Education to Promote Excellence: Invited Webinar Presentation at the International Day of Older Persons on NurseS: Caring for Older Persons [N – SCOPE], hosted by The Department of Nursing & Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bengaluru, India, 03 October 2020
- Macaden L (2020). Transforming Nurse Education. The Asian Institute of Nursing Education, Assam, Guwahati, India.
- Macaden L (Nov 2024). Not for me but with me: Partnering with Participants & Codesigning International Conference on Transforming Healthcare Care: Expanding the Research Horizon in Nursing, Nurse Researchers’ Society for Innovations, India.
- Macaden L (Feb 2024). Key Note Speaker: National Webinar on Clinical Nurses Engaging in Research – A Road Map, Gleneagles Hospitals & Association of Nurse Executives, India.
- Macaden L (Oct 2023). Key Note Speaker on Digital Health & Innovations in Education & Healthcare, International Conference on Allied Health Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman.
- Macaden L, Tracey A, Jessiman W & Muirhead K (2022). Best Practice in Nurse Education & Research during COVID – 19, International Webinar, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
- Macaden L, Smith A. Tracey A. & Walters R (2020). Low Fidelity Simulation on Sensory Impairments in Older Adults: Invited Webinar Presentation at the World Healthcare Simulation Week hosted by the Deanship of Postgraduate Education, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Macaden L (2020). Dementia Enhanced Nurse Education to Promote Excellence: Invited Webinar Presentation at the International Day of Older Persons on NurseS: Caring for Older Persons [N – SCOPE], hosted by The Department of Nursing & Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Bengaluru, India, 03 October 2020
- Macaden L (2020). Transforming Nurse Education. The Asian Institute of Nursing Education, Assam, Guwahati, India.
- Macaden L (2020). Scope of Nursing. D Y Patil University, Mumbai, India.
Papers delivered
- Beattie M, Gibb R, Macaden L, Muirhead K, Ross F (Oct 2023). Experience-based Modifications of the Bed Band ReAlised through Co-dEsign (EMBRACE) Project. Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Rayjavik Iceland. Poster Presentation.
- Beattie M, Carolan C, Macaden L, MacIver A, Dingwall L, MacGilleEathain R & Schoultz M (Oct 2023).Care home workers experiences of stress and coping during COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study, Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Macaden L, Muirhead K, Beattie M (Oct 2023) Evaluation of a novel bichronous online approach for Dementia workforce development, Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Macaden L, Ellis L, Douglas S, Webster E, Munoz, S-A, Angus N, Macmillan J, Cunningham S, Boddie L, Hudson L & Longmuir M (Oct 2023). Students As Co Designers: The Story Behind Dignispace, Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Welsh T, Jacob SA, Macaden L, Smith A, Fuzesi P, Broadfoot K, Lennon M & Watson M (Sept 2023). The burden of managing medicines for older people with sensory impairment: an Ethnographically informed study: Oral presentation at the19th International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), Helsinki, Finland.
- Beattie M, Muirhead K, Gibb R, Ross F, Macaden L (Sept 2023). Experience-based Modifications of the Bed Band ReAlised through Co-dEsign (EMBRACE) Project. RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Manchester, Poster Presentation.
- Wang Y, Macaden L., & Kerr N. (2023) Ageing in Place: Experiences of Empty-Nest Elderly in China, RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2023, Manchester, September 2023 •
- Wang Y, Macaden L., & Kerr N. (2023) Ageing in Place: Experiences of Empty-Nest Elderly in China, School of Health in Social Sciences Annual PGR Conference: Bouncing Back Together, Edinburgh, May 2023
- Beattie M, Carolan C, Macaden L, MacIver A, Dingwall L, MacGilleEathain R & Schoultz M (2022).Care Home Workers’ Experience of Stress and Coping during the COVID 19 Pandemic, Poster Presentation: NHS Highland RD&I Conference, Inverness, Scotland.
- Fuzesi P, Broadfoot K, Lennon M, Welsh T , Jacob SA , Macaden L, Smith2 & Watson M (2022). Unseen and Unheard - Polypharmacy, 50th European Society of Clinical Pharmacy Symposium: Polypharmacy & Ageing, Prague.
- Watson M & Macaden L (2022). Workshop on Older Adults and Sensory Impairment Older people with sensory impairment and their medicine management needs - 50th European Society of Clinical Pharmacy Symposium: Polypharmacy & Ageing, Prague.
- Macaden L, Tracey A, Jessiman W & Muirhead K (2022). Best Practice in Nurse Education & Research during COVID – 19, International Webinar, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
- Beattie M, Schoultz M, Macaden L & Carolan C (2021). Exploring the Stress and Coping Experiences of Nurses and Care Workers in a Care Home Setting During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Mental Health Nursing Research Conference (Virtual) Royal College of Nursing, UK.
- Macaden L, Mantle R & Andrews L (2020). Building Cognitive Bridges on Dementia for Undergraduate Nurse Education: Empowering future agents of change for Dementia Care Excellence, Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference, 2020, Singapore.
- Macaden L, Muirhead K, Melchiorre G, Mantle R, Ditta G & Giangreco A (2020), Relationship-centred CogniCare: an academic–digital–dementia care experts interface, Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference, 2020, Singapore.
- Macaden L (2020). Igniting the Spark: Dementia Enhanced Nurse Education to Promote Excellence: Invited Presentation at Nightingale 2020, International Year of the Nurse & Midwife, Oct 2020- Chosen as one of the top 10 abstracts out of 900 submissions.
- Washington M, Macaden L, Smith A, Selvam S, Mony PK (2024). An exploration of the support received by mothers for Kangaroo Mother Care practice along the health facility-community continuum – an operational research study in a sub-district of Northern Karnataka, India - PLOS One [Accepted on 30 July 2024].
- Yin G, Macaden L, Sivaramakrishnan D, Wang Y, Zhu L, Chong H (2024). Home-Based End-of-Life Care for Patients with Dementia: A Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence – Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice [Accepted on 06 Dec 2024].
- Fuzesi P, Broadfoot K, Lennon M, Jacob SA , Macaden L, ... Watson MC [2024]. The burden of managing medicines for older people with sensory impairment: an ethnographically-informed study – doi: 10.1177/23337214241253410
- Beattie M, Muirhead K, Gibb R, Ross F & Macaden L [2024]. Experience-based Modifications of the Bed Band ReAlised through Co-dEsign (EMBRACE) BMJ Open Quality ;13:e002614. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002614
- Schoultz M, Mcgrogan C, Carolan C, Macaden L & Beattie M [2024]. Exploring barriers to care home research recruitment during the COVID-19 pandemic: The influence of social media recruitment posts and public sentiment – https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0303609
- Macaden L, Muirhead K. Dementia Education for Workforce Excellence: Evaluation of a Novel Bichronous Approach. Healthcare. 2024; 12(5):590. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12050590
- Watson M, Lennon M, Macaden L, Smith A, Jacob S, Welsh T, ... Kamalakannan S. (2024). The SIPA2 Study: Exploring the Pharmaceutical Care Needs of Older People with Sensory Impairment (Opwsi). Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, (2), doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2023.09.017
- Fuzesi P, Broadfoot K, Lennon M, Jacob S, Macaden L, Smith A, ... Watson M. (2023). An ethnographic exploration of the medicine use of community dwelling older adults with sensory impairment in Scotland. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, (7), doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2023.04.056
- Washington M, Macaden L, Smith A, Selvam S, Mony PK (2023). The determinants of Kangaroo Mother Care uptake for small babies along the health facility-community continuum – An operational research study in a sub-district of Karnataka, India. Global Health: Science & Practice, https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-22-00457.
- Cooper L, Fuzesi P, Jacob SA, Kamalakannan S, Lennon M, Macaden L, Smith A, Welsh T, Broadfoot K, Watson MC (2023). Assistive technologies and strategies to support the medication management of individuals with hearing and/or visual impairment: A scoping review. Disability & Health, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101500.
- Beattie M, Carolan C, Macaden L, Maciver A, Dingwall L, Macgilleeathain R, Schoultz M (2023). Care home workers experiences of stress and coping during COVID‐19 pandemic: A mixed methods study. Nursing Open, https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1335
- den Daas, C., Johnston, M., Hubbard, G., Dixon, D., Cristea, M., Davis, A., Dobbie, F., Fitzgerald, N., Fleming, L., Fraquharson, B. Gorely, T. and Macaden L (2023). An experimental COVID‐19 messaging study in a representative sample of the Scottish population: Increasing physical distancing intentions through self‐efficacy. British Journal of Health Psychology, 28(2), pp.439-450.
- Schoultz M, McGrogan C, Beattie M, Macaden L, Carolan C, Dickens GL (2022) Uptake and effects of psychological first aid training for healthcare workers’ wellbeing in nursing homes: A UK national survey. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277062. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277062
- Macaden L, Broadfoot K, Carolan C, Muirhead K, Neylon S, Keen J. (2022) Last Aid Training Online: Participants’ and Facilitators’ Perceptions from a Mixed-Methods Study in Rural Scotland. Healthcare 10, 918. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10050918
- Schoultz M, McGrogan C, Beattie M, Macaden L, Carolan C, Dickens G. (2022) Psychological First Aid for workers in care and nursing homes: Systematic review, BMC Nursing, 21, 96. https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-022-00866-6
- Muirhead K, Macaden L, Smyth K, Chandler C, Clarke CL, Polson R, O’Malley CT (2022). The Characteristics of Effective Technology-enabled Dementia Education: A Systematic Review and Mixed Research Synthesis https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-021-01866-4
- P Fuzesi, K Broadfoot, M Lennon, T Welsh, SA Jacob, L Macaden, A Smith, M Watson (2022). Unseen and unheard: polypharmacy, older adults and sensory impairment. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy;44(6):148
- Muirhead K, Macaden L, Smyth K, Chandler C, Clarke CL, Polson R, O’Malley CT (2021). Establishing the Effectiveness of Technology-enabled Dementia Education for Health and Social Care Practitioners: A Systematic Review. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-021-01781-8.
- Walters R, Macaden L, Tracey A & Smith, A. (2021) Low Fidelity Simulation on Sensory Impairments in Older Adults: Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Self-Reported Perceptions on Learning. Open Journal of Nursing, 11, 89-103. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2021.113009.
- Macaden L (2020). Nursing Research in India: Keeping Pace or Time to Catch up? The Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education 21(1), p.6.
- Macaden L, Muirhead K, Melchiorre G, Mantle R, Ditta G & Giangreco A. (2020), "Relationship-centred CogniCare: an academic–digital–dementia care experts interface", Working with Older People, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 73-83. https://doi.org/10.1108/WWOP-05-2020-0016
- Smith A, Macaden L, Kroll T, Alhusein N, Taylor A, Killick K, Stoddart K, Watson M (2019). A qualitative exploration of the experiences of older people with sensory impairment on their pharmaceutical care journey. Age and Ageing, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afz092
- Muirhead K, Macaden L, Clarke CL, Smyth K, Polson R, O’Malley CT (2019). The characteristics of effective technology enabled dementia education for health and social care practitioners: Protocol for a mixed studies systematic review. Systematic Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-019-1212-4
- Mathews R, O'Malley C, Hall JM, Macaden L & MacRury S (2019). Diabetes, Care Homes, and the Influence of Technology on Practice and Care Delivery in Care Homes: Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis. JMIR Diabetes 4(2): https://diabetes.jmir.org/2019/2/e11526. DOI: 10.2196/11526; PMID: 31008705
- Smith A, Macaden L, Washington M, Mony P, John V and Dias F. (2018). Achieving Consensus on Continuing Professional Development Priorities for Registered Nurses in Rural and Remote India through Nominal Group Technique. Open Journal of Nursing, 8, 848-859. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2018.811064.
- Alhusein N, Killick K, Macaden L, Smith A, Stoddart K, Taylor A, Kroll T & Watson M (2018). “We’re really not ready for this”: A Qualitative Exploration of Community Pharmacy Personnel’s Perspectives on the Pharmaceutical Care of Older People with Sensory Impairment, Disability and Health Journal. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2018.10.006.
- Alhusein N, Killick K, Macaden L, Smith A, Stoddart K, Taylor A, Kroll T & Watson M (2018). “Has she seen me?” A multiple methods study of the pharmaceutical care needs of older people with Sensory impairment. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/8/e023198
- Smith A, Shepherd A, Macaden L & Macleod K (2018). Raising awareness of sensory impairment among community nurses: a brief intervention in a remote island setting. Rural and Remote Health Journal.
- Killick K, Macaden L, Smith A, Kroll T, Stoddart K. & Watson MC (2018). A scoping review of the pharmaceutical care needs of people with sensory loss. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. https://doi:10.1111/ijpp.12456
- Macaden L, Smith A & Croy S (2017). Simulation on Sensory Impairments in Older Adults: A Pedagogical Initiative in Nursing Education. British Journal of Nursing, 26 (19), 1057 – 64. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2017.26.19.1057
- Macaden L, Washington M, Smith A, Thooya V, Selvam SP, George N & Mony PK (2017) Continuing Professional Development: Needs, Facilitators and Barriers of Registered Nurses in India in Rural and Remote Settings: Findings from a Cross Sectional Survey. Open Journal of Nursing, 7:8. http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJN/
- Jamieson J & Macaden L (2017). Using the Six Senses to enrich care – Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 6 (2), 31 – 34.
- Macaden L, Kyle R, Medford W, Blundell J, Munoz S – A & Webster E (2017). Student nurses' perceptions of dignity in the care of older people. British Journal of Nursing, 26 (5), 274 -80.
- Kyle RG, Medford W, Blundell J, Webster E, Munoz S - A & Macaden L (2017). Learning and unlearning dignity in care: Experiential and experimental educational approaches. Nurse Education in Practice, 25, 50-56.
- Munoz S - A, Macaden L, Kyle R, & Webster E (2016). Revealing student nurses' perceptions of human dignity through curriculum co-design. Social Science & Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.12.011
- Macaden L (2016). Being Dementia Smart (BDS): A Dementia Nurse Education Journey in Scotland. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. Volume 13, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 1548-923X, ISSN (Print) 2194-5772, DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2015-0019.
- Guest Editor [2023], Special Issue on Dementia Caregivers’ Wellbeing: Challenges and Opportunities, Health Care Journal, MDPI.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education
- Member of the Editorial Board – Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health